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Tape Talk | Investing, Business, Wealth, and Your Money
Take control of your money so you can take control of your life!

Summer Market Update

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel break down this week's happenings in financial markets. Is Italy set to weigh on Europe (and the world)? Are the new tariffs good for markets? Where is there opportunity lurking now? Trade Scuffle The White House was out his week with fresh news on tariffs. The new proposal targeted countries that would have been exempt in the prior round, with Europe and Canada being affected by the 25% steel and 10% aluminum price protection. Domestic producers of the metals reacted positively to the news on Thursday while users of the commodities faced headwinds. We'll look at what this means for markets and trade going forward. Italy, Arrabiata! Italy was all over the headlines this week after a breakdown in the country's political landscape raised questions about their future in the Eurozone. If the populist party gains strength in this year's elections investors will be forced to consider a possible departure for the country from the Euro. This caused Italian debt yields to spike and stocks to retreat for fear of contagion. We discuss whether investors need worry or if this news is all headlines. All About The Fins The litmus test for where the markets are headed in the near term just might be financial stocks. While not as glamorous as the often talked about tech stocks (we're looking at you FANG!) the financial sector often serves as the foundation for the rest of the market. In fact, it was this sector that was the first to turn lower before the Great Recession. We'll dive into what the sector is doing here, what level might concern us, and what it all means for the market. Small Caps and Energy Look Rosy Volatility isn't always a bad thing, it works to the upside too! There are a few areas that seem to be moving higher even as recent headlines point to headwinds for the market. Small caps, for instance, broke out to new highs even while the S&P still stands over 5% off its high. Also, as oil has been trending higher, energy stocks have rejoined the party and made some recent gains. We discuss these two areas and whether they might present an opportunity to investors or just a well-crafted trap.

23 Mar 07:49

Is Social Security on Life Support?

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, we consider the recent headlines about Social Security. Is this program, that millions of Americans rely on, in jeopardy or is the news just static? Headlines Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this week's show we start off with some of the week's biggest headlines! Twitter (TWTR) is in the news this week after the stock extended its recent rally with the news that it would be replacing Monsanto in the S&P 500 Index. We look beyond the price action and consider what this means for investors. For instance, this may be a prime example of the index momentum factor. Every S&P index investor who may have never owned Twitter in the past will now own this company that was already up 60% year to date before the news. And, as more money goes into index funds more shares will be bought thus providing additional demand for the stock that might not have been there otherwise. This doesn't mean it has to go higher forever but simply a good example of the effects of index investing on the wider market. AT&T (T) was downgraded this week on continued concerns of cable cutting affecting its entertainment subscription business. While this is not new news it did send the stock lower initially before later recovering. We'll take a look at the recent move lower in the stock and consider what this might mean for investors, especially the dividend investors typically attracted to this telecom stock. Is there an opportunity here to buy a decent yield at a good price or is this a dividend trap that investors should avoid? How Social Security Works With the news out this week that social security is going to dip into its trust fund reserves for the first time in decades, it may be a good idea to get on the same page of how this program works for the wide population of Americans who depend on it. For instance, while many know that they fund the program through their paychecks, few know where this money goes or how it's invested once it gets there. Furthermore, we need to explore what the potential headwinds for this type of program might be before we can discuss some potential solutions going forward. What Does This Mean To You? It's no secret that social security has had some issues coming down the road for some time now. In fact, it's often a hot topic around Washington and Congress that something must be done yet little ever happens. This is why we'll take some time to review some of the key issues surrounding this social program and how they might be resolved. Think you have the solution for fixing the social security program? Check out this neat tool by the CRFB to see how your ideas might play out. Social Security Ref

23 Mar 07:49

Bull Market Missteps

On this week's episode of Tape Talk we discuss some of the big mistakes investors can make in a bull market. After all, it's not just bear markets that cause people to lose money.  Headlines In the news this week is the Federal Reserve who raised rates once again, to a range of 1.75-2.00%. The news release included a forecast for the Fed's consensus of two more rate hikes this year. However, the market doesn't believe the Fed here and sees only one rate hike left on the table before year's end. Why the disconnect?  Misstep 1 - Equating a Bull Market with Intelligence One of the biggest misstep investors make during the run-up of a bull market is thinking that the changing value in their investments is directly related to their intelligence and market savvy. This is a dangerous position to take! One of the powerful elements of a market that trends higher is that many of the underlying companies go along for the ride. Therefore, if you're making money in a bull market, it might just be more the market's fault than yours. Misstep 2 - Underestimating Momentum The saying among traders goes, "the trend is your friend." Still many an investor has sold their investment for modest gains only to see it tick higher for weeks, months, and years to come. Others investors have taken a contrarian view of the market and waited in cash because it's simply "too high." The fact is the trend is the trend until it ends. Understanding that momentum is a powerful force that will often keep things moving in a general direction is an important part of capitalizing on bull market trends. Misstep 3 - Not Knowing When It's Changed No trend has yet to go on forever without some significant pullback. Therefore, regardless of the time frame you're utilizing for your investments it is important to identify and understand what signals a change of character for the trend you're in. We typically utilize a group of both technical and fundamental indicators to review the market's trend as a whole. However, regardless of what you use, it's important to identify what the current trend is and when you think it might be coming to an end. Misstep 4 - Not Rebalancing The market moves in cycles and assets classes, sectors, and different individual companies can often provide levels of diversification and risk mitigation. However, getting the full benefit of this diversification means taking funds from your outperforming assets and adding them to some currently underperforming assets. It can be difficult! But, when the trend changes and rotation takes place, a proper rebalance may just help you capitalize on new trends and opportunities. 

23 Mar 07:49

Navigating Medicare

The world of Medicare can be complex and overwhelming. On this week’s Tape Talk Quint takes a break from the norm and sits down with independent Medicare insurance professional Kim Milner to discuss the various Medicare options seniors have when they become eligible for benefits.

23 Mar 07:49

June 2018 Market Update

On this week's episode of Tape Talk Quint takes a look at the recent action in the financial markets to examine what's going on under the hood. Is the recent end of quarter weakness an indication of what's in store for the remaining summer months? Are financial stocks broadcasting something about the overall market? With international stocks down is it time to increase exposure?

23 Mar 07:49

5 Ways to Manage Risk

On this week's episode of Tape Talk we're talking about risk, specifically how to manage it! We'll explore five different approaches you can use in your investment life to help manage your risk. 1. Use Stops One of the key ways to provide some risk protection when investing is to have a plan which includes predetermined levels at which you would exit and reassess your investments. This technique is referred to as a "stop" level. Whether you utilize an order placed in the market or a mental line at which you'll personally execute the order this technique allows you to go into an investment with an estimate of your initial risk should your thesis not pan out. 2. Take Profits Exiting a position isn't reserved only for investments moving lower. If you are trading with a plan there may come a time when an investment has appreciated significantly and the wisest thing to do may be taking a portion of those profits to diversify elsewhere. Utilizing this strategy helps to ensure no one position becomes significantly overweighted at the top of its trend while also freeing up capital to be used for new opportunities.  3. Don't Fear Cash After taking profits, you'll be left with some cash in your account, this is nothing to fear. Cash is a resource to be deployed into an opportunity, not a burden to be relieved as quickly as possible. An important element of risk management is to avoid fear and anxiety over holding cash. When the correct opportunity comes along, this stockpile will allow you to move on something that others may miss. 4. Understand Your "Live" Risk Your live risk is an important element of your investment portfolio. This level is best defined as the total risk from all of your investments. So, simply take the difference between the market price and the stop level of each position you hold and add this number for all your positions together, the total is your live risk. If every one of your positions were to revert to your stop levels, and you could exit at that price, this is the amount of your potential loss. Know this number, accept it, and ensure it doesn't keep you up at night. 5. Be Aware of Your Emotions Emotions are a part of life. However, when unchecked these emotions can begin to overrule the plan you put in place. When volatility strikes or boredom sets in different emotions may begin to creep into your investment strategy. It's important to identify these, assess if anything in your plan has really changed, and make changes only if they're truly prudent. By carefully separating emotions from actual changing criteria in your plan you may save yourself a few investing missteps. 

23 Mar 07:49

6 Steps to Financial Freedom

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint talks through six important steps to take towards financial freedom. Listen in to find out how to get and stay on the road to your own financial well-being. 1. What's the Goal? Do you have a goal or objective for your finances? If not, what are you working towards? Without a written out goal, it's almost impossible to develop a plan. The goal of financial freedom is not just to have more. Rather, there should be something specific you're trying to accomplish that will help you stay focused when the journey gets tough. 2. Know Where It Goes! Where has your money been going? If you're running out of money before running out of month it's very likely you have no idea. It's time to start tracking where those dollars go every month. It doesn't have to be complicated but it does need to be a system you can stick to. So, start now, keep track of where every dollar goes so you can start identifying the opportunities for change. 3. Create A Budget Once you know where your money is going, it's time to start telling it where you want it to go from now on. A budget is simply a plan for your spending. Instead of letting your money slip away each month you take the responsibility and put in the effort to make your plan a reality.  4. Find and Allocate Extra Now that you have a budget you can create margin. What's margin? It's the extra money you have that doesn't "have" to be spent. This is the amount you can allocate to debt or savings. Work ruthlessly to find the extra in your budget and begin telling it where to go from now on rather than just letting it slip away. 5. Snowball Your Debt Sure, it makes mathematical sense to pay down your highest interest rate debts first. However, what may work best mentally is seeing the number of your debts evaporate quicker. To do this you need to use the snowball approach. To do this, pay off the smallest debt first, then use that extra money to add to your next smallest, and so on. Pretty soon your snowball is growing and you'll be paying significant amounts towards your largest debt. 6. Be Patient Your personal finances are less exciting than watching grass grow in the desert. However, what distinguishes the people who succeed from those that don't is often patience and perseverance. The changes you make won't drastically change your situation overnight. However, with every prudent brick you lay you are creating your own road to financial freedom.

23 Mar 07:49

Tech Stocks Stumble

On this week's Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel examine the recent action in the stock market and the varied reactions to the earnings coming out of the technology sector. Alphabet (Google) Early in the week Alphabet, the parent company of Google, set the mood for the week on a very positive note. Showing solid growth on both the top and bottom lines, there was a lot for investors to love. The stock moved higher in the following day's trade and gave investors hope for the rest of the tech titans' earnings. Facebook Investors clearly thought Facebook would follow in the steps of it's rival Alphabet. Facebook rallied in the days leading up to its earnings report, closing at all-time highs just before the quarterly report was due to be released. Unfortunately, its fate would not be the same as Alphabet. After Facebook reported slowing user growth and slimming margins the stock was crushed in after-hours trading, the carnage lasted into the next day and left the company with its largest single-day loss ever. Mood Shift The Facebook earnings set-off a mood shift in the technology stock growth area of the market. The sector that could previously do no wrong looks to be coming under pressure for the time being as investors are forced to reassess their assumptions about growth in this space going forward. Revisit the Plan Pullbacks in the market, whether they come from individual stocks, sectors, or the market as a whole, should not send investors into an immediate panic. Instead, it should be a time for reflection and revisiting your financial plan. It's a time to ensure your allocation is aligned with your goals and that you've been honest with yourself on the risk you're willing to take. In the long run, sticking to the plan is the one investment that may just pay dividends in both market rallies and market fits.

23 Mar 07:49

What's Happening In Real Estate? (With Kelly Karls)

On this week's episode of Tape Talk we check in with Lexington area's "Queen of Real Estate" Kelly Karls! We'll discuss some of the recent headlines impacting the housing market and whether investors should believe them. Headlines Before we get into this week's topic we take a look at some of the headlines making waves First, social stocks through a tantrum but Apple rallies to new highs. What does this recent action mean for the markets? Should index investors be concerned about the large influence these technology stocks have on their portfolio? Then, it's all about the Fed, or the FOMC to be more specific. The Fed was out this week with its latest rate decision and left rates unchanged, as expected. However, fed funds futures point to a high likelihood of two more rate increases this year while many on the street expect only one. We'll take a look at why this is and more. Real Estate Update You don't have to have sold or bought a house recently to know that the real estate market seems to have been firing on all cylinders. It seems like over recent months many of the key headlines in the financial news have been the rocketing prices of homes, especially in the nation's hottest markets. However, the mood of headlines seems to have suddenly shifted in the past month. There's talk of a "crash" in southern California's housing market. There's also an indication that some buyers are finding home ownership to be not all they imagined it would be. We'll dive into the headlines with local agent, and Lexington's Queen of Real Estate, Kelly Karls. In addition to discussing the headlines, Kelly also talks about some of the key things buyers and sellers need to be thinking about in today's market!

23 Mar 07:49

Turkey Trips the Market

The headlines in the news this week are all about Turkey. On this week's Tape Talk we dive into the recent drama and explore why it seems to be impacting markets here in the US. Emerging Markets Dive The news of Turkey's war of words and tariffs with the United States set off a massive currency slide for the country. In the course of months, the Turkish Lira plummeted nearly 50%. An aggravator of the problem for the country is its foreign currency denominated debt. This debt, which is repaid in a currency other than its own, is causing currency moves to have disastrous effects for both the country which must now pay more and for the debt holders who face increasing default risk on their investment. Contagion Watch Markets might not just be worried about Turkey here. Since the exposure to the country's currency and debt may reach far and wide, Wall Street must contend with what the potential fallout of an expanding crisis might be. This is the action investors are seeing transposed into the financial markets with the recent volatility as managers attempt to assess and position for the potential risks to spread beyond borders. Under the Hood So, how does an investment manager navigate through such tumultuous times? Quint and Daniel give a look into some of the methods they use to manage clients' investments as well as their own.

23 Mar 07:49

What's in a Sector?

On this week's Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the upcoming GICS sector shift. After all, what's really in a sector? Headlines The S&P 500 made headlines this week with a move to new intra-day highs. Many news outlets reported this new milestone as a win for the bulls by citing the longest bull market in history starting from the 2009 market lows. However, Quint dissects the numbers and examines what's happened during this time. Has it really been nine years of sunshine and rainbows? Or, have there been some notable corrections along the way that statisticians aren't quite giving credit for? What's A Sector? Markets are divided. In fact, stocks are grouped according to various similarities. First, the numerous public companies are broken into similar sectors, 11 in total. Then, these are broken further into industry groups. While this might all seem like simple semantics, sector and industry classifications actually can have an impact on investors and markets. For instance, companies in certain sectors tend to mirror each other's price movement due to sector-based investing. Also, certain sectors can become heavily influential in the indices as they steadily grow in size with the technology sector being the latest example as it creeps near 30% of the S&P 500 make-up. Change Is Afoot! Sectors are never truly static, as companies ebb and flow over time. However, investors are on the eve of one of the biggest changes to the sector landscape in recent history. At the end of September, the GICS classification for numerous stocks will change. At this time, many stocks which were previously classified as technology or consumer discretionary will be shifted to a new communications sector which steps in to replace what was the telecom sector. While many people won't notice a change in the day to day markets it does have ripple effects for some investors. Opportunity in the Noise. There are times when investors can cut through some of the market noise and find opportunities lurking beneath the larger headlines.  Quint walks through what he sees as one such example this week by looking at the iShares telecom ETF (IYZ) which will not be shifting to the new methodology. He'll walk through how this name appeared on our radar and lay out how we add an investment like this into our overall portfolio. Important to note, clients of Joule Financial own the iShares telecom ETF (IYZ).

23 Mar 07:49

Trumping up NAFTA

On this week's shortened episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel take a look at the recent developments in trade agreements and what the market's reaction has been. Mexico Deals Mexico worked with the US to come to some agreeable terms on trade early in the week. The news got markets moving higher as concerns of the worst case scenario on North American trade deals subsided. While the news wasn't necessarily all good for industrial and automotive industries these names quickly rallied on the news before giving up the gains later in the week as the buzz wore off.  Canada Stalls While Mexico showed a willingness to work with Trump's administration on a deal, our neighbors to the north seemed reluctant to offer a handshake on any terms being discussed. As the Friday deadline approached for an agreement to be made all indications pointed to no progress on the northern front.  Financials Back in Play? After an underwhelming year for financial stocks, the recent market rally seems to have brought the sector back to life! Find out what's happening in this key sector and why it might matter for your portfolio. 

23 Mar 07:49

Interview with Coach Mark Blythe

Mark Blythe may be one of the most decorated college athletes to emerge from the University of Kentucky. From humble beginnings in Lexington Kentucky, Blythe went on to be a stand out baseball player at UK during the mid-1980s. This week Tape Talk Radio takes a break from the markets and economic reviews to talk about all things sports and life. Among his many honors, Blythe was recognized as a First Team All-SEC Selection in 1989 and still holds the records for 9th all-time home runs and 12th all-time RBIs for the Wildcats. In addition to his athletic prowess, Blythe was the first athlete, male or female, any sport, any school to make the SEC All-Academic Team 4 years in a row. After graduating with honors in 1988, Blythe completed his master's degree in Administration before a short stint with Deloitte and Touche. In 1997 Blythe joined the Lexington Fire Department where he serves still today. Shortly after graduating Blythe began coaching youth through a variety of outlets and can be found at Champions Sports in Nicholasville on a daily basis instructing youth in the areas of hitting, pitching and all around life skills. It was an absolute pleasure to sit with Coach Blyth and discuss his past successes as long as his current view of the challenges facing youth today. Don’t miss the opportunity to pull up a chair and eavesdrop on this general conversation as you’re sure to gain a few morsels of wisdom along the way.

23 Mar 07:49

Tariff Tango

On this week's Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel dive into the continuing headlines on the US/China trade war to discuss whether these tariffs are everything the headline make them out to be. Tariff Tracker The trade war was in the news again this week as the White House announced $200B in tariffs on Chinese imports to the US. The back and forth in this trade war has become so regular that it's actually becoming difficult to track what tariffs we already knew about and which ones are actually new news. Daniel is keeping an eye on the Tariff Tracker for clues while Quint breaks down why the headlines make be making too much about the potential impacts of the recent updates. Buying the China Dip Quint and Daniel break down a recent investment in the Chinese large-cap ETF (FXI) which might seem against the grain with the recent turbulent headlines. However, Quint looks at both the technical and fundamental reasons why Joule has decided to wade into this particular area of the investment world. Medicare Open Enrollment Taking a break from the headlines, Quint and Daniel talk with Kim Milner about the upcoming Medicare enrollment period about what enrollees need to know during this season. Is Your Risk Right? When it comes to your financial plan, success often comes down to managing risks. Quint and Daniel preview a new technology that Joule is implementing in the coming months which will help investors get a more complete view of the risk level in their portfolio. After all, lining up your risk requirement with your risk temperament is critical to the success of your financial plan.

23 Mar 07:49

Getting Risky

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Danie dive into the topic of risk. What is risk? Why is it important? How should investors handle the risks they take? Headlines Before diving into the title topic, Quint and Daniel peruse this week's headlines. The Federal Reserve raised their headline interest rate by 0.25% this week which may put pressure on other market interest rates. More interestingly though was how the market digested the news. Amazon causes headaches for yet another retailer as Bed, Bath, & Beyond reports abysmal earnings but what's lurking under the surface? Risk Defined When talking about risk, investors commonly use the idea of risk and volatility interchangeably. However, this might not be the best idea. Traditionally, volatility is understood the positive and negative moves in an investors portfolio. In contrast, risk it the potential for an investor to not have that portfolio meet its goals. Therefore, volatility is an element of risk but there are other elements as well. We dive this week into what investors need to know about risk to keep working towards achieving their goals. Risk Temperament vs Risk Requirement Two key elements of risk investors need to be aware of is their risk requirement and their risk temperament. An investor's risk requirement is the volatility and uncertainty they must take on in an effort to achieve their goals. Their risk temperament is the amount of risk they are actually capable of taking on and still being able to eat or sleeping at night. Ensuring these two measures of risk are aligned is important for the overall success of an investor's goals. Measuring Risk For a long time, we've calculated risk requirement when working with clients on their financial plans and assessed their risk temperament through conversation and fact-finding. Now, though, we're excited to introduce a new technology to our planning services that will help clients quantify the risk most suitable for their temperament as well as update it as need. If you are interested in getting started with finding your risk number and whether your portfolio is correctly allocated for it click below to get started. Analyze Your Risk Here!

23 Mar 07:49

Navigating Turbulent Yields

On this week's Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review the current moves in interest rates and what that means to investors' portfolios. Headlines Before diving into this week's meat and potatoes we take a look at some of the headlines this week and some updates we've been making in the portfolios. Last week's jobs report was decently solid news. By and large, people who want jobs are finding them and people who have jobs are seeing increases in wages. However, since the news hit the headlines the stock market has suffered. We discuss what might be behind this "sell the news" event. While stocks have traded lower, bond yields have actually risen. We examine what this has to do with the recent trade wars and where yields may be heading from here. Yields Breakout While interest rates rallied earlier in the year they have traded in a solid range since then. However, over the past couple weeks, long-term yields such as the 10-year treasury have managed to break out to the upside. Moving from 3.00% to 3.20% may not sound like a big difference but we'll take a look at how this small change can have big ripple effects. How Yields Affect You The changing environment in yields doesn't just affect Wall Street, banks, and big corporations. We are all exposed to changes in interest rates in various places in our financial life. We'll examine a few of the key things investors need to be mindful here as interest rates tick higher and where you might also benefit from the changes.

23 Mar 07:48

Bears Take Control

On this week's Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the recent moves in financial markets and assess whether it's the bulls or bears in control now. What Happening In The Markets? The month of October has seen its fair share of volatility across financial markets. While stocks moved steadily higher through the end of September it was only a few days into the new month that things abruptly changed sending stocks cascading lower led. in large part, by the higher momentum names that had marched the market higher. Quint explains a few of the key levels he's watching here for signs of where the bulls might come back into the market and provide support for this recent decline. What To Do Here? There's no blanket answer for what everyone should be doing with their investments at any one time. In fact, your personal financial plans and goals should dictate what steps you take next rather than any headlines. However, as a rule of thumb, there may be a few points investors should keep in mind. Daniel walks through what you might want to consider when approaching the investing markets depending on what stage of life you're currently in and how far of your investing goals are. Correction or Crash? Before wrapping up this week's show we discuss the character of the recent moves in stocks and what separates a healthy market correction from a "crash." Quint examines why just because he foresees some weakness ahead it doesn't mean it's time for outright panic.

23 Mar 07:48

What Moves A Market?

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel explore the recent volatility in the stock market and discuss what some of the driving forces may be behind these moves. Headlines There are a lot of different headlines one could point to for the recent uneasiness in the stock market. There is the geopolitical risk with Saudi Arabi, trade wars with China, and internal strife between the President and the Federal Reserve. We'll explore a few of these excuses for the market's movements and consider whether they're the cause or it's simply investors' changing expectations. Elements of Expectations When expectations change so do prices. Is this what we're seeing currently in the market? It could be! When investors have priced in perfect news they may just be apt to sell what's construed as merely "good" news. That is one of the keys Quint is watching in the market now. The market selling off on good news gives him concern here and he'll be watching for it to be bought on bad news as a sign this latest temper tantrum is over. What's An Investor To Do? The key to navigating markets as we've seen recently is to know what group of investors you're in. Are you still accumulating wealth with years until your goal is in sight? If that's the case you may want to be a holder and buyer as the market goes lower. Are you near or at retirement? You may not be able to stomach the volatility and need to consider proactive steps in your portfolio or a more prudent allocation. Retired and can't sleep at night because of the market risk? It may be time to ensure your portfolio lines up with your risk temperament.

23 Mar 07:48

October Market Review

On this week's shortened episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review where the market ended the month of October and what it means as investors look ahead. October Roller Coaster As investors leave the month of October in their rearview it holds up to its mythical reputation as a month of volatile events. Investors saw the month start with many of the indices at or near highs only to see markets go nearly flat by month-end. After coming close to testing lows for the year many investors, no doubt, are curious about what the remainder of the year has in store. Financials In Focus While stocks started November with a bit of a reprieve, the October damage has been done in a variety of sectors. Financials are what we're looking at here in the coming weeks. The sector was especially weak in the latest downturn and that can be a bit concerning when one considers the pivotal role financial companies play in our overall domestic economy. Cash In Vogue As we allow markets to digest the latest move and tip their hand to the next leg of the journey cash is an appealing place for a piece of our portfolios here. We'll walk through why this makes sense for us and our portfolios even while the downturn seems to have paused for the moment. Measuring Risk For a long time, we've calculated risk requirement when working with clients on their financial plans and assessed their risk temperament through conversation and fact-finding. Now, though, we're excited to introduce a new technology to our planning services that will help clients quantify the risk most suitable for their temperament as well as update it as need. If you are interested in getting started with finding your risk number and whether your portfolio is correctly allocated for it click below to get started. Analyze Your Risk Here!

23 Mar 07:48

Planning For Success

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss what you need to know about financial planning to best reach your goals in your financial journey. Headlines The news this week was all politics. With Tuesday's election in the rear view, financial markets breathed a sigh of relief and traded higher on Wednesday. Quint breaks down what this might mean for markets going forward and what he's watching as this move plays out. What's A Financial Plan? One of the key elements that keep people from creating a financial plan to help them achieve their financial goals is not really understanding what a financial plan is. There are multitudes of misconceptions about what the financial planning process is and how the planner works with clients to help them succeed. We break down a few of these misconceptions to remove any doubt why it's time to get your plan together and set out on the journey towards reaching your goals. Risk Tolerance vs Risk Temperament Once you've set a roadmap for your financial journey it becomes critical to understand the difference between the risk your portfolio can tolerate and the risk your personality temperament can stomach. While these sound similar they are distinctly different measures that work in tandem to create your target portfolio risk. During the financial planning journey, we explore with clients both of these risk aspects and create a plan for investment portfolios that will allow the plan to succeed and the client to sleep at night. Getting Started The most difficult step in developing a financial plan is getting started. While this first step takes the most effort it creates the momentum your financial life needs to meet your goals. If you don't have a plan in place it may be time to ask yourself "why?" Interested in getting started on your financial plan? Find out more HERE

23 Mar 07:48

Holiday Market Update

Quint flies solo this week and discusses the continued selloff in the stock market. As we roll into the holidays and pundits begin to discuss the prospects of a seasonal rally, Quint breaks down the areas to watch for and what to do when it comes to protecting your portfolio from the possibility of an extended downturn. 

23 Mar 07:48

2018 Year End Investing

On this week’s edition of Tape Talk Radio, Quint takes a moment to look deeper into the current market environment and what it means to ‘take protective action.’ Attempting to be a voice of reason, rather than another pundit preaching an emotional bias, Quint looks at the fundamental and structural concerns facing the stock market and economy. With the goal of always having a set plan regarding not only your financial future but your investment management, Quint looks at what action steps to consider as stocks pursue a potential year-end rebound.

23 Mar 07:48

2018 Market Lows

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel assess the market's move to lows for the year as it wraps up the last full week of trading before the shortened holiday week's ahead. Quint takes time to discuss where we've come over recent week's and how some of the individual names in this market have been much weaker than the indices would indicate. Then, Quint and Daniel talk about how and where to look for value in market pullbacks such as these. Finally, Daniel walks through the three life stages of investing that we commonly see and what investors in each might need to consider here.

23 Mar 07:48

2018 In Review

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel take a look back at the 2018 themes talked about on the show last January. Did any of these come to fruition during the year or did they simply go up in smoke? Rotation Continues This theme was clearly present throughout the year and money shifted around to forgotten sectors throughout the year. Infrastructure Builds This prediction was spot on, until it wasn't! Unfortunately, after broadcasting the heavy build up in infrastructure in the first part of the year, the remaining year was plagued by headlines of trade wars which seemed to only hinder the industrials names we thought would do well here. Inflation Grows This one gets a "meh?" Inflation did tick up through the first half of 2018 before leveling off and declining into the year-end. It seems the Fed's rate hike path is keeping this variable in line for the time being. Interest Rates Higher The Fed raised interest rates throughout the year as predicted for 2018 and the ripple effect was higher yields across debt markets overall. This was a major theme throughout the year. Volatility Shows Up We might have been a little overly correct on this one. Coming off a complacent 2017 we looked for volatility to pick up in 2018 and it sure did! With a more than 21% range in the S&P 500 index for the year, volatility became the major theme of 2018.

23 Mar 07:48

Welcome to 2019!

With the calendar changing over to a new year just under two weeks ago, the stock market has been the investor's friend. Quint and Daniel start off the year in this week's episode by examining where we've come from, where the market has been lately, and what the might mean for investors this year. 2018 In Review Volatility showed up with a force throughout 2018 resulting in a wide-ranging market that looked distinctly opposite of 2017's action. Ending the year near lows for the year left many investors feeling ready to turn the calendar. January Effect As the calendar turned, the new year and new mentality had its typical effect on the markets. Investors found a reason to be buyers once again and a healthy bounced has transpired for much of the last two weeks. Bear Market Over? Many of the commentaries regarding this market are breathing a big sigh of relief. With the rally picking up steam it seems like all the trouble might be behind us. However, we look deeper this week and dissect whether this is more a mental change than anything else. Further, we look at what the trend is right now. What To Do Now Before we wrap this week's episode we consider investors across the investment life stage to see what might be important for each at this juncture in the market.

23 Mar 07:48

Earnings in Focus

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel look at some of the current earnings reports coming out of companies this quarter and what it means for the markets now. Slow Down Fears One of the recurring themes from some recent earnings reports is of the economic slowdowns overseas as well as here at home. Companies seem to be finding that demand growth that had been growing steadily is poised to take a breather here in the near term. This can be seen in some of the recent forecast revisions as well as earning misses coming out of key companies in various sectors. While this doesn't necessarily mean a recession is imminent it might mean that stocks will need to continue to reprice to account for updated earnings expectations. The Power of a Plan Planning helps navigate choppy waters and this time is no different. If you've prepared your retirement and investment plan then you likely know your required rate of return and can sleep better knowing that following the plan is your focus, not timing the market. However, if you don't have a plan and you don't know why you own what you own, it may be time to rethink your approach and talk with an advisor.   Find out more about our financial planning process HERE

23 Mar 07:48

Market Tug of War

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review the recent rally in the market and examine the headlines to examine if this latest move is a trend reversal or simply a bear market rally.  Markets Move Higher As the major indices reached a year-to-date gain of over ten percent recently, it begs the question of what has changed in the past two months. Investors likely remember the market turmoil going into the holiday season which saw stocks violently decline into Christmas. Yet, in a few short weeks, the market has all but shrugged off the concerns it seemed to have in the recent past. While trade tensions seem to be quieting and government shutdown negotiations seem to be on the upswing, it might behoove investors to question whether we are completely out of the woods on either of these issues. The Federal Reserve Backstop The Federal Reserve, with its program of quantitative easing, has supported riskier assets for a decade now. Much of the recent market volatility might easily be credited to the Fed's methods and comments towards tightening this easy money policy. After Fed Chair Powell's remarks late last year seemed to rock the markets, his language towards future tightening has significantly softened and pushed markets higher. If this correlation continues investors may be well served by cautiously listening to the Fed's future language and assessing the market's reactions to it. Levels to Watch While the market has currently returned to an area of indecision, Quint breaks down what level's he is looking for as an indication that the market has chosen a direction from here. 

23 Mar 07:48

Digging into Gold

This week Tape Talk is podcast only and Quint takes the opportunity to walk listeners through the specifics of a trade in GDX. While the equity markets continue to baffle those looking at company fundamentals, there is one area of the market that makes sense to Quint and that is Gold. With the Fed on hold and inflation increasing, Gold is shinning and moving higher. Quint takes listeners into a deep dive regarding the rationale behind the investment and the actual trade itself including how to calculate risk, and where to place an appropriate stop. 

23 Mar 07:48

Know Your Risk

On this week's short episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel talk about the what's been happening in the markets lately and why the recent moves may make it the perfect time to assess your investment risk. Volatility and Emotion The recent moves in stock (and bond) markets have given investors a prime opportunity to take an honest assessment of how content they are with their allocation here. Because we've experienced both sharp declines and sharp gains over the past three months, investors have been exposed to the potential for a revolving door of emotion. However, with markets about back where they started their rollercoaster moves it may be a good chance for investors to own their emotion and make any necessary changes.

23 Mar 07:48

Market Consolidation

On this week's shortened episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel take a look at the recent stock rally through the lens of the past couple months of volatility. Consolidation Is The Theme Stocks as a whole are now up significantly for the year, yet they are only back to the levels they started as this past December, prior to the pre-holiday decline. This means two things. First, stocks have entered a very logical area of technical consolidation where gains may slow and buyers and sellers may battle each other for the next trend. Second, the short term moves have been sharp in both directions and some digestion of these moves would be healthy if investors hope for a longer term trend higher from here. Dividends In Play Daniel takes a little time to discuss what the dividend growth strategy has been looking at throughout this volatile market to provide growing income for dividend-focused investors. Then, Quint considers how dividends may be a significant piece of investor returns in the near future if this market decides to go sideways for years rather than months.

23 Mar 07:48

5 Spring Cleaning Tips

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel welcome spring with some tips for spring cleaning your financial life. Rebalance and Review Investment Allocations If you didn't already do so at the end of the year, it's time to rebalance your accounts which don't automatically do so themselves. This is an important part of any investment strategy to ensure you stay aligned with the investment objectives you set out for yourself. Additionally, it's important to take this to review your investment allocation and ensure it is in line with both your risk tolerance and your risk temperament. IRA and Roth IRA Contributions With one month left to go before the 2018 tax filing deadline, it is a good time to consider any last minute 2018 retirement account contributions. Additionally, while taxes are on the mind and all your paperwork is handy it is the perfect time of year to review your retirement savings strategy for 2019 and how it can be best optimized. Review Your Will (or make one!) While you already have many of your financial statements in front of you for the tax filing season it is a good time to review your will. This important legal document is something most people don't think about until too late yet it can save you and your family much strife when it does eventually need to be utilized. Once every year or two, it is important to dust off this document, review it, and make any changes you might need. Review Your Insurance Insurance policies tend to be a "set it and forget it" type of situation in our financial lives. However, insurance is directly related to the areas of our life that are being insured and these areas tend to change from year to year. Because of this, it's important to review your various types of insurance policies to ensure they still meet your goals and objectives. Further, if you are unsure the amount or type of insurance you need in any circumstance, it is a good time to set a meeting with a financial planner. Your Financial Plan If you don't know it already, it's time to get to know your required rate of return. If you knew it in the past, it's time to revisit. Tax season is perfect for financial planning because many of your financial numbers are already in front of you. By doing a planning, or updating an existing one, you can be sure you know and understand the rate of return you require to meet your goals as well as what this means for your overall financial life. If you are interested in learning more about our financial planning services and discovering your required rate of return CONTACT US!

23 Mar 07:48

Fed Speak

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel break down the recent headlines about the Federal Reserve's outlook and interest rate forecasts for the year. Rates Steady The FOMC very expectedly kept rates unchanged after their latest meeting. However, the more newsworthy bit out of the meeting was their lowered economic forecast for the year. Further, they sent a clearly dovish signal to maintain rates are their current level for the rest of the year. How Interest Rates Work Supply and demand is the law of nature on both Main Street and when it comes to interest rates. Quint breaks down how supply and demand are what the Fed uses when it tightens and eases policy to influence interest rates. Quantitative Easing Primer The Fed had recently been unwinding its largest balance sheet in history. Quint looks at what this means for the economy and why the new reality of a heavily invested Fed means that this balance sheet won't be dramatically shrinking any time soon.

23 Mar 07:48

4 Financial Plan Sabotages

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel look at the ways clients might become their own worst enemy when it comes to their financial plan. Here are four ways we see people sabotaging their plans. Undisciplined Spending Coming off some of the highest earning years of your life and likely with the least amount of dependents left in your household, you may have gotten used to spending what you want when you want to. One of the things you'll face in retirement is the paycheck stopping and your spending now relying on a fixed pool of assets. This means that your plan requires some discipline to create a budget, monitor your spending, and stick with the plan. Unspoken Goals If you have goals in mind for life and retirement that you're not talking about with your financial planner, that's simply not good! Your financial plan attempts to incorporate the many knowns and unknowns about your current and future financial life. If you have any ambitious goals which require financial resources it is better to talk about these with your financial planner early and revisit often so that your plan aligns with the picture you have in mind for your life. Funding the Kids' (or Grandkids) Life Your retirement and financial plan is built around your life. So, while certain circumstances might make it simply unavoidable, it generally is detrimental to your plan's viability to continually support adult kids over time. While this could take the form of education assistance or repayment, debt help, family vacations, and more if you haven't built it into your plan as a goal these line items could add up to your plan not working. Now that you and the kids are all adults with your own financial lives it is important to have as honest of a discussion as possible least your financial decisions now coming back to affect them later when your plan begins to falter. Not Thinking Through Speed Bumps No financial plan is a perfect picture of what the future holds! This is why we update plans on a regular basis to incorporate new information and ensure the plan still works. However, there are a lot of variables that a good financial planner and review and assess to see how they might impact your plan. These variables such as the death of a spouse, long-term care, or a wide array of investment returns, can be modeled into your plan to see its impacts.

23 Mar 07:48

A Bigger Can, A Longer Road

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel tackle the recent headlines about the inverted yield curve and what that might mean for investors' portfolios. What's A Yield Curve? While you might not often talk yields at your regular cocktail party, the topic may just come up more as it sprinkled news headlines recently. Unfortunately, though it is critical to the understanding of inversion, the yield curve may be unfamiliar to some. Daniel takes some time to explain just what we're talking about when we mention this curve in yields. Just What Inverted? Over the past couple of weeks, you might have read the news about the inverted yield curve as well as how inverted yield curves are reliable indicators of recession. However, Quint explains just what points in the current yield curve actually inverted and why that might not indicate what many are thinking. Federal Reserve, In Control? Looking at yields on the short-end, such as 3-6 months, is a good indication of the Federal Reserve's influence in rates. The current yields here are very close to the Fed Funds Rate which is the target rate set by the Fed. Going further out on maturities, the market begins to price in what it thinks about interest rates and the economy. What we've seen recently is a disagreement by the market of the Fed's broadcasted tightening. In fact, not long after the market voted on future yields, the Fed indicated its intention to slow further rate rises and balance sheet reductions. The Fed Owns What? To wrap up the show, Quint talks about the Federal Reserve balance sheet and what is so stunning about its composition in recent years. To conclude we discuss whether or not the Fed can ever really allow its balance sheet to "normalize" from here or if we now live in a new normal of perpetual quantitative easing.

23 Mar 07:48

Interview with Paul Lountzis

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel interview Paul Lountzis of Lountzis Asset Management and listen to his insights about risk in the investment markets here. Worldwide Liquidity As we dive into where markets are today we discuss the tremendous liquidity that has been provided by central banks around the world. While this has helped stabilize much of the world economies it has also forced investors to take on undue risk as they search for yield. Since the Federal Reserve here in the US still doesn't seem ready to hike rates further any time soon investors may get a little too complacent in these risky assets by the time future rate hikes come. Time Horizons Matter Investing has major distinctions from trading. Investors often are required to have patience and perseverance while waiting for their thesis to unfold. Paul Lountzis talks about how this manifests at his firm and what it means as he looks to take on new investors, pointing them to the fact that they need to have a time horizon measured in years and not months for the funds they invest. Passive Isn't Bad, But It's Not Everything Quint and Paul talk through the popular trend of passive investing and agree that it can be a powerful tool for those trying to build their wealth. On the other hand, for those focused on capital preservation and limiting downside volatility, there may also be instances that management has its place in their portfolio.

23 Mar 07:48

What's Your Number?

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel take a deep dive into investors' required rate of return. What is it? Why is it important? And, how does it factor into your financial plan? Headlines Before going too far into our topic of the week we take a look at news hitting headlines over the past week. One, in particular, has caught investors' attention, the annual update on the Social Security Trust Fund. This report highlights two important numbers for retirees to consider. First, the date when Social Security is estimated to start using its reserves to pay benefits. Second, when those reserves will be depleted and benefits may need to be cut if Congress doesn't act beforehand. While these dates may seem far off, they are important to incorporate into your financial planning now to minimize the potential impact later. Required Rate of Return Your required rate of return is the return you need on your investments based on starting value, contribution, and time to your goal. This number is important because it must be assessed with the current market environment to determine if your goal is reasonable. While the goal you have could be anything, we most often talk about the required rate of return in regards to retirement. The reason for this is simple, it's one of the goals people want as little margin of error as possible. For that reason, we dissect what this metric means to investors as they begin planning for their future retirement. Risk Temperament The return you need is not the only important factor to consider in financial planning. The amount of risk you can physically and emotionally stomach is also critical to your success. It's for this reason that we work closely with people to determine if their required rate of return and their risk temperament are in alignment. Once they are, investors are typically well on their way to a fruitful financial planning journey ahead.

23 Mar 07:48

Following the Professionals

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss an edge that "professional" or large investors have in investing markets as well as some ways the individual investor might benefit. Headlines One of the major stories making headlines this week was Warren Buffett’s backing of Occidental Petroleum in its attempt to acquire Anadarko Petroleum after the company announced plans to be acquired by rival Chevron. An article by Bloomberg illustrates the benefits a large and well-connected investor such as Warren Buffett has in ensuring that potential opportunities literally come calling. Big Investor's Moves Aren't Secret Even though large investors get the first mover advantage in many circumstances, their moves and investments are hardly shrouded in secrecy. In fact, as Quint and Daniel discuss, many of these investment managers are obligated to report their investments and changes on a quarterly basis. While this data is delayed, it does give investors insight into what some of the large money managers on Wall Street are putting their money behind. Look For Opportunity, Carefully While investors can get a peek into what money managers are doing, investors would be wise to develop their own thesis rather than blindly following. The reason is simple, reading a buy and sell report hardly tells you the whole thesis and strategy a money manager may be following. However, as Quint points out, there are times when you may be able to assess an investment made by a money manager and ultimately enter that position at a better price or value than the large manager. Patience and a watchful eye are critical in these circumstances!

23 Mar 07:48

Trump Tweets Strike Again

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the volatility transpiring in the market over the past week and what the might mean to investors. Tweet Storm Investors spent the weekend digesting tweets from President Trump alluding to a "no deal" with China on trade after the country attempted to make major revisions in the ongoing agreement. This news caused markets to drop Monday as investors had clear expectations that a trade deal was on the horizon. Volatility is Back One of the core truths of investing is that volatility never goes away, it simply takes a short vacation. After a great start to the year, investors may be getting painfully reminded of this fact as they were shaken from their complacency with the market moves this week. Risk Tolerance and Rebalancing This week illustrates the importance of two key pieces of your investing puzzle. The first is truly understanding the risk you can tolerate when the markets are volatile, not just when they're good. The second is regularly rebalancing back to that risk allocation even if it means selling down some things that are performing well to buy things that recently haven't. Having a plan and sticking to it will put you leaps and bounds ahead of more emotional investors which means in the long-run you'll likely come out ahead.

23 Mar 07:48

Navigating the Tariff Storm

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel dissect the recent market volatility on the heels of the news of US tariff hikes. Agreement Hurdles The United States and China have had an increasingly difficult time finding agreement on trade. Recent revisions to the deal by China led to President Trump implementing a new 25% tariff on a basket of goods from the country. This prompt shift from closing in on a deal to the negotiations entering rough waters left US stocks navigating increased volatility in an attempt to discern what lies ahead. Managing Rough Waters When it comes to managing through periods of volatility, it all comes down to your risk temperament and risk tolerance. Investors must strike a balance between the amount of volatility that will allow them to sleep soundly at night with the amount that their portfolio can tolerate on the path to their goals. Both knowing and implementing these two are key to long-term success in reaching your financial goals. Sticking to a Plan The final piece of the puzzle in volatile times is ensuring you have a financial plan in place and are reviewing that with your advisor during times of uncertainty. Since investing without a plan is more like gambling, we believe this element of an individuals' financial picture is essential for their long-term success in navigating choppy markets.

23 Mar 07:48

Quint Pottinger interview

Think modern farming is all riding tractors and raking up dirt? Quint and Daniel interview local soybean farmer Quint Pottinger of Affinity Farms to dig into what today's farm life is really about. Not Granddad's Farm Life You might have a picture of what a farmer does today; wake up early, ride a tractor, leave the field as the sun sets. However, you might be surprised to hear from Quint Pottinger of Affinity Farms that the stereotypical farm life is far from reality. Listen in to how he must keep abreast of financial news, geopolitics, and what's important to his overseas buyers all while still keeping in touch with what's going on in his fields. Farmville Meets Wall Street Commodities reveal a lot about what's going on in financial markets. Quint walks through some of the intricacies of how the prices of these commodities are heavily influenced by what's going on in trade deals between the United States and China. The ramification of how this deal plays out could have significant impacts on today's farmers.

23 Mar 07:48

Market Diagnostics

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review the recent volatility around Mexico Tariffs and speculations surrounding the Federal Reserve's next moves. The Mexico Front Tariffs and trade wars have still been in the news as of late but the battlefield may have shifted. Recently the President announced increasing tariffs on goods from Mexico in an effort to ward off illegal immigration by persuading the country into complying with requests to take a more active role in deterring the flow of people across the border. A Battle On Many Fronts The news about Mexico isn't just about the potential tariffs but the reality that tariffs may be the bargaining chip with other countries beyond China moving forward. As the message soaks in that the trade war has moved beyond just a spat between the US and China, companies and investors alike must consider the ramifications for any products and materials brought in from overseas. The Copper Tell While the economic outlook is not currently bleak it's important for investors to watch for changes. Quint gives investors a look at what he's watching here to keeps tabs on the evolving economic outlook to take action with early signs of changes ahead.

23 Mar 07:48

Follow the Money

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel examine the quiet week so far in the market and ask, "where is the smart money flowing to right now?" What the Money While people may have all types of opinions about what happens next in the financial markets, their real vote is made with their money. For this reason, it can be important for investors to pay less attention to headlines and more to where the money is actually flowing around in the financial world. Recently, a look from this perspective reveals that semiconductor stocks have been under pressure and may become the unfortunate casualty if trade tensions between the US and China persist for some time. Interest Rate Uncertainty Over the past month interest rate futures, tied to the same short-term rates set by the Federal Reserve, have swiftly begun indicating a rate cut is on the immediate horizon. The chances priced in by the market are getting closer to certain for a cut by the July meeting of the FOMC. Quint and Daniel review these probabilities given the context of an otherwise fairly healthy economic background. What Can You Stomach When investing for your financial plan and retirement goals it's not all about maximizing your gains. In fact, one of the more important factors for investors may be their risk temperament. This is the risk level at which they can sleep at night even while the markets are volatile. Understanding what this level is for them may be a key component of investor success as inevitable volatility perks up from time to time.

23 Mar 07:48

Real Estate Update with Kelly Karls

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel welcome Kelly Karls, Lexington Kentucky's "Queen of Real Estate." Headlines Before getting into real estate, Quint and Daniel review the headlines from this week's Federal Reserve FOMC meeting at which the Fed left rates unchanged with a hint that cuts may come. The market clearly supported the Fed's views, rallying after the meeting and continuing the rally into Thursday. What might be more notable though was the movement in gold which hinted that investors may believe the Fed doesn't have inflation under control. Hot Housing It's been another great start to the year for housing according to the Lexington's "Queen of Real Estate," Kelly Karls. While we are starting to see more price cuts than we had last spring it seems to be due more in part to hopeful pricing on sellers front rather than an actual dip in prices. Furthermore, the recent pullback in interest rates, with some 30-year mortgages now under 4%, is certainly getting buyers interested.

23 Mar 07:47

Interview with Brent Beckwith

This week Tape Talk welcomes friend and client Brent Beckwith owner of Beck Travel. Quint interviews Brent about his new venture and why after over 30 years in the corporate world why he chose to start a new travel advisory business. At 65 years young, Quint and Brent discuss the ins and outs of starting a new business and just why Brent chose the competitive field of travel. 

23 Mar 07:47

Tariff Fallout and Rate Cuts

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss this week's news of tariff fallout hitting the industrial sector and headlines around the upcoming FOMC meeting. Tariff Fallout In their earnings report this week, industrial giant Fastenal reported negative impacts of the recent trade war between the US and China with both top-line revenue and bottom-line earnings coming in under expectations. This underperformance combined with increased income tax costs had investors selling the name aggressively. However, Quint and Daniel break down what might be an opportunity for investors here. Cuts Baked In At this point the market, as represented by interest rate futures, are baking in 100% chance that the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates at their FOMC meeting this month. What Quint and Daniel find interesting about this move is that the economy overall is not in bad shape here which leads to the discussion, "why cut?"

23 Mar 07:47

Interview with Archaeologist Mindy Wetzel

At 21, Mindy Wetzel was miserable and bored as a chemist within a cement company. Just a few years later she found herself on an archaeological expedition in Egypt unearthing a 3,000-year-old cemetery. In this unique and fascinating Tape Talk, Quint takes a break from the norm and discusses the fascinating career path of a modern-day Indiana Jones.

23 Mar 07:47

Navigating the Newsflow

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss strategies to navigate the diverse newsflow here. From the Fed's upcoming rate hike, corporate earnings, and negative headlines, investors have a lot to digest while stocks push to new highs. Rate Cut Imminent  The market is pricing in a definite rate cut at the FOMC's next meeting at the end of the month. While it's hard to see strong evidence to support this cut beyond a simple precautionary step, it does appear the Fed has broadcasted this move heavily and the market is listening. Corporate Earnings Corporate earnings for this most recent reporting season have seemed to broadly beat investors' expectations. It appears many companies have been able to navigate the trade hurdles well. However, many seem to point to potential or actual price hikes in the future. Negative Headlines If you didn't know where the stock market was trading recently, many recent headlines might lead you to believe we are in the midst of a significant correction. This is a good example of how news can move from informative to static which investors need to be cautious about digesting. 

23 Mar 07:47

Market Update

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint reviews what's been happening in the market recently and what may lay ahead. Market Anomalies Often times the time to invest in particular companies or sectors is during a time when the waters appear choppy on the surface. Quint looks at Fastenal as an example of this particular strategy while considering whether Capital One Financial may be next on the list.  Opportunity in a Breach? Capital One Financial dropped on news that it is navigating a data breach but is it possible that the market is overreacting? Quint continues his discussion on finding value in adverse times by reviewing the company for potential opportunity.  Fed Flip Flop The Fed appears to be struggling with how to communicate clearly its intentions to investors. During his most recent press conference after the July FOMC rate decision, the future forecast became murky and the stock market sold off in response.  Know Thy Risk With markets entering a more turbulent period than they've been over the past couple months it is again important to understand your risk tolerance and temperament. The time to consider, review, and change your risk level is in the quiet times of the market, not when emotions are running high. 

23 Mar 07:47

Summer Market Slump

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the recent volatility across markets and what that means for investors. Trade War While stocks moved on the Federal Reserve's implication that the recent rate cut was not the start of a new trend, the move was propelled much further by matters worsening on the trade war front. After the Trump Administration broadcasted additional tariffs set to take effect, China released news of decreased purchases of United States agriculture products. 7.0, A Key Level Over the weekend, the Chinese Yuan broke the all-important 7.0000 psychological level which indicated the country was allowing their currency to devalue versus the US-dollar. This move effectively shifted the trade war from a matter of goods and services to a currency scuffle which US markets, with their volatile trading on Monday, indicated would be a fearsome escalation. Required Return While seeing your investing and retirement accounts gyrate with the forces of the market is never palatable, it does help to understand how the moves affect your investing goals. By understanding your required rate of return you might be able to sleep easier at night by knowing if recent volatility is something to be concerned about or just already factored into your plan.

23 Mar 07:47

Yield Curve Inversion

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the recent yield curve inversion and what that means to the market.  Inverted What?!? The headlines and watercooler talk this week is all about the recent inverted yield curve across the 2-year and 10-year Treasuries.  However, all the fantastic headlines tend to leave out why this matters to investors and what it really means. Quint and Daniel spend some time explaining the yield curve and why there is so much focus on inversion here.  Main Street Interest Rates It's all fine and good to know what's going on in Treasury yields but how is this trickling down into real-life economics of consumers who are affected by interest rates daily. What might be surprising to some is the vast divergence in the effect of the recent Treasury rate retreat on actual consumer rates. While mortgages are down some, many other rates have held steady or even rose! Recession on the Horizon? So if the yield curve is a recession indicator, does that mean we're on a direct road to this adverse economic event? Quint reviews what else is going on in the economy here to question whether we really need to be concerned at this point. Your Required Rate of Return, It's the Foundation! The one thing that is certain is markets will move both up and down. Sometimes they'll move calmly and other times more violently. Through these ups and downs, it's critical for investors to know precisely what they need from the market to achieve their goals. Understanding their required rate of return gives investors a metric by which to judge whether volatility is having a real-world impact on their current goals or is simply static to ignore. 

23 Mar 07:47

Back to Normal

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review what's been a quiet week in the market so far and dive into the much-hyped yield curve action. Bulls Return US stocks stabilized over the week after the previous weeks volatile sell-offs. Much of this calmer action seems to be attributed to the fact that economic data keeps coming in rather positive while headlines around the trade war escalation also seem to have slowed, for now. FOMC Minutes During the recording of this week's show, the FOMC meeting minutes from the most recent rate cut were released, which proved to be a non-event. While the Fed reiterated its stance that the recent rate cut may not be part of a new trend, markets seemed to find hope that the board overall was mixed on how deeply to cut rates this go around. How Rates Work While the Federal Reserve is heavily influencing liquidity and short-term rates in this environment, it's really the ten-year rates that people are focusing on. In fact, the 10-year yield was the catalyst for the most recent inversion on the yield curve. Quint examines what this means for investors and what the Fed can really control here versus what the market is in the driver's seat on. What To Do Here For investors, it all comes down to controlling what you can. This means having a financial plan, knowing your rate of return, and living within responsible spending habits to achieve your plan. Quint and Daniel wrap things up this week by examing the small things investors can do that will be important building blocks for their long-term financial success.

23 Mar 07:47

Moving Higher

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel explore the moves higher this week across a variety of markets. Stocks, bonds, and gold, nearly every asset had its time in the spotlight this week. Good News Much of the week's moves were based on investors interpreting the headlines as good news. Focus turned from the recent protests in Hong Kong to the good economic indications come from data in the US, employment reports were decent, and the Fed is still indicating a move to a more accommodative policy at its September meeting. Combine these headlines with the US and China looking towards their next trade talks in October and investors found little to be negative about this week. Watch Your Bond Funds While many assets are up recently, it's important to remember what that means. Investors would do well to keep in mind that bond prices and bond yields move inversely of one another. This means that with yields near historic lows, investors are seeing the value of their bond funds near all-time highs. While "set it and forget it" is a method employed by some, those that keep a vigilant eye on their portfolios may consider how much farther bond funds can rally if rates are already under 2% across the board. Understand Your Plan Your required rate of return is an important thing to know. This is the return you need to achieve to meet your goals. However, it's also important to know how that rate works into your plan. If you're looking in the rearview mirror here you've benefited from multiple assets classes rallying over recent years. Now may be the time to discuss with your advisor what a pullback in some of these assets may do to your expected rate of return compared to your required rate of return. Unless you are confident that all these assets can continue marching higher indefinitely it's worth considering how the future may look different from the past and incorporating that into your plan.

23 Mar 07:47

4th Quarter Steps to Success

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss eight steps you can take in the months ahead to increase your odds of financial success as the year closes out. Headlines Hong Kong headlines have quieted down and Trump tweets arrows at the Fed this week. However, the market hasn't been stumbled by much as far as news goes this week. In fact, the market spent most of the week marching back towards highs like it was drawn by a siren's song. 8 Steps to Success Now Rebalance Review bond bunds Tax manage your sells Send your RMD to charity Establish a SEP IRA, or another tax-saving account Pay off your bad debt, then all debt Check your diversification Know your "Required Rate of Return"

23 Mar 07:47

Art of Rebalancing

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review the Federal Reserve's recent rate cut, drama in overnight lending markets, and the firm's recent equity position rebalancing. Headlines The FOMC met this week and, as expected, lowered interest rates by 0.25%. The market's reaction was fairly muted as this move was pretty well baked in to both equity and bond prices. Further, Fed Chair Powell didn't do anything in the Fed's post-decision press conference to shake investors confidence for the future. Overnight lending, however, is in the spotlight this week as the cost to borrow cash in the "repo market" spiked multiple times throughout the week. This particular market is critical for the healthy functioning banking system to move liquidity where it is needed. While the developments here are noteworthy and somewhat concerning, they don't necessarily indicate a definite disaster on the horizon and, therefore, the market has hardly reacted so far. Art of Rebalancing With major US stock indices essentially at highs, Quint reviews Joule Financial's decision to rebalance its equity positions in an effort to take profits on what has been doing well and allocate some funds to areas that may have become underweight. 

23 Mar 07:47

What Matters Here?

As the stock market begins to show some subtle signs of weakness in the short-term, Quint and Daniel discuss what matters here and what news they're looking at to assess where things go from here. Liquidity Event? The tightening in overnight lending from a couple of weeks ago has continued to persist. It seems that a rare "glitch" in the system has shifted to an ongoing trend. Quint and Daniel discuss what they're watching in this often-overlooked market to be on alert for something that might evolve into something more serious.  The Race to $0 Commissions Over the past week, online brokers have all acquiesced to the pressure from low-cost (or $0 cost) startups and subsequently all lower their commissions to $0. Schwab made the first move and was quickly followed by TD Ameritrade and E*Trade. While this means that customers and clients of these firms will benefit on the commission front, it does pose the question of where these companies will attempt to make up this lost revenue.  Hunting for Value? Quint and Daniel discuss the difference between value hunting and bottom fishing. With segments and sectors of the market at or near highs, there is a strong desire by some to find something that is a "value." However, while this can be a valid investment strategy it can also come back to bite and investors who haven't done their homework. 

23 Mar 07:47

Managing Risk

In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the different ways investors should think about and view risk in their financial plan. Headlines This week's headline focus is back to China and trade. News broke during the week that China might be willing to make a deal, sort of. The problem with this news is that it's quite ambiguous. The market, however, didn't care and chose to rally on the potential for tensions to ease. Tolerance is Key Your risk tolerance is an important aspect of your financial plan. Your level of tolerance is dictated by what your portfolio can stand while still achieving the financial goals you set out. Temperament is Important Too Looking at your risk tolerance alone is dangerous though as it's also important to understand your temperament for risk. It's this metric that is better known as your "sleeping comfort" or what level of volatility you can handle and still sleep well at night. After all, it doesn't matter if your portfolio can handle the ups and downs in the market if your stomach cannot!!

23 Mar 07:47

Small Business Spotlight - Trainer Joe

This week Quint takes a break from economics and finance to sit down with entrepreneur and small business owner Trainer Joe. With a background in collegiate sports, Joe Olliges was always interested in helping folks to achieve their fitness goals. It wasn't until he took the leap of faith to create his unique brand Trainer Joe that he began to turn his passion into a business. You won't want to miss this in-depth look into the business of fitness and weight loss. 

23 Mar 07:47

Agriculture & Trade Wars

In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review what's going on with the trade wars which have slipped out of recent headlines. Quiet Headlines While the headlines have been somewhat quiet this week that doesn't mean there is nothing going on in the market. We've seen earnings from some big bellwether which investors will use to assess the fallout from the recent trade wars and any potential economic slowdown. In The Trenches Quint and Daniel talk to Quint Pottinger of Affinity Farms to discuss how the trade war, as well as China's purchase of agricultural goods, is playing out in the trenches. You might be surprised to hear that the headlines are not all smoke and mirrors as farmers are actually seeing increased prices with China returning to US markets for products. Earnings In Focus Quint discusses three key companies that he's watching here for an indication of the health of the economy going forward. Unlike the popular FAANG stocks which encompass a technology-heavy lean these three stocks represent areas of the market that may give helpful clues about the broader economy overall.

23 Mar 07:47

Year End Moves

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss some financial moves to consider as the clock winds down on 2019. Headlines Before getting into the meat and potatoes, Quint and Daniel review the latest headlines in the trade war with China. Then, they question whether the new developments even matter any more? Headlines that might have moved the market in the past now barely cause the market to blink as traders settle into headlines exhaustion over the back-and-forth trade war stories. End of Year Planning One of the most critical pieces of your end of the year task list is ensuring you've updated your financial plan, assuming you have one. Quint breaks down the importance of a financial plan for investors to use as a roadmap as well as what you might be missing out if you have yet to do one. Tax Moves for 2019 If you want to save money on your taxes for 2019 the time is starting to run out. Quint and Daniel discuss two important strategies investors might utilize to save a few extra dollars. First, consider tax-loss harvesting if you happen to have investments that are trading under your purchase price. These can work to reduce your tax burden or allow you to trim some profitable positions with little tax impact. Second, consider using qualified charitable distributions for your RMD to reap some potentially significant tax benefits if you are already charitably minded anyhow.  

23 Mar 07:47

Stocks Continue Higher

In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss some of the headlines circling as the S&P 500 continues its march higher. Repo Intervention The Federal Reserve continues to prop up the repurchase agreement market ("repo" for short) after rates suddenly spiked higher last month in this rarely discussed corner of the market. The Fed has committed to smoothing some of the volatility in this area of the market to keep overnight lending orderly and reduce the chances off any fallout that lack of liquidity there may provide.  Trade & Hong Kong Any developing news on the trade war between the US and China seems to be far overshadowed lately by the tensions ongoing between Hong Kong protestors and authorities. As the tensions in Hong Kong continue to escalate many investors are keeping a watchful eye on what this could mean for China's need to use its military in an attempt to end the protests. If this happens, many will be left to wonder about the future autonomy of Hong Kong overall.  Small Caps Lag During the recent market moves, small-cap stocks have lagged their larger stock counterparts. In fact, while the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Dow Jones have throttled higher, the Russell 2000 small-cap index is noticeably still well under its 2018 high. Quint and Daniel review a few of the reasons these indices have taken different paths of the past few months and what that could mean to investors going forward. 

23 Mar 07:47

Interview with Rachel Smith

As we roll into Thanksgiving Quint sits with Refuge Medical Clinic's executive director Rachel Smith to discuss the organization, their mission, their success and their needs going forward. This in-depth review of a local non-profit celebrating their 10th year and servicing over 5,000 individuals is a great break from the political and economic back and forth.   You may learn more about the Refuge Clinic at their website:   Enjoy!

23 Mar 07:47

Impeachment, China, and End of Year Markets

In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review some of the recent headlines as well as what investors might need to consider into the end of the year. Impeachment The markets yawned at Nancy Pelosi's news conference announcing articles of impeachment. Quint and Daniel discuss how most of the impeachment news now has become political posturing more than it is market moving. Most investors have an idea of how the events should transpire from here and unless there are any surprises the market may just ignore developments from here. China Trade Investors are forced to continue wrestling with President Trump's opaque remarks surrounding his intentions and desires for a trade deal in the near future. After recent comments from the President that a deal might not need to be completed until after 2020 elections markets through a temper tantrum in response to the lack of clarity. End of Year Planning News aside, there are still things investors can do to make the most of 2019 before the year concludes. Quint and Daniel discuss a few of these items that investors might want to consider before the calendar turns.

23 Mar 07:47

Investing in Disruption

In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss why the recent headlines don't seem to interest markets and how disruption becomes an investable theme. Impeachment The impeachment progress this week in the US House of Representatives pretty much made the stock market yawn. What might seem on the surface like it should be market-moving news is simply a non-event at this point. Both sides of the aisle have already put their cards on the table for how they intend to handle the situation going forward. This means unless something significant changes or is revealed in the upcoming proceedings the market will likely continue to ignore the big headlines on the impeachment news. End of Year Tax Moves With the holiday season quickly approaching it's time to consider what your tax picture may be shaping up to look like for 2019. In fact, you still have time to make some important moves to save some money when filing next April. A few things worth considering are your required minimum distributions, charitable contributions, and any retirement contributions still to make. A little planning in the next week or two can literally pay-off for you when it comes to this years taxes. Disruptive Forces While impeachment may not be a market-disrupting event there are still individual companies that are disrupting or being disrupted in this era of business. Investors may do well to keep a keen eye on any of their individual holdings to ascertain which side of that coin the companies they're invested in happen to lay. Take for instance FedEx and Amazon. With Amazon moving away from utilizing FedEx for its shipping needs the global shipping giant's stock price has struggled.

23 Mar 07:47

Wrapping the Decade

In this episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the year as it closes out and what investors might look ahead to in the new year. Investor Psychology While the US stock indices are on track for a better than 30% finish to the year many investors seem to be filled with a sense of skepticism and an eye towards a coming decline. One of the benefits of this attitude still being present in a good amount of retail investors is that the latest move higher has yet to be fueled by general euphoria which often marks market tops. Required Rate of Return As investors look forward to the new year it's an appropriate time to consider and revisit your required rate of return. This number, which is the return you require to meet the goals for your investments, is a critical part of your financial planning and investment allocation process. If you are entering the new year without knowing this number and how it applies to your portfolio it may be time to review your financial plan. SECURE Act and IRA Changes Congress recently passed new legislation with significant changes to various tax rules affecting retirement savings. One of the most notable of these changes is the increase of the age for required minimum distributions as well as changes to distribution rules for inherited IRAs.  

23 Mar 07:47

Planning Ahead

In this week's shortened episode, Quint and Daniel discuss what goes into a financial plan and why that's important as investors start planning their new year. Headlines The headlines this week are all focused on increasing US-Iran tensions which kicked off trading in the new year with some volatility.  Planning Ahead After a year of solid gains in the stock market and the new year starting with some headline risk, Quint and Daniel review why the financial plan is key to your investment success. Additionally, it's important to know what goes into making a successful plan as well as why your required rate of return is key. 

23 Mar 07:47

Asleep at the Wheel?

In this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the complacent mentality taking hold of investors as the market ticks higher. Headlines The impeachment process progressed and Phase one of the US/China Trade war was resolved this week but markets mostly gave both of these events very little fanfare. Risk Management As markets continue to drift higher and most asset classes finished 2019 with gains the overarching theme of 2019 may simply be "risk management." While everyone would love to make as much as possible on their investment portfolios, managing risk can be key to both sleeping at night and ensuring you achieve the goals intended for your portfolio. Risk, Returns, and Temperament In this season of bullish markets, we are more focused than ever with aligning clients' risk tolerance, risk temperament, and their required rate of return. Understanding how these three interact are critical to the success of any financial plan and will serve well when markets hit rough waters sometime in the future.

23 Mar 07:47

What's The Goal?

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss why it's important for your investments to have a goal and that you ensure they're allocated appropriately to achieve it. Headlines Before getting into this week's topic we first hit the headlines. This week it's news dropping from Washington about potential new tax cuts on the horizon as well as the Fed continuing to inject liquidity into the overnight lending markets. However, stocks continue to shrug off most headlines good and bad as they methodically move higher. What's the Goal? One of the things that Quint and Daniel have been seeing more lately, as the market continues to set new highs, is a general lack of focus on investors around what their investing goals are and how their portfolio is working towards those goals. We discuss a bit about why it's important to not just own investments but understand why you own what you own and how you are working your way towards your own goals. At the end of the day, it's nice to know how the S&P 500 performed but it's more important to know whether you're on track for the goals that are important to you.

23 Mar 07:47

Getting What You Pay For

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss what investors might consider in light of recent volatility and market valuations here. Headlines The evolving coronavirus epidemic continues to paint the headlines as more cases are reported both in and outside of China. It appears the market is still assessing just what type of impact this event is going to have in economic terms. However, investors appear to have begun taking the seriousness of the situation to heart as the market came under increased pressure as this week unfolded. Valuations in Focus Valuation is best described as what you are getting in relation to what you're paying. Currently, many stocks and sectors in this market are being valued higher than their historical norms. While part of this is the result of the Fed's easing and low interest rates, it also indicates investors are taking on more risk as they pay a greater price for each dollar of earnings.

23 Mar 07:47

Timing Markets

On this week's shortened episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the recent headlines making news as well as what it means to time the market in this environment.

23 Mar 07:46

Pandemic Selloff

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review this week's selloff in equity markets and what that might mean for investors. Week in Review Over the course of the trading week, stocks cascaded lower about 15% on increasing fears of the spreading coronavirus outbreak. With headlines coming out each day about new cases in new countries it became increasingly difficult for large investors to price in the short and long term affects of this outbreak. How a Virus Affects Stocks While the coronavirus is certainly a serious disease that is quickly coming into focus of many around the world it may not simply be the virus that stocks are reacting to. In fact, Quint and Daniel discuss how much of this week's move is the result of the impact of attempts to control and contain the virus on the worldwide economy. With entire cities in China shutdown and the global supply chain disrupted it has become difficult to assess how any individual company is going to be impacted. What Next? No one is certain at what prices the current stock selloff will find stability but there are a few logical next possibilities on the horizon. Quint and Daniel discuss how supply chain changes and Fed rate cuts may come into focus in the coming weeks.

23 Mar 07:46

Navigating Bearishness

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss what it looks like to navigate the recent bear market moves. Circuit Breakers Circuit breakers were in the news repeatedly last week as US stock indices ran into these control levels twice throughout the week. Quint and Daniel break down how the circuit breakers function and why they might be important to ensure healthy market functions. Power of Planning No one who is invested in stocks, or many other investable assets, has been able to completely avoid the recent and swift decline in asset prices. However, having a plan ahead of time can make a significant difference in investors' success in navigating these turbulent times. Planning is critical to understanding your required asset allocation which is critical in ensuring you can handle the market volatility when it comes. What To Do Now? Quint and Daniel discuss some of the key life stages investors might find themselves in and what that means during market corrections like the one we're currently in. 

23 Mar 07:46

Sell-off Action Plan

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss how they're assessing the recent volatility in investing markets. Under the Surface While the coronavirus pandemic is making most of the headlines these days there are underlying issues in financial markets that are exacerbating the volatility investors are experiencing. Since last fall the Federal Reserve has been intervening in lending markets to provide liquidity which has only been accelerated as economic conditions have worsened recently. Risk-Off Investors must consider that there are really three key issues in the financial market today; an oil price crisis, a fragile credit market, and the headline-grabbing coronavirus pandemic. As these three events converged recently Joule Financial implemented a plan to reduce both equity and fixed income exposure which Quint and Daniel discuss. Finding Opportunity While reducing risk is an important aspect of financial management it's done for an eye towards the next opportunity. Quint and Daniel discuss what they're watching for clues to add back to investments at some point and where they might look for opportunity in the midst of all the panic.

23 Mar 07:46

Analyzing the Sell-Off

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss how they're analyzing the current market moves and what they're keeping an eye on to indicate where we go from here. Where We Go? No one really knows for certain where markets will move from here. While many may attempt to call the bottom or top of the recent volatile moves, the situation in health, credit, and oil markets are all rapidly evolving which makes any prediction more of a guess. From Oil to Credit Before markets started to move on the COVID-19 pandemic there was an emerging crisis in oil prices. While consumers may cheer lower gas prices, even with nowhere to travel right now, the ripple effects in the economy are being felt. As oil prices slip below profitability levels for domestic drillers their entire supply chain comes under pressure and eventually the financial institutions that finance all those companies do as well.  Signs of Life So where are we looking for signs of life now? Daniel is watching credit markets for an indication that the Federal Reserves' historic interventions are going to provide the needed liquidity which may then calm other markets. Quint is watching oil prices to see some stabilization which will then give other areas of the market the peace of mind that the ripple effects may cease. 

23 Mar 07:46

What To Do Now?

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss what they're watching in the market this week and what investors need to consider moving forward. Unemployment Claims This week's unemployment claims shot to new record highs far surpassing last week's record number. Yet, the market was mostly higher on Thursday following the news. Many investors might consider it a disconnect but it might just be a good sign that the market has priced in much of the bad news in the job market. Oil Rally Oil rallied nicely this week on speculation that Russia and Saudia Arabia may find a truce in the oil war. However, this news has yet to be confirmed. If we can see confirmation from both countries soon, oil may just be able to put in a bottom. Allocation is King Your investment allocation is one of the key ways you can manage or mitigate some of the risks in your portfolio. If you've found these recent moves difficult to sleep through and are unsure how your allocation lines up with your financial goals, it may be time to revisit your financial plan and investment management.

23 Mar 07:46

Bear Market Rally

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review the recent rally in the stock market after March's severe decline. Headlines This week we continued to receive record headline numbers in the weekly jobless claims report and the US now stands at a higher continuing unemployment rate than it saw doing the most recent recession during the Financial Crisis. However, the stock market as a whole continued its rally in the face of this news. While much of the headline number may be baked into the market the real question is how this number will recover after quarantines resolve and how quickly the economy might ramp back up. Investing Stage Strategies Since it can be difficult to avoid the headlines and noise during market volatility it becomes important to know what this volatility means for the various stages of your investing journey. Quint and Daniel break down how certain demographics should actually welcome this volatility while others may need to have a plan to help mitigate it. What To Look For Now With the market off lows, investors now have a chance to review their allocation, the temperament, and how markets digest news going forward. Quint and Daniel review what they're watching now to indicate this bear market may subside or further declines may be in store.

23 Mar 07:46

The Strategy Here

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the continued bear market rally and what the strategy might look like going forward. Psychology Emotions and psychology have been the theme of the recent decline and subsequent rally. Investors fled the market at any cost and are now on the verge of rushing back in at signs of good news. This is a great example of the psychology that goes along with investing in volatile markets. Allocation Matters When it comes to your financial plan and reducing volatility, allocation matters. The recent volatility illustrates why thinking of your allocation as different buckets of volatility and time horizon are important for your inevitable withdrawal strategy in retirement. Diversify and Rebalance Diversification goes a step beyond simple asset allocation by adding in very uncorrelated assets such as metals and real estate. By including these in your portfolio some of your assets will move in different directions to allow you to make the most of rebalancing.

23 Mar 07:46

Value vs Price

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel use the recent market moves to have a discussion on the difference of value versus price. Oil Negative This week marked the first time you could get paid to "buy" a barrel of oil. What does that mean and why is it significant? Price vs Value Price is what you pay and value is what you get. What does this mean when stock, commodities, or other things trade for lower prices? How can investors determine what they're really getting for the price they pay? Current Market Value While stocks have moved wildly over recent weeks, Quint breaks down how the value of this market may not have really changed much at all! Patience is Key When looking to find value it's important to remember that patience is the key factor, waiting to find the prices match the value you require is an important part of investing.

23 Mar 07:46

Reopening the Economy

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the obstacles faced as states begin reopening the economy.

23 Mar 07:46

Psychology of the Markets

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the psychology of investment markets and how it's impossible to escape risk.

23 Mar 07:46

Valuing the Market

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss how to discern the value of stocks in this market and why that's important for your financial plan.

23 Mar 07:46

DIY Money

In this week's episode to Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel give a looks inside their personal finance podcast DIY Money as well as assess the recent market complacency.

23 Mar 07:46

Recovery Rally

Quint takes a quick look at the overall market which has improved on hopes of further recovery post Covid 19. Also, back by popular demand we introduce a few more DIY Money segments with calls discussing the difference in Retirement accounts as well as how to save with sporadic income.

23 Mar 07:46

Key Indicators

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Daniel talks through what he's watching for signs of health in this market, the key pieces of financial plans now, and answers two new questions for the DIY Money podcast.

23 Mar 07:46

Stick To A Plan

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the importance of sticking with your plan amidst the ups and downs in the market.

23 Mar 07:46

Market Surprises

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review some of the unsurprising events which seem to be taking the market by surprise here.

23 Mar 07:46

Volatility Returns

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the market's recent moves, take some listener questions, and address some blind spots for investors in this environment.

23 Mar 07:46

Market Marks Times

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review where the market ended the second quarter and how it's moves in recent weeks have left it mostly unchanged.

23 Mar 07:46

Find Your Why

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the importance in finding the "Why" behind your goals and investing.

23 Mar 07:46

Set Your Own Goals

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss why it's essential to set and know your own goals so that your financial life doesn't follow someone else's priorities.

23 Mar 07:46

Seeking Out Opportunities

On this week's episode of Tape Talk Quint and Daniel review the latest market developments and take some listener questions about small business finances and education while working.

23 Mar 07:46

How to Invest

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the different ways to go about investing. Whether you choose to do it completely yourself or utilize an investment advisor, it's important to know what to expect.

23 Mar 07:46

Preparing for the Future

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review recent market developments and answer listener questions about building credit and paying student loans.

23 Mar 07:46

Psychology of Investing

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss some of the psychology that accompanies investing as well as why it's important to understand your investing goals. 

23 Mar 07:46

Planning for Speed Bumps

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss some of the perils that might face you in your financial planning journey and some strategies to navigate these.

23 Mar 07:46

Investing Foundations

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss the basics of saving and investing for financial goals and why planning is a dynamic journey.

23 Mar 07:45

Volatility Perks Up

On this episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel review the recent volatility uptick in the markets and take listener questions about car buying and cash versus credit. 

23 Mar 07:45

Financial Teamwork

On this week's episode of Tape Talk, Quint and Daniel discuss what it takes to be on the same page financially with your partner and why that's important. 

23 Mar 07:45

That's a Wrap

On this episode of Tape Talk Radio, Quint and Daniel bid farewell to listeners who tune in via local Lexington radio. Stay tuned to the podcast channel for as needed podcast-only episodes when the headlines and market movements warrant. 

23 Mar 07:45

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Summer Market Update
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