Financial Independence
for Every Human

The 6-Figure Freelancer Podcast | Freelancing | Entrepreneurship | Clients | Finances | Motivation | Personal Development | Mindset
The 6-Figure Freelancer Podcast was created for the dream-chasers out there who are ready to break out of their 9-5 box and design the life they truly want to live. I wanted to create a place where I could share what I'm learning as a 6-figure+ freelancer in real time. Each week, my guests and I will cover all things freelancing, clients, money, mindset, entrepreneurship, marketing and more. My goal is to give you the tools you need to work less, add massive value to great clients, make a whole lot of money, and live your dream life.

001 | Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Taking chances, living life on the edge, not knowing where next month’s money is going to come from, and being spontaneous? NONE of this was for me 1 year ago. I was (and am) such a planner – I loved my little bubble of comfort. However, over the last 12 months, I’ve realized how important it is for spiritual, mental, and physical growth to step outside of your comfort zone and get uncomfortable. In this episode, I chat about why getting uncomfortable can be so good for our life and your dreams. Let’s be real here, you are not “average.” You are meant for a life of greatness and it starts when

02 Mar 13:23

002 | Embracing the #ConsultingHustle and Living Inside the Happiness Margin with Alexandria Hart

In this episode, I interview my lovely, brilliant, amazing friend Alexandria Hart. This lady is not only a beautiful soul, but she is also a marketing powerhouse. She has been running Good Joo Joo, her marketing firm, for about 1.5 years now and she is on fire. Alex has worked with several big brands and helped them crack the code when it comes to customer acquisition. She also has an ultra-talented team who is complete remote - how cool is that?! Alex has designed a business and lifestyle that most people only dream of… I mean…. She LIVES in Tulum, Mexico about 25% of the year…   We talk all a

02 Mar 13:23

003 | How to Confidently and Effectively Ask for a Raise

I know you. You feel like you’re giving it all at your job and for some reason, you still aren’t being paid what you’re worth. Maybe you’ve tried to ask for a raise in the past and have gotten some lame response like, “we are on a comp freeze” or “these are tough times.” I’ve been there…   After successfully getting $10k and even $15k+ raises in my career, I’m ready to spill all my secrets with you! In this episode, I cover step-by-step techniques that you can use to set yourself up for a raise that your boss CANNOT refuse. How amazing would that be?!   In addition to the steps you need to take

02 Mar 13:23

004 | How to Cultivate Communities and Build Authentic Relationships Online with Akansha Agrawal

In this episode, I interview Akansha Agrawal - founder of the online wellness community, Citrus + Gold. After years of working in the corporate world in many great positions at LinkedIn, Akansha made the leap to follow her passion project full-time.   As she went full-steam ahead to work on building her business and audience, Akansha has learned a great deal about building authentic online communities. She has built an authentic and engaged community on Instagram and Facebook. In fact, Akansha grew her Facebook Group, C+G Girl Gang to 500 people in less than 6 months! Akansha covers the strateg

02 Mar 13:23

005 | How to Create a Daily Mind Gym Routine That Works For You

Your mind is the most important organ in your body. It does SO many amazing things for you… how are you taking care of it? What are you doing to strengthen it and to improve what it can do for you?   This is where the concept of the “mind gym” comes in. In this episode we’ll cover all about what a mind gym routine is and why it can be so impactful in your life. I’ll also be covering the four components or exercises that mind gym routines can include: Hygiene, Clarity, Agility + Creativity, and Attraction. With each component, I’ll give examples on how you can incorporate that component into you

02 Mar 13:23

006 | Why You Should Be Making Positive Pivots in Your Life with Alex Oda

In this episode, I chat with Alex Oda about his journey through entrepreneurship. Alex is an engineer turned financial analyst turned entrepreneur. He has worked on several amazing projects all over the world.   Alex is a social media influencer with a combined following of 400,000 followers across Instagram, Weibo, and YouTube and a former competitive bodybuilder (8 years). He heavily influenced and kick-started the "fitness boot camp" movement in China, which has lead to boot camps springing up across the nation. Alex calls himself a “self-admitted side-hustler” and we go in-depth in to why h

02 Mar 13:23

007 | 5 Productivity Tips to Help You Perform at the Next Level

Your time is SO valuable. You’re a valuable team member, incredible business owner, and/or an amazing performer. However - here’s the sad part - we each are only allotted 24 hours in a day. How crazy is that?!   After trying dozens of ways to increase how much time I had in 1 day, I decided it would be way smarter to just optimize how I work. I always had a suspicion that I wasn’t utilizing my time in the best way… so I went on a hunt to find techniques that could save me HOURS in my workweek. In this episode, I’m spilling all those secrets with YOU. I’ll be sharing the 5 productivity tips (t

02 Mar 13:23

008 | The Truth About Entrepreneurship with Mokshika Sharma

In this episode, I chat with Mokshika Sharma about her journey as an entrepreneur. We discuss the truth about entrepreneurship and how it’s not always a fairytale full of flowers and sunshine. We talk about the hard decisions and tough calls that sometimes need to be made.   As an entrepreneur who has started 2 companies (Tastegraphy and Full Fridge) and is now on her 3rd launch, Mokshika has learned a great deal about what it takes to run a business. She shares her insights and knowledge with us -- without sugarcoating it one bit.   We also chat about failure. Failure is one of the worst “F” w

02 Mar 13:23

009 | How to Use Gratitude to Transform Your Life

You know those bad days?. The ones that seem to get worse and worse as the day goes on. The ones where EVERYTHING seems to be going wrong… Do you know why they happen? They happen because of the energy we, as individuals, bring to the table. We might be bringing energy that is anxious, flustered, stressed, angry, frustrated, desperate…..   But, you can change these days. You can flip them in moments by harnessing the power of gratitude. Gratitude can literally transform your life, and yes, it is magical :)   In this episode, I’m going to cover exactly how I turned around a far less than accepta

02 Mar 13:23

010 | How to Create Your Personalized Blueprint to Self-Love with Lisa Thompson

I had the pleasure of chatting with Lisa Thompson, the Founder of Self Love Beauty. Lisa is on a mission to empower others to see their true beauty and embark on their own self-love journeys. After starting her own self-love journey a few years into her corporate career, Lisa decided she needed to share what she was learning with the world. Over time, her little blog turned into a heart-centered and passionate community.   In this episode, Lisa shares what self-love really is and why it’s so important for each and every one of us. We discuss why self-love can be difficult to embrace and how we

02 Mar 13:23

011 | How to Fuel Your Body and Stay Healthy Without Spending Hours in the Gym/Kitchen

Staying healthy and taking good care of your body isn’t always easy! I know first hand how tough it can be - especially when I’m managing several clients, creating podcast episodes, and other content! There seems to be just NO time some days to make a decent meal for myself, let alone work out. I know I’m not alone in this, so I wanted to share with you some of my tips for staying healthy when time feels like a scarce resource.   I’m going to be covering several little tips on how you can stay on top of your nutrition and make healthier choice when it comes to fueling your body. I’ll also that

02 Mar 13:23

012 | Taking Bunny Steps to Follow Your Passions with Gianna Ciaramello

I sat down with Gianna Ciaramello and got to chat with her about her passions. Gianna runs a consulting business, creates content (she’s an author!) for herself, and creates content for others. She’s juggling a lot of passions and she still manages to stop working at 6 pm in order to make herself a priority.   Gianna is impressive and her thought process when it comes to managing her passions. She goes in-depth about how to structure time and how to proceed if you are a multi-passionate individual. Gianna also gives us tips on how we can experiment to really find the passions that are calling t

02 Mar 13:23

013 | How I Broke Out of the 9-to-5 Box to Design a Life That I Truly Love

A year ago today, I was working as a UX designer at an amazing technology start-up. I loved the field. I loved design. I loved my co-workers. I loved the company. I was not in love with the way I felt anymore. Something was off. I felt stuck.   I wasn’t learning or growing anymore. I didn’t realize how much personal and career growth meant to me until that moment. I needed meaty challenges to breakthrough and solve. I wasn’t getting that at my job anymore… and honestly, I wasn’t going to for a long time (the company was going through some necessary changes). So I decided to make a change.   In

02 Mar 13:23

014 | How to Develop a Healthy Money Mindset and Re-Write Your Money Story with Tushar Jain

This episode’s guest is very special to me because he also happens to be my amazing fiance! Tushar Jain has a background on Wall Street and is a serial entrepreneur. He is now working in the crypto space and running a hedge fund called Multicoin Capital. When it comes to finance and investment, Tushar is one of the most brilliant minds around (I may be biased, but you can go ask anyone in the industry!).   In this episode, Tushar gives us tips on how to have a healthy money mindset. He talks about various heuristics that he uses to stay inside the abundance mentality when it comes to money. Tus

02 Mar 13:23

015 | Boosting the 4 Happiness Hormones to Feel Absolutely Amazing Every Single Day

Happiness is heavily impacted by the chemicals in our brains. There are 4 main hormones that affect happiness in the human brain. In this episode, I’m going to chat with you about what those four hormones are and how we can boost them (responsibly, naturally, and sustainably) in our day-to-day lives   What You’ll Learn: What the 4 happiness hormones are How the hormones work in our bodies and examples of activities that release them Ways we can boost the production of those happiness hormones in our bodies   Resources:   Reserach:

02 Mar 13:23

016 | How to Increase Your Income + Effectiveness by Finding in Your Zone of Genius

We all have that thing we were born to do. This thing is your zone of genius. In the episode, I talk all about how you can identify your zone of genius and why you should stay in it as much as possible. I even share my own story of how I discovered I needed to be living in the zone of genius no matter what. I will also cover a few methods you can be using in order to identify what your zone of genius is - if you haven’t discovered it yet.   What You’ll Learn: How to identify and uncover your zone of genius How to know the difference between the zone of excellence and the zone of genius Ways yo

02 Mar 13:23

017 | Stop Waiting. Stop Wishing. Stop Whining. Take Messy Action.

We all have passions it’s what gets us out of the bed in the morning. Do you know what makes you excited for the day and gets you motivated? Our soul tells us when we should make a change in our life. It could be something very simple from changing our job or writing a book. In this episode we go over our passions, go through the nudges our souls make and how to take action, messy action. Life is Short! Let’s Take Action.   What You’ll Learn: How to identify and uncover your passions What is Messy Action Why should you take Messy Action 5 Amazing Tips on How to take Messy Action Resources:

02 Mar 13:23

018 | The Truth About Break-Ups (Professional + Personal) and Why They Should Be Happening in Your Life with Alexandria Hart

This episode’s guest is very special to me and may be very familiar to some of you! Alexandria was my very first guest and I'm so excited to have her back again. In this episode, Alex and I go over the truth of Break-Ups and not just personal ones, but professional break-ups as well. Alex gives us tips on why we should release people in our business and personal life. She touches on how breakups are important in a business and how they differ from personal breakups. We also talk about the hows, the why, and when to break up.   Question Highlights:   How do you release people from your your lif

02 Mar 13:23

019 | My 7 Day IG Detox + How I Got 40 New High Quality Followers

Today I am going to be talking about my amazing 7 day detox and no I don't mean that green stuff! I’m talking about a 7 day detox from Instagram and how I ended up with 40 new, high quality followers. Let’s be honest - Instagram can be an addiction. It’s my go to app and it was getting to a point where I just couldn’t keep my hands off of it. My goal was to break this habit for 7 days so that it would help me control my need to be on my phone all the time. In this episode, I’ll be sharing what I learned about myself during those seven days and I’ll also share a surprising discovery I made that

02 Mar 13:22

020 | Lessons From a Bodybuilding Entrepreneur - Boost Your Health AND Productivity with Manu Edakara

In this episode I talk with Manu about fitness, business, and how to be successful balancing the two. Not only does Manu go into his personal experience with fitness and running his amazing business but he shares tips and tricks on keeping a balance lifestyle, staying successful, and combining fitness and entrepreneurship. We dive right into important lessons you can learn through fitness, taking advantage of the correlation of fitness and success, and Manu’s fantastic tips on being successful in the fitness entrepreneurship lifestyle.   In This Episode You Will Learn: How to combine Fitness a

02 Mar 13:22

021 | 5 Systems Online Entrepreneurs Should Master to Save 17 Hours in Their Weeks

In this episode, I’m covering 5 Amazing Systems that every Online Entrepreneur should master to save time in their week...17 hours to be precise. That’s 17 more hours you could be putting towards tasks in your biz/career or personal life! The systems I am sharing with you are repeatable formulas that you can apply to your life & business today to increase your productivity immensely, put out high-quality work, and still feel super energized and invigorated (like the radiant boss CEO that you are!). I’m super excited to share these tips with you.   This episode is a replay of a Facebook Live

02 Mar 13:22

022 | How to Show Up 100% as YOU in Your Life + Work

Have you ever thought of yourself as multiple different pieces of a puzzle? So did I... and in this episode I go over how I used to compartmentalize myself, how I had an issue taking everything I knew and putting it together, and how I overcame that and the stressful feeling of lacking in creativity. I also go over how to be 100% YOU and what that will mean for your life and work. This episode is all about being the best you and making that work in your personal life and business. What You’ll Learn: How I use to compartmentalize myself and the issues that caused What showing up as 100% means an

02 Mar 13:22

023 | Take Massive Action + Conquer Your Most Overwhelming Goals

In this episode, I talk about the 3 steps to Taking Massive Action for Massive Results! This is actually a recording of a Live I did on Instagram! Have you ever had a task that seems so daunting where you felt like you wanted to do this project but was so overwhelmed you kept it at arm's length? I have felt like that before and I just didn't know where to start because there was so much to do. These tips are great for client work, projects at work, school projects and even for projects that are long term. What You’ll Learn: 3 Steps to taking Massive Action What Tiny Gains are How to do your w

02 Mar 13:22

024 | From Bummed Out + Busy to Productive + Profitable using the SOA Method with Haley Burkhead

In this episode, I chat with Haley Burkhead, founder of the Profit Planner Lounge. This lady is one of my favorite entrepreneurs and I have been wanting to bring her onto the podcast for so long! During our chat, Haley goes over how she stays motivated, how she structures her days even when she has a master project going on, how to avoid getting burnt out, and even shares some of her favorite tips and tricks for productivity. We also talk about the SOA method and how this method can make an impact on your life even if you don't have a business.   Question Highlights: How do you stay motivated

02 Mar 13:22

025 | How to Create a Long-Term Vision + Actionable Game Plan for Your Life

Let’s talk about your life’s game plan. Do you have one? Sometimes it’s super overwhelming to create a game plan for what you want to accomplish in your life, especially if you’re someone who has huge, lofty goals! In this episode, I break it all down. I’m talking about how to put together a long term vision and then break it down into a 1 year, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily game plan. With this simple formula, you’ll be able to create daily actionable tasks for the various (impact, income, and personal) for your life of greatness!   In This Episode You Will Learn: How to create a long

02 Mar 13:22

026| How to Use Manifestation + Massive Inspired Action to Create Your Desired Reality with Heaven Leigh

In this episode I chat with Heaven Leigh, a brilliant coach whose mission is to help people manifest their divine wealth for a luxurious life and thriving business. We talk about manifestation, the law of attraction, the idea of limiting beliefs, and feminine and masculine energy including the difference and how both are amazing to have.   In This Episode You Will Learn: What manifestation is How you can apply manifestation in your life today The difference between feminine and masculine energy How to identify and work through limiting beliefs   Resources:   Freebie on preparing for Entrepren

02 Mar 13:22

027 | How to Find Your Creativity When You Feel Creatively Tapped Out

Let’s talk about you losing creativity and how to get over that feeling of getting tapped out. Have you ever felt like you had a hard time with creativity and feeling uninspired? I have decided to get real with you in this episode and talk about what's been hitting me lately. I’m sharing how I was able to overcome it and start feeling creative again.   I go over how to find creativity and what it means to be creativity tapped out. I also give 6 tips to move past that feeling of paralyzed creativity and how to get back in that creativity mode.   In This Episode You Will Learn: What it means to

02 Mar 13:22

028 | Tips for Being Productive While Working From Home + Balancing a Job and Side Hustle with Martha Barreda

In this episode, I sit down with Martha Barreda and talk to her about work from home tips and how she juggles a business and a job at the same time. Martha is in commercial real estate and runs her own business helping others on their self development journey. She has learned a lot about being effective while working from home in the past few years and she’s spilling all her secrets with us! Martha covers useful heuristics on the #WFH life and how she keeps it all together + avoids overwhelm. In This Episode You Will Learn: Work From Home do’s and don’ts How to stay productive and on task Ho

02 Mar 13:22

029 | How to Get a StEADY Flow of Clients with this 3 Step Client Outreach Strategy

Let’s talk about clients! This episode is for freelancers and consultants primarily...BUT, if you are an entrepreneur, have an MLM, or run any type of business, you are going to get a lot of value as well! I’m going to share what I do in my business to find the my dream clients + have a steady pipeline of work coming in! In This Episode You Will Learn: How to define your ideal client Figuring out where you ideal client hangs out How to engage with your clients Ways to craft your message Resources:   Web Page:   Check out my website at http://avanimir

02 Mar 13:22

030 | How to Make Big, Scary Life-Changing Decisions with Confidence with Ryan Singh

In this episode, I chat with Ryan Singh and one of the best heuristics he has that I dig is decision making and I mean BIG life changing decision. Ryan is one of the founders of Invoke Health. We go over his amazing story, how his plans took a crazy turn, and the ins and outs of decision making.   In This Episode You Will Learn: What to consider when making big life-changing decisions Actionable steps we can take when in the deciding process How to deal with anxiety around making the wrong decision Advice and resources for decision making in general   Resources:   Web Page: http://avanimiriya

02 Mar 13:22

031 | How I Made $11k in One Week + the Beauty of the Hustle

I’m getting vulnerable with you guys in this episode and giving you an inside look at my mini meltdown 2 weeks ago. I’m sharing exactly how I got out of my slump, got down to business and closed $11k worth of client work in just one week. This episode is not just for consultants or freelancers, it’s for any entrepreneur that works with leads / list to get clients or customers. I’m sharing how I focus on value so that I barely have to sell when the time comes!   In This Episode You Will Learn: The 3 steps I used to close $11k in client work How to bring yourself out of the rut when you haven’t

02 Mar 13:22

032 | How to Create Balance in Your Life While Still Chasing Your Dreams with Khrystle Rea

I thoroughly loved the knowledge bombs that Khrystle dropped throughout this podcast episode. She is passionate about helping busy people (like me!) rediscover balance in their lives. Not only do we chat about the theory and importance of balance, but Khrystle also shares tactics with us so that we can take action today. If you’ve been craving feeling centered, calm, and in control again… this episode is for you! In This Episode You Will Learn: Why balance is so important How to take step towards finding balance How to ground yourself and feel centered when the world around feels so chaotic

02 Mar 13:22

033 | What to Say to Your Worst Critic

Seems like getting vulnerable has been a theme with my podcast lately! In this episode, I’m sharing a note I received from someone with all of you. This note was brutal, it hurt, and cut deep. But it was real and I want to share it with all of you. I am also sharing my response to this critic of mine. I want you to walk away with pep in your step and fire behind your dreams. Because no matter what people say, you know your true worth; you know what you were really meant for. This episode was inspired by a presentation made by entrepreneur Charlie Durso.  In This Episode You Will Learn: What th

02 Mar 13:22

034 | How to Become a Heart-Centered Online Influencer with Allison Ramsey

Allison is the CEO of Empire Life and host of the Empire Life Podcast. She helps influencers and online businesses create authenticity while gearing them up for major success online. In this episode, we chat about what being an influencer means, what being an influencer does not mean, how to create authentic relationships online and how to build an heart-centered empire. In This Episode You Will Learn: What it means to be an influencer and how you can become one The difference between a “successful” influencer with an “unsuccessful” one How to create real and authentic relationships online H

02 Mar 13:22

035 | What To Do If You Hate Your Job

People say you can’t love your career and what you do I say BS. You can have a fulfilling and purposeful career if you allow yourself. It takes some digging in to find out what are the underlying problems are and how you can change it. In this episode I dig deep and get real on how You can change anything all you have to do is take the first step. I want you to know that your dream career is out there waiting for you to grab it up. You were meant for a life of greatness. In This Episode You Will Learn: Why looking inward can dial in on what the root of the issue is How looking outward can he

02 Mar 13:22

036 | Mind-Blowing 30x30 Technique That Can Launch Your Business And Change Your Life with Richelle Ouellette

Richelle Ouellette runs an national event planning business called Alchemy Events and is currently working on a new book. The best thing about Richelle’s journey is how she stumbled into entrepreneurship and made things happen by hustling hard. In the episode, we talk what it takes to make your dream life a reality - and that isn’t as far off as you might think. Richelle shares tips on how to overcome massive hurdles, stay in your zone of genius, infuse your career with passion, and just start. At the end of the day, Richelle reminds us that it’s just about putting things out there and seeing w

02 Mar 13:22

037 | Create, Establish, and Maintain Boundaries in Your Biz + Life

Boundaries are the limit or space between you and something else or someone else. What’s crazy is that some of us A-Player / Entrepreneur types have an extremely tough time maintaining strong boundaries. I definitely fall in that category. After having frustrated days and feeling burnt out or pulled in every direction, I needed it to stop. So, I decided to come up with a series of boundaries that I could implement in my business and life in order to protect my energy. In this episode, I’m sharing exactly how I came up with those boundaries and how you can too. I talk about how to define boundar

02 Mar 13:22

038 | How to Use Self-Discovery to Step Into Your Purpose with Melissa Huisman

Melissa and I chat all about her journey to entrepreneurship and how self-discovery played such a crucial role for her. We talk about why self-discovery is often overlooked and how we can get the courage to face the stories we’ve been telling ourselves. Melissa shares how she has been able to rewrite these stories for herself in order to chart her own path and live beyond the status quo. If you’re looking for a catalyst in order to level up in your life, this episode is for you!   In This Episode You Will Learn: Why the self-discovery journey is so important Tips and tools to use in order to s

02 Mar 13:22

039 | Break Through Your Upper Limits + Rewrite Your Story

With great ideas come great struggles and in today’s episode I dive deep into the good, the bad, and the awesome that comes with recognizing our ‘Upper Limits’ and advancing out of our comfort zone.   In this episode you will learn: What is an Upper Limit How we can identify our Upper Limit gremlins Tools to put to practice in order to breakthrough our Upper Limit barriers Ways to reframe the stories we tell ourselves And finally, how to level up and use good energy to propel us forward   Resources: The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks link:

02 Mar 13:22

040 | Using Iteration + Reflection to Build an Impactful Business

Sabina Bharwani is the Founder & CEO of Hello World, a computer science enrichment program taught by software engineers, AI architects, data scientists and educators on a mission to equip and empower next generation innovators. We sit down to openly and honestly discuss her journey as she paves the road for the future of education and technology.   In this episode you will learn: How Sabina’s experience with Teach for America inspired her to become the Founder & CEO of Hello World The power of building your confidence and harnessing the power of your ‘Why’ Sabina’s unique approach to f

02 Mar 13:22

041 | How Niching Down Can Help You Charge More as a Freelancer

When I started freelancing / consulting, I did everything! I took every job that came my way and thought that was the way to earn more money. I didn’t have a specialty or specific industry that I worked in. I did everything “design” related. Not only was it exhausting, but the pay wasn’t as rewarding as I had hoped. In this episode, I’m sharing the steps I took to find my freelance niche and start charging more for my skills and expertise. The riches are in the niches, my friend, and today’s the day you’re going to find yours!   In this episode you will learn: Why finding your niche as a freel

02 Mar 13:22

042 | Stepping Into Your Magic with Liz White

In this episode I talk with spiritual success coach, Liz White a.k.a the Money Making Maven. Her mission is to help women entrepreneurs uncover their true ‘magic’ and make money ‘painlessly’. We dive into her professional journey and unique approach that has her Ladypreneurs on paths for great success. What You’ll Learn: How to Harness Your True Magic The Benefit of Understanding The Difference Between: What You Are Good At  Vs. What You Enjoy Doing The Beauty of Embracing the Laws of Attraction Tips to Practicing Meaningful Manifestation   Resources:  How to Save 17 Hours in Your Work Week a

02 Mar 13:22

043 | Finding Focus as a Freelancer

Lately, I’ve been getting lots of questions from people who are launching their freelance business. These questions have been around social media strategy, how to design the right website, and whether the logo looks right… In theory these are all great questions, but they are not the questions to be asking as a freelancer who is looking to scale for REAL income. In this episode, I’m diving deep into why you need focus as a freelancer. I’m going to talk about how to find your focus and structure your activities so that you remain focused.   In This Episode You Will Learn: Why focus is so import

02 Mar 13:22

044 | Lazy Marketing for Online Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Freelancers with Court Baker

I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast episode with Court Baker! She is a business coach for wellness coaches and a marketing genius. Court has mastered the art of growing an organic following and building a business authentically with only inbound sales. In this episode, we chat about the secrets Court is using to book sales calls with her potential clients effortlessly. We also cover the steps to becoming a health coach if that is something you’ve been considering but don’t know where to begin.   What You’ll Learn: The Difference Between Outbound and Inbound Marketing How to Master Inbound Market

02 Mar 13:22

045 | Make Your Clients Fall in Love

Building lasting client relationships is crucial to your success as an Entrepreneur. Throughout my experience, I have worked hard to create a balance of professionalism, curiosity and empathy in order to establish trustworthy and healthy working relationships. Today I let you in on my top 7 tips for making your clients fall in love with you! In This Episode You Will Learn: The best practices for creating lasting client relationships Tools for optimizing your workflow and creating better processes How feedback and conflict can lead to stronger, more authentic working relationships Resources: F

02 Mar 13:22

046 | How to Use Automation to Take Back Your Time with Alyssa Coleman

In this week's episode I sit down with the productivity queen, Alyssa Coleman. As the  founder of The Productive Entrepreneur, the Free Spirited Babes Community, and leader of the #freedomrebellion Alyssa helps creative entrepreneurs, bloggers and influencers manage their time efficiently in order to make a bigger impact.   In This Episode You Will Learn: Alyssa’s unique path to becoming a successful Productivity Strategist The difference between an employee mindset vs an entrepreneur mindset The importance of taking action rather than working for perfection The best tools for productivity, gr

02 Mar 13:22

047 | Do You Really Know Your Clients?

In today’s economically competitive market, how do you stand out? What do you offer your clients that others in your industry might not? In today’s episode I dive into the profitable benefits that come with building authentic and lasting working relationships. Sometimes a great product is not need the entire package.   In This Episode You Will Learn: The mutual benefits that come from deeply understanding your clients needs How empathy plays a role in business 5 methods to practice when learning more about your clients Resources:   Web Page:

02 Mar 13:22

048 | Crushing Fear + Finding Your Purpose with Lizz Franco

In this week's episode, I interview Lizz Franco whose purpose and story is nothing short of amazing. After years of working closely with the terminally ill, Lizz made it her life’s mission to motivate and inspire people to live their best and most authentic lives. In This Episode You Will Learn: How to trust to your inner rebel to live beyond the status quo Action items to work towards finding your purpose Best practices when  charging through fear, self doubt and failure Resources:   Connect with Lizz Franco: Website: Twitter - @Lizz_Franco Instagram: lizz_franco   We

02 Mar 13:22

049 | 10 Ways to Be More Confident

Look, feel and carry yourself with confidence! In this episode, I dive into 10 tried and true methods for boosting your confidence and creating a positive mindset. Not only will these tips help you excel in your professional career, but also in your everyday life.In This Episode You Will Learn: How to incorporate confidence boosting practices into your daily routine Tools to help you command attention with positive energy Tips for fighting fear and procrastination Web Page:  

02 Mar 13:22

050 | Effectively Build Your Brand Online with Lauren Tickner

New technologies breed new opportunities. In the rising age of social media, Lauren Tickner entered an uncharted medium and grew her business from the Instagram up! Her deep understanding of storytelling and brand development has caught the attention of tens of thousands of people from all over the world! In today’s episode, we dive into Lauren’s story as well as her top strategies for social entrepreneurs on the rise.   In This Episode You Will Learn: How to identify your purpose Tips for developing your brand How to grow your following on social media Ways you can (and should!) incorporate s

02 Mar 13:21

051 | 8 Secrets to Closing Clients Effortlessly

Let’s look beyond ‘making a sale’ and start cultivating authentic and wholesome relationships with potential clients. In today’s episode, I outline 8 Secrets to Closing Clients Effortlessly. These tips have propelled me to ‘smash’ through my record breaking revenue months and I know these tips will help you too!   In This Episode You Will Learn: Sales tactic Do’s + Dont’s Items to prepare for successful kick-off meetings How to authentically drive a sales meeting for mutual benefits Resources:   Web Page:   Check out my website at http://avanimiriyal

02 Mar 13:21

052 | Tools + Tips for the Digital Nomad Brie Goumaz

In today’s episode I sit down with the ultimate digital nomad, vandweller and female entrepreneur, Brie Goumaz. Her passion for travel and thirst for exploration motivated her to find a career that blends seamlessly with her digital nomad lifestyle. I highly recommend you follow Brie on her epic adventure as she ditches the home life for the van life and takes on the world. In This Episode You Will Learn: How to start when you don’t know where to start Brie’s recommended tech tools, products and techniques for setting up your digital nomad office routine How to stay productive on the road Ti

02 Mar 13:21

053 | How to Feel Motivated Again Show Notes

Motivation is an incredible innate tool that drives us to excel, perform and create. When we feel highly motivated and energized we are unstoppable, but when we lack the ‘mojo’ it can be hard for us to regroup and carry on our mission. In this episode, I dive into 5 techniques that can help get you out of your rut and back into your groove. In This Episode You Will Learn: Best practices for reigniting your motivation How to recognize when it is time to take a break The power of support   Resources: Web Page:   Check out my website at http://avanimir

02 Mar 13:21

054 | Behind the Scenes of an Online Entrepreneurship

Sometimes we need to look back in order to move forward. Today, I bring back fellow female entrepreneur, friend and mentor Akansha Agrawal of Citrus & Gold  (check out our first collab episode on the BSQ Podcast) to review our online entrepreneur journeys. We breakdown what we did right, where we went wrong and why we wouldn’t have done anything differently. This conversation is helpful for freelancers and solopreneurs who are seeking inspiration, guidance, tips, and support.   In This Episode You Will Learn: The good, the bad and the helpful tools for online entrepreneurs Best practices f

02 Mar 13:21

055 | How I Made $20,293.57 in July While Traveling in Europe (Behind the Scenes of my Freelance Income)

One of the greatest lessons I have learned since starting my freelance career is the power of setting and believing in my goals. Back in January 2018, I made it my mission to hit a record breaking income month and I am happy to tell you that I was able to reach that goal. However, in order to do so, I was working like a dog and racing like a horse in order to turn my dream into a reality. The months that followed were not as fruitful because I did not have the energy, belief  nor confidence to do it again.   Later on, I carefully reviewed my January 2018 experience and located the gaps in my pr

02 Mar 13:21

056 | Using Visualization to Design Your Dream Life with Martina Fink

A typical day in the life of an entrepreneur and freelancer moves by pretty quickly, don’t you agree? We sometimes put so much energy into our work and we get so deep in our zone of genius that time flies and we forget to take care of the most important element of the job - YOU! The creator!   My mission, for this episode Using Visualization to Design Your Dream Life, is to inspire you to take action and start building a wellness practice that nurtures your mind, body and spirit. When we start to get carried away in our work, then we start to neglect ourselves. This can be the exact monster tha

02 Mar 13:21

057 | 5 Ways to Take Back Your Schedule

Hey go-getters, do your days often feel a little bloated? Are your appointments and/or commitments causing your work product to suffer? If you answered yes, then it might be time for a schedule detox! Think of this as an opportunity to slim down your hours of exertion in order to increase your efficiency and quality of output. As an entrepreneur (and passionate problem solver) I regularly wish I had more hours in the day. In my professional utopia, I would have endless hours of availability and energy to show up 100% for my clients, family, and friends. But back on Planet Earth, I have a finite

02 Mar 13:21

058 | Building Long-Term Relationships for Client Retention with Melissa Huisman

In today's episode, I invite Melissa Huisman back into the BSQ studio to discuss the best practices for creating authentic client relationships. We squash old desperate sales tactics and provide you with new heart centered tips to turn your clients into repeat partners.   As entrepreneurs and freelancers, the drive to survive can oftentimes cloud our judgment and stress us out. This, in turn, can make us money hungry, desperate and forgetful of our WHY.  In my previous episode Stepping Into Your Magic with Liz White we discuss the concept of the Law of Attraction, and how our positive or negati

02 Mar 13:21

059 | The Secret to Doubling Your Income and Transforming Your Business

Trust, faith and belief - we often times have so much of it in others but not in ourselves. Today I challenge you wonder why that is? The Secret to Doubling Your Income and Transforming Your Business can be boiled down into one word, BELIEF. It wasn't until I was fully committed to believing in myself that my business started to shift gears. At first, I was cautious and reserved. Only setting goals that I knew were easy to obtain so that I would circumvent feelings of disappointment and embarrassment. I created mental roadblocks that stopped me from living Beyond the Status Quo. Once I recogniz

02 Mar 13:21

060 | Freelance Hacks: Find Alignment, Build an Email List, and Create Multiple Streams of Income

I have Alysha DeMarsh of Basil & Bark on the podcast today! We dive into the freelance hacks for finding your focus, building your email list of trusted subscribers and discovering ways to create multiple streams of income, because let’s face it, passive income is awesome. When challenged in a career crossroads, Alysha made the decision to start fresh - #BSQ style.  Thanks to the leadership of several podcasters and mentors, Alysha decided to take her design skills and start creating a product (and life) she is proud of.   Freelance Hacks: Find Alignment, Build an Email List, and Create Mul

02 Mar 13:21

061 | Networking: The Easy + Effective Way to Create Authentic, Symbiotic Relationships

In today’s episode, we restructure the way we think about networking. We will move away from the antiquated ideas - changing the conversation from “what can I get out of this relationship” to “how can we support each other”. By redefining what it means to 'network' we open doors to new opportunities and endless possibilities. 
   I am a big fan of networking. It has shaped my entire career from internship to in-house and freelancer to entrepreneur. The lessons I have learned along the way have helped me develop a proven relationship building method that helps me focus my network building energy

02 Mar 13:21

062 | How to Find your Freelance Niche

My guest on the BSQ episode today is Jason Resnick, former 9-5 Wordpress developer turned specialized freelance entrepreneur extraordinaire. We dive into the reasons why finding your freelance niche can increase your revenue, strengthen your relationships with clients and create a smoother funnel for recurring business.As human beings, we have a natural need for safety and security. When our basic human needs are not met we enter an environment of exponential stress and we enter fight or flight mode. As freelancers, we feel the need to start fighting in order to make money and attract clients.

02 Mar 13:21

063 | Burnout: Using Your Lows as a Launching Pad to Your Highs

Burnout is a common consequence of chronic stress. We experience burnout when we over exhaust our mind and body. Common symptoms of burnout are intense lack of motivation, negativity, and detachment. During episodes of burnout, I don’t know about you, but I  can barely recognize myself.   From the outside looking in, scaling a business is an exciting and motivating experience! However, as freelancers and (solo)entrepreneurs this type of growth can be terrifying and lonely. Our minds race a thousand miles ahead of us and we feel like we need to hustle our hearts out in order to keep up.   In thi

02 Mar 13:21

064 | Instagram Influencer 101

Over the past few years, we have watched Instagram soar and take our society by storm. The social media platform has changed the way we shop, eat, advertise and so much more. Instagram has given a voice to people all over the world, and no one understands the value of this new stage better than the Instagram Influencer.   Today, I sit down with Rachel Holtin of @Austinfoodstagram - Austin food, fashion and lifestyle influencer. What started as a creative outlet for her to document her culinary experiences around Austin, has turned into her full-time career. Rachel shares with us her entrepreneu

02 Mar 13:21

065 | How Saying No Can Change Your Life

This episode is brought to you by my FREE class - How to Go From Freelancer to 6-Figure Consultant in 90 Days. Sign up for this FREE 60 minute class to learn all about the secret to taking control of your freelance practice again to make more money in less time. I'll be covering the 3 Building Blocks for a sustainable 6-figure consulting business: Client Attraction, Client Management, and Client Automation. Register for the free class at: or type in "" into your web browser. As freelancers and entrepreneurs, setting limits can seem impossible.

02 Mar 13:21

066 | You Are a Product of Your Environment

This episode is brought to you by my FREE class - How to Go From Freelancer to 6-Figure Consultant in 90 Days. Sign up for this FREE 60 minute class to learn all about the secret to taking control of your freelance practice again to make more money in less time. I'll be covering the 3 Building Blocks for a sustainable 6-figure consulting business: Client Attraction, Client Management, and Client Automation. Register for the free class at: or type in "" into your web browser. If you are feeling unmotivated or uninspired, it might be time for you

02 Mar 13:21

067 | What I Learned After 12 Months of Running a 6-Figure Business

In today’s episode, I lay down the top 10 lessons I have learned while running a 6-figure business over the past 12 months as a freelancer and entrepreneur. As most of ya’ll know, it has been a trying and exciting year for me. It was a year of growth, development, success, and self-discovery. My mission for the BSQ podcast and this episode especially is to condense everything I have learned and neatly deliver my tips and techniques to set you on a straight path toward success.   The freelancer path to a 6-figure income isn’t easy but if you face each challenge with the right energy and mindset,

02 Mar 13:21

068 | Get Aligned + Sell Authentically with Dee Gautham

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. When we listen to our intuition and solidify our mission, we become more aligned and confident in our abilities. In today’s episode, I sit down with Dee Gautham, founder of Dee Gautham Live Fearlessly, to discuss how tapping into her intuition has helped her build her brand, overcome entrepreneurial obstacles, and find clients. When Dee noticed an opportunity to foster a community in the Instagram fitness space she entered it without hesitation. She had no hopes of becoming Insta-

02 Mar 13:21

069 | The Secret to Turning Bad Days Into Good Ones

In today’s episode, I focus on helping you shift your mindset from negative to positive. It is far to easy for us to enter a negative ethos and cloud our perception of the world around us. Luckily, there are many ways for us to shift out of a negative mentality, for example: working out, meditating, visiting friends, and going for a walk are simple and effective catalysts of change.   One practice that has helped me tremendously is deep breathing. Anytime I feel anxious or overwhelmed, I take a second to step back, close my eyes and breath deeply for three breaths. This scientifically proven te

02 Mar 13:21

070 | How the Learning Mindset Can Help You Become an Entrepreneur with Cara Katz

Today on the BSQ podcast I interview my very own Virtual Assistant, Cara Katz! We focus on the topic of a learning mindset and how it has helped her ditch the 9-5 and freelance with confidence.   A learning mindset is a mentality that fosters growth and education. As Cara moved around the country and transitioned into different jobs she understood quickly that a learning mindset was going to be her strongest asset. After her most recent move, Cara turned on the BSQ podcast and decided to start her own business. SYT (Support Your Tribe) is a collaboration shop that focuses on helping entrepreneu

02 Mar 13:21

072 | From Follower to Raving Fan (And Paying Customer) with Tyler J. McCall

Today, on the BSQ podcast, I break bread with Entrepreneur and Instagram Marketing Strategist, Tyler J. McCall! We have been long time Insta-friends and I am thrilled to have him on the show.   Tyler is an expert at building relationships and forming communities on Instagram. His genuine and heart centered approach to relationship management has led him on a path of epic success. Tyler and his partner are running a successful consulting business that helps people understand their instagram goals, teaches them how to post with purpose as well as best practices for connecting with followers GENUI

02 Mar 13:21

073 | Why You Should Raise Your Freelance Prices

Today, we talk about how to raise your freelance prices because chances are, you are not charging what you are worth! I will walk you through mathematical equations and real-life scenarios to help you better understand how to appropriately change your clients. Early on in my freelance career, like most of you, I charged my clients an hourly rate based off of my desired yearly salary. After a while, I found that this formula not only devalued my self-worth and production but also, it fractured my relationships with my clients. I constantly felt like I was providing my clients with great work but

02 Mar 13:21

074 | Get Aligned in Your Freelance Business + Become Unlimited You with Alysha DeMarsh

This is a very special episode. Alysha DeMarsh from Basil and Bark is back on the BSQ podcast! We catch up from where we left off in episode 60, Freelance Hacks: Find Alignment, Build an Email List, and Create Multiple Streams of Income, and discuss her new course for Digital Creatives as well as her new passion, supporting female entrepreneurs with mental illness.   After a recent introspective meditation, Alysha was able to identify her root causes of anxiety. When she went back to the drawing board she envisioned a new way to approach her (already thriving) business in order for it to align

02 Mar 13:21

075 | 3-Steps to Crushing Your Fear Gremlins

Fear is a natural human instinct that has protected our species since day one, but in this modern age, fear cripples us more than protects us. No matter what transition we are trying to make in work, life and love we seem to be unable to shake our ‘fear gremlins’. They linger in the back of our mind, reminding us that we can’t and shouldn’t take risks or change our routine.   As freelancers and entrepreneurs, once we start to feel our ‘fear gremlins’ waking up,  we are faced with two options - fight or flight. We can either crawl into bed and hide from our fears OR we can live Beyond the Status

02 Mar 13:21

076 | Nurturing Your Mental Health and Intuition with Gemini Bhimani

As human beings, our biggest aspiration in life is to be happy. We simply want to feel good. From our late teenage years to early adulthood, we start to experience a negative edge, a mental shift. The world looks a bit darker, things start to get harder and you continuously ask yourself ‘why me’. It wasn't until recent years that the topic of mental health became a less taboo item. Since no one prepared us for it, we never learned how to address it. My guest on the show today, Gemini Bhimani, is a long time friend, nurse, and entrepreneur. She shares with us her triumphant story of how she wor

02 Mar 13:21

077 | How to Outsource + Automate as a Freelancer

Today’s episode is centered around outsourcing projects and automating systems in order to save you time and energy. Running a freelance business has incredible perks - freedom, ownership, flexibility! But it also can be extremely overwhelming - organization, business development, invoicing! As you grow and develop your business more and more items start to pile on your plate. I have found that in order to run a successful freelance shop, you must  A) learn to trust others to help you and B) understand what your time is worth. If you continue running on all cylinders you can burn out and start

02 Mar 13:21

078 | Tiny Gains for Massive Impact - Crafting Your Morning and Evening Routines with James Quigley

A ‘tiny gain’ is the practice of small steps that, over time, can lead to a big change. We use this term as we weight train at the gym, scale our business and when we develop a new set of skill. Achieving small goals, one step at a time is a great confidence booster and motivator.  My guest on the show today, James Quigley, is a former Fitness Coach and now works with his clients as a Life Strategist and Personal Development Coach. He utilizes the ‘tiny gains’ method to coach his community and helps them create tailored daily routines that revitalize and inspire them to live more meaningful liv

02 Mar 13:20

079 | Unlocking the Power of Affirmations + Future Pacing

Repeating affirmations and future pacing are tools I love to use. I practice them as part of my daily routine to help me stay focused, motivated, and confident. Future pacing is a technique used to help you envision your future goals, and repeating affirmations are your daily reminders to help you get there. These two exercises can be done independently, but I have found that they work harmoniously together.   Whether working alone or leading a team of people, it can get lonely, distracting and difficult navigating the waters of running a successful business. It is important to remind yourself

02 Mar 13:20

080 | Mastering Your Mind for a Life Beyond the Status Quo with Alessandra Nicole

n our modern age of information, there is no limit to what, where, or when we can learn. From books to articles, SkillShare videos to IGTV, we have the ability to expand our knowledge constantly. After we collect all this information one must wonder, how much of what I learn do I put into practice?   Today, I sit with Alessandra Nicole -- Mindset & Confidence Mastery Coach, Host of Girls on a Mission Podcast -- to address issues surrounding confidence, mindset and limiting beliefs. Alessandra and I are big supporters of the clarity comes through action mindset and on the Mastering Your Min

02 Mar 13:20

081 | Replay Episode: What to Say to Your Worst Critic

Today, I am replaying an episode that is near and dear to my heart and success. In last week's episode with Alessandra Nicole, Mastering Your Mind for a Life Beyond the Status Quo, we touched on the power of the What to Say to Your Worst Critic exercise. This tough, eye-opening and therapeutic activity impacted my life and business tremendously. Our conversation inspired me to replay this episode and encourage you to try it (if you already haven't).  Sometimes the only thing holding us back from success is ourselves. Seems like getting vulnerable has been a theme with my podcast lately! In this

02 Mar 13:20

082 | Pivots and Niches for a Fulfilling and Purposeful Business with Gariele Wright

Today on theBSQ podcast I sit with Gariele Write, Web Designer, Brand Strategist and Founder of the Rad Girls Collective. Gariele’s entrepreneurial journey is filled with adventures in travel, family, friends, success, and authenticity. Her ability to remain true to her zone of genius, listen to her intuition and recognize pivoting opportunities has helped her turn her passion into a career. As freelancers and new business owners, we are faced with fresh opportunities as well as challenges daily. It is how we respond to these pivots that makes us stronger, braver and smarter. From student to mo

02 Mar 13:20

083 | Replay Episode: 8 Secrets to Closing Clients Effortlessly

Happy Monday! Over the past few weeks, my guests and I have spoken in great depth about the impact our mindset has on our everyday lives and it's direct effect on our business. As fresh-faced freelancers and first-time entrepreneurs, the idea of selling our services can be intimidating, uncomfortable and, with an anxious mindset, unsuccessful. My mission for today's episode is to help you re-frame your mindset when it comes to sales and client management. 8 Secrets to Closing Clients Effortlessly is an episode from the BSQ archives, originally aired July 2018. Take notes & enjoy! Let’s loo

02 Mar 13:20

084 | Making Money Online with Digital Products with Sheila Joy

Sheila Joy is a Business Coach for Bloggers and expert on creating, strategizing and selling digital products. Digital products are intangible goods that exist in digital form. Some examples of digital products are e-books, webinars, templates, graphic designs, etc. I have had many guests on the show talk about their success selling their digital products and today Sheila will share with us her trusted resources as well as her expert advice on A) how to choose what type of digital product to sell B) how to sell it  C) how to nurture your audience.   Sheila always felt something pulling her Beyo

02 Mar 13:20

085 | How to Use the Perfectionist Inside You For Good

Do you ever find yourself apologizing for being a perfectionist or labeling yourself as OCD so that the people around you don’t feel intimidated by your attention to detail? After today’s episode, we apologize no more! I encourage you to embrace, nurture and challenge your inner perfectionist so that you can live your life Beyond the Status Quo.   In design school, I was trained to focus on the details, always polished and prepared. In the school of hard knocks, I am learning that things don't always play out according to our plans. This dynamic mix of attention to detail and preparedness vs. h

02 Mar 13:20

086 | Effectively Hiring + Managing a Team as a Freelancer with Alexandria Hart

Growing your business is an incredibly rewarding experience! As your client list grows and the money flows, you should reflect upon the hard work that has gotten you here and be proud!  As you embark on the next phase of your entrepreneurial journey you might consider growing your team to help champion your mission. The transition from solopreneur to team manager AND business owner will be a whole new learning experience and today’s episode will help you prepare for that next stage of success.     Today on the show, I sit with my dear friend and regular guest on the BSQ podcast, Alexandria Hart

02 Mar 13:20

087 | How to Have Less Meetings (and Get More Done)

Are meetings controlling your weeks and overriding your productivity? I found that between client calls, team meetings and business development coffee talks I had little time to get my actual work done. On today’s episode, I share with you my recommended tips for having less meetings and getting more done.   Don’t get me wrong, I love meetings with my clients and team. I look forward to building, developing and nurturing our relationship as our projects advance. But somewhere down the line, I recognized that I wasn't nearly as productive as I should be. When I took a look at my schedule for the

02 Mar 13:20

088 | How to Prepare for Your Best Year Yet with James Quigley

With just a few short weeks left of December, we often times forget or move to quickly into our New Year resolutions, to reflect on all of the things we have accomplished this year. Today I sit down again with recurring guest James Quigley, and he explains to us the importance of mindfully taking a step back and reflecting on those accomplishments, counting up the big and small. And how by doing so, we lay the foundation of effective goal setting in all areas of our lives.   We discuss the power of perspective and gratitude, and the importance of detail. We dive into the details of what the pro

02 Mar 13:20

089 | The #1 Mistake Freelancers Make in their Businesses

First-time freelancers can oftentimes spend way more money and time than they need to setting up the front load of their business. The business cards, the website, the logo, the design. Although those things are very important, they aren’t the most important. They aren’t the things that make you money or keep you and your business afloat. Your business development strategy is. A clear and organized schedule and calendar is. Those are your priorities and the heartbeat of your business, and should be treated as such!            In today’s episode we are going back 2 years ago to my personal freel

02 Mar 13:20

090 | PR + Visibility Tips for Freelancers with Katherine McDermott

In today’s episode, we speak with PR Guru and Founder of Slightly Savvy, Katherine McDermott. She dives into the perfect PR plan you want to have for yourself as a blogger, influencer, or entrepreneur. We learned that public relations is always free (or earned), and advertising always costs. How you can figure out your own branding, then the audience, and then figuring out where you need to be to be seen effectively.         She encourages us to go beyond the status quo and take those crazy opportunities that scare you. Because those are the ones that are going to help you grow and most likely

02 Mar 13:20

091 | Preparing Your Freelance Business for the Holidays

One week away from Christmas and 9 episodes from episode 100! Crazy how this year has flown by! With the year coming to an end, it’s really easy to feel like you’re losing time and energy, and that you have to do everything right this minute! When that couldn’t be farther than the truth.   In today’s episode I breakdown 6 steps that you can do to have an amazing holiday and launch into 2019 positioned for success. It’s important to have a system in place to plan and prepare for an amazing, enjoyable, and relaxing holiday completely guilt free. As a freelancer, we know this is way easier said th

02 Mar 13:20

092 | The Art of Getting Inside Your Ideal Client's Brain with Naomi Mdudu

In today’s episode we have the opportunity to speak to the one and only, Naomi Mdudu, founder of The Lifestyle Edit, a platform for creative working women and female entrepreneurs who want to gain clarity and visibility in their business online. Naomi is known for being great at bringing the right conversation to the table, and helping business owners place themselves strategically to get that ideal client.   As business owners, we know that our product or service is the answer to a problem most (if not all) our targeted audience has. Today we will learn how to create the message that answers a

02 Mar 13:20

093 | Secrets to Scaling Your Freelance Business

There are 7 days left in 2018 and we have full intention on finishing strong! In today’s episode I am going to be sharing with you guys a few secrets I personally use when comes to scaling my business. In hopes to save you guys as much time and resources as I can, trying figuring it all out yourselves like I did.   Today we will talk about growth, what building your team looks like, and dive into what has truly worked for me during the scaling process. What’s the difference between growing and scaling? I know the transition into becoming the entrepreneur and freelancer you so aspire to be can b

02 Mar 13:20

094 | Designing Your Business Around Your Ideal Life with Adam Clark

We don’t always have it all figured out, and that’s okay! Often times when we feel the most scared, is usually when life is about to blow our minds. Today I am introducing you to Adam Clark, the most humble and hardworking serial entrepreneur! From web development, journalism, to podcast production, he is conquering it all. He goes into his personal journey of self discovery, and all the gems he’s learned along the way. A true trailblazer to us all.   You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket, and trial and error is the best way to get there! Adam goes into the import

02 Mar 13:20

095 | Creating Sticky Habits in 2019 - Habits Part 1

Today we’re talking about habits. In fact, it’s Part 1 of a longer discussion on habits and the types of habits that all freelancers should have. In Part 1 (today’s episode), we’re going to talk about how to create sticky habits. Part 2 will focus on the five habits every freelancer should have. So, how do we make sticky habits this year? First, habits don’t have to be massive changes that happen overnight. Often, the most impactful habits are the ones we build every day through small repeated actions. Small changes each day can lead to big ones in the long-run - similar to how compounding inte

02 Mar 13:20

096 | 5 Habits Every Freelancer Should Have - Habits Part 2

In Part 2 of our series on habits, we’re going to talk about five habits every freelancer should have. However, before we begin, I want to make it clear that I don’t recommend adding these into your routine all at once. Use the strategies we discussed in Part 1 to make sure these habits build on each other and stick over time. If you’ve already listened to Part 1, then let’s dive into the five habits I think every freelancer should have: 1. A mindfulness practice Having a mindfulness practice, even if it’s just stopping to take deep breaths, can help ensure that you don’t get swept away by the

02 Mar 13:20

097 | How to Stop Feeling Like a Minion in Your Freelance Business

I think we can all agree that one of the main reasons people start freelancing is because they want more control over their day and to live their best lives, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen that way. To avoid that scenario, it’s really important for us to talk about how we run our businesses. A good place to start is by understanding the four levels of business activities that we all encounter in our freelancing: The Technician. This is the base level where most of us start out. This is where you’re doing admin tasks, designing things, number crunching, working on spreadsheets, implementa

02 Mar 13:20

098 | How to Take Sick Days as a Freelancer

Today is going to be more a “quick tip” kind of episode, but I wanted to give you guys a few ideas on how to take sick days as a freelancer. It’s an important topic because it’s something we don’t talk a lot about and is generally something we don’t often give ourselves. Here is a list of things you should have in place for when you need a sick day, and I recommend putting these into your project management software so that your VA or other contractors know exactly what needs to happen when you’re out. 1. Check urgent items If you can move urgent items to another day, do so. If not, assign them

02 Mar 13:20

099 | Five Pillars of Mastering Your Mindset

Today we’re going to talk about that big, beautiful brain you have inside your head. Mastering your mindset and controlling how your brain thinks about certain things is fundamental in creating and capturing your goals. Your mind can be trained like any other muscle, and these are the best tips and tricks on how to master your mindset and accomplish your most ambitious goals. 1. Believe in yourself Am I good enough? Do I even provided enough value to know what I’m talking about? These are questions we all deal with. The key thing to remember is that people who accomplish great things believe in

02 Mar 13:20

100 | Staying True To Yourself and Finding Your Tribe with Shruthi Parker

We did it. We made it to episode 100. In honor of reaching this goal, we’re doing a little rebranding and changing the name of the show to The 6-Figure Freelancer Podcast. Thanks you so much for listening and sharing this podcast with your friends. Now, on to the show! In today’s episode I talked with Shruthi Parker, a blogger, Instagrammer and content creator. Shruthi started out as a photographer and then moved into corporate marketing before finally landing where she is today as a full time blogger. Her passion for photography and storytelling is a big part of what lead to her success as an

02 Mar 13:20

101 | 4 Things Keeping You From Your 6-Figure Income

Today we’re talking about money and reaching that elusive goal of a six-figure income. I really believe that everyone has the potential to be making $100k per year (or more.) However, a lot of us just can’t seem to reach that threshold. Today I’m going to give you four tips on how you can reach that goal. 1. Raise your rates If you’re setting your rates based on your previous agency or full-time salary, then you’re not charging enough. If you’re providing a premium service to your customers, your rates should reflect that. Be confident in your abilities and people will pay your rates. 2. Don’t

02 Mar 13:20

102 | How I Re-framed My Skiing Injury

This year has started off with a bang. On a recent skiing trip, I injured my MCL and was put in a brace for two months! I’m still in that brace, but instead of feeling sorry for myself and letting my injury get me down, I’ve decided to re-frame this event into something positive. Today I’ll be talking about the three questions I asked myself to help me look at my injury as an opportunity, rather than a setback. 1. What can I be thankful for? The times when you’re most bummed about your circumstances are also the most important times to focus on gratitude. Ask yourself, “What am I thankful for?”

02 Mar 13:20

103 | Slow Down To Speed Up

Sometimes life gets a little crazy and we lose sight of the big picture. That’s why I am slowing down in January and February, so that I can speed up later on. I’ve had six months of consistently good income. I’m working on integrating a new team member, thinking about adding another team member, and working through my knee injury. I want to take this “break” to plan, strategize, and share my thoughts with you! To help us get better at realizing when we need to take a break to regroup and recharge, I came up with an acronym called B.E.E.S., which stands for Breathe, Evaluate, Empathize, and Str

02 Mar 13:19

104 | Knowing Yourself, Finding Your Tribe, and Passive Income with Eden Fried

Eden Fried from Bread and Butter Blogging is on the show today. We talked about the Rebel Boss Ladies Podcast and a framework for launching your first digital product. Eden started her entrepreneurial journey between college and entering the workforce. She was set to start law school when her brother gave her the words of wisdom she needed hear, which was to head out on her own and figure out what she truly want to do. In the beginning, blogging was tough, with lots of ups and downs. However, it set her on her current path. About a year into her journey, she launched her first online course. Af

02 Mar 13:19

105 | 5 Ways to Confidence in Sales

Today we’re talking about money and reaching that elusive goal of a six-figure salary. I really believe that all of you have the potential to be making $100k per year (or more.) Here are five tips on how you can get to a six-figure income. 1. Conviction You need to believe that you are selling the absolute best product someone can buy. People can tell when you’re not convicted about what you’re selling and that will end with you not making the sale. Really believe that you are doing right by your customer and that they are getting a premium product. 2. Educate yourself You are a business owner,

02 Mar 13:19

106 | Authentic Branding and Creating an Abundance Mindset with Jen Davis

In today’s episode, I talked with Jen Davis. Jen owns and operates Jen Davis Design, a branding company focused on small, women-owned, creative businesses. Jen is a self-taught designer and started her career studying journalism. After graduating, she realized she was drawn more to the visual side of journalism, which led to learning design. Though she’s not a journalist, storytelling is a big part of her job as a designer. After a few stints with magazines, she ended up moving to Texas and her freelance career was born (mostly out of necessity). Building an abundance mindset has been one of th

02 Mar 13:19

107 | 3 Ways to Rapidly Grow Your Network

Today we’re talking about networking. Networking is crucial for getting more business and referrals, so you want to try to expand your network at every opportunity. Here are three tips for how I expanded my network when I first moved to Austin, and how you can replicate these strategies for your own success. 1. Attend local events Interacting with people in your space and sharing tips and ideas with them is a great way to quickly expand your network. Remember to ask people how you can support them. This gesture means a lot, and they’ll be sure to remember your kindness. 2. Say “Hi” to strangers

02 Mar 13:19

108 | How to Take Massive Action Quickly

Taking action quickly is the most important thing that you can do to accomplish your goals. Sometimes it seems scary or intimidating. It can also be hard to know where to start. So, here are some tips on how to take action so that you can feel like you’re getting stuff done. Action brings clarity Taking action allows you to test results. It brings validation to what you’re doing and you eliminate some of the confusion (or at least options) in your brain, which creates more clarity on the direction you should be heading. Action helps manifestation Your brain truly can attract the reality that yo

02 Mar 13:19

109 | 7 Steps for Effectively Managing Your Team of Freelancers

Working with a team is one of the best things that you can do to help accomplish your goals. It refocuses your time on the important high-value tasks that only you do, and that make your business work. Here are some tips for managing your team more effectively. 1. Clearly communicate expectations When you’re hiring someone, it’s a good practice to write out an in-depth job description so that you know what kind of skills are needed. It also helps clarify things such as pay and time commitment. Make sure the person you end up hiring is aware of your expectations. 2. Define KPIs KPIs, or Key Perf

02 Mar 13:19

110 | How to Use IG Stories to Get More Clients with Court Baker

In today’s episode, I talked with Court Baker. Court is a six-figure business coach for women launching online coaching business. She’s an expert in online marketing strategies that help coaches build six- and seven-figure businesses. Through working with other coaches, Court learned how to help them with their businesses, and, specifically, how to increase their social followings. She knew where people wanted to be and how to get them there, and her business was born out of her talent for marketing and advising. Authenticity and personal branding are key to growing a coaching business, and Cou

02 Mar 13:19

111 | How To Get Your Creative Spark Back

Creativity can be a hard thing to recapture. With our busy lives and all the distractions, sometimes it can fall by the wayside. As freelancers, we need this creativity to move forward with our businesses. Here are a few tips to getting your creative spark back. 1. Change Your Environment When you’re stuck in the same place day in and day out, it can wear on you. Try changing it up a little bit and working from a new location. It can be a coffee shop, a friend’s house, or on a hike. Try to change up your surroundings and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. 2. Get Human Contact Humans

02 Mar 13:19

112 | Why You Should Take Calculated Risks in Freelancing (and in Life) with Giselle Field

In today’s episode, I talk with Giselle Field. Giselle is a one-woman branding and design company. She loves to travel, and uses her travels as inspiration for her work. Giselle started college as an art major, but realized it wasn’t for her. She quickly stumbled upon a graphic design class and has never looked back. After college, she had a hard time finding full-time design work, and this pushed her to pursue freelancing and build her skills as an entrepreneur. Overcoming fear and getting out of her comfort zone were crucial in getting Giselle to where she is today. Diving into freelancing fu

02 Mar 13:19

113 | Create Juicy Proposals Your Clients Can’t Say No To

Proposals are an important part of freelancing. There isn’t “one way” to write proposals. Different situations require different kinds of proposals. However, we can always improve, and here are some strategies that will help you write great proposals your clients will love. 1. Cut the fluff Your clients are busy people. They are CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, etc. They don’t have time to wade through a giant proposal filled with extra “stuff” designed to make it look important. Streamline your proposals so they can be digested in five minutes or less, but be sure to include all the information

02 Mar 13:19

114 | From Side-Hustles to Boss Mode with Elley Mae Charles

In today’s episode, I talk with Elley Mae Charles. Elley is the founder of “Becoming Boss Society” a woman-focused consultancy aimed at transforming side hustles into full-time businesses. Elley has been hustling since high school. She started in photography before transitioning into a successful beauty and makeup blog. In her early 20s, she had a full-time job that was eventually eliminated by her employer. She was determined to use the opportunity to strike out on her own and be her own boss. She was drawn to the path of running her own business because of the freedom it offered. She wanted t

02 Mar 13:19

115 | 9 Steps to Staying Healthy While Living the #WorkFromAnywhere Life

As freelancers, we generally don’t have the luxury of a regular routine or schedule, which can effect our health and our bodies. Today, I’m sharing nine steps that I use to keep my body and mind healthy while keeping my stress levels at a minimum. 1. Drink water Our bodies are made of 70 percent water! We are constantly losing water during the day from different activities, so we should be drinking at least half our body weight in ounces every day. We need that water to function properly, so set a goal of how many bottles you’ll drink a day and try to hit it. 2. Consume 30 grams of protein in t

02 Mar 13:19

116 | How to Negotiate Like a Godfather with Katherine McDermott

Katherine McDermott is back on the show! I was so excited to talk to her again, because she has so much great advice for freelancers. Before striking out on her own, Katherine managed the brand of an Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Company while landing press in Buzzfeed, Forbes, Good Morning America, among others. She also served as the Director of Marketing and Communications for HGTV’s Property Brothers. Katherine now runs Slightly Savvy, an influencer’s sneak peek behind the scenes of the PR world, built to deliver the most transparent PR insights to bloggers and influencers who want to transform

02 Mar 13:19

117 | Growth Stages of Your Freelance Biz

We all want to grow our businesses. But are you going about it in the right way? Today we’re talking all about the growth stages of your business — how they work, and how you can utilize them best to accomplish your goals. Preparing for Growth Before anything, you need to make sure that you prepare for growth. This means fleshing out the details of your businesses, making sure your finances are in order, and that all your other infrastructure is in place so that when growth arrives you’re not unprepared. Growth Phase Now that you’ve prepared for growth, the growing phase is pretty straightforwa

02 Mar 13:19

118 | Tips to Maximize Your Profits with Kristin Kaplan

Today’s guest is Kristin Kaplan. Kristin runs a consulting business where she helps creative entrepreneurs and online experts create revenue quickly in order to gain freedom in their businesses. Before getting into consulting, Kristin owned and operated a wedding planning business. She noticed many of the small businesses she worked with were not making enough money, or weren’t profitable at all. She decided to figure out a way to help them, and over time it grew into a fully-fledged consulting firm. Today, Kristin helps small businesses “Plan to Profit” and strategize approaches to their busin

02 Mar 13:19

119 | How to Have a Killer Client Mindset

Getting clients is hard work, and it’s even harder if you don’t have the mindset for it. In the first few months of my business, I did not have a killer client mindset. But I worked at it, trained it like a muscle, and now I think I’ve got a pretty great client mindset! Today, I’m going to share with you a couple of tricks for cultivating a killer client mindset and taking your business to the next level. Using neuroplasticity to your advantage You can change your situation by changing your mindset. If I gave you a dollar for every red car you saw, you would start noticing a lot more red cars.

02 Mar 13:19

120 | How to Connect with Your Intuition for Your Life and Biz with Celia Yarwood

Today’s guest is Celia Yarwood. Celia is founder and designer at Blurred Pixel based in Tallinn, Estonia. After decided to step away from the corporate world, Celia started her own online agency to offer branding and website design services. She previously worked for Addison Group, which is part of WPP, the leading advertising agency in the world. She has been designing for more than five years and doesn’t see herself stopping anytime soon. She loves getting in on the ground floor and working with entrepreneurs and companies who aren’t sure where to start with their brand or website, and then h

02 Mar 13:19

121 | Streamlining Your Freelance Business for Sanity, Scale, and Sustainability with Kate Jones

Today’s guest is Kate Jones. Kate is founder of Kate Waldo + Co. Kate loves helping influencers focus on their strengths by eliminating the stress and streamlining their businesses. Kate got started with her organizing business because she loved systems, and got her thrills from figuring out how to optimize and organize people’s professional and personal lives. After struggling to scale the business, it was time for a major intervention on the administrative side. Though lots of experimentation and trail and error, she was able to figure out what worked for her business. In this episode, we tal

02 Mar 13:19

122 | Developing an Abundance Mindset Around Money, Business, and Life - Replay from the Today I Am Podcast with Lauryn Miranda

Today’s episode is something special. I was recently a guest on the Today I Am podcast with Lauryn Miranda, and the conversation was so good. I wanted to replay this episode for you because she asked me so many great questions about money mindset, abundance mindset, and how those things can effect your live and business. Lauryn has done something amazing with her podcast — she’s created a nourishing and supportive space dedicated to authenticity, spirituality, and social transformation. I highly recommend you check it out. I hope you guys enjoy this episode, and please go check out Lauryn’s sho

02 Mar 13:19

123 | How to Prioritize Money-Making Tasks

Everyone in business wants to make money, right? Today, we’re going to talk about prioritizing money-making tasks. Every task is different and we need to figure out how each one will benefit our bottom line. All tasks are not created equal There’s no denying that some tasks are simply worth more than others. Your Instagram post for the day will not get you as much money as calling back a client. We need to be deliberate and careful about how we spend our time each day and assign an ROI (return on investment) to the tasks we choose to do. To understand this better, you need to understand the thr

02 Mar 13:19

124 | Leveraging LinkedIn to Get More Clients with Rob Palmer

We talk so much about freedom and the digital nomad lifestyle on this podcast, and that’s why I’m so excited to share this conversation with you. Rob Palmer is on the show today, and he’s a pioneer in that digital nomad lifestyle and the founder of Rob started freelancing nearly 20 years ago. He started as a journalist then shifted to copywriting, scoring work with big tech companies like Apple, IBM and Microsoft. When he began his freelance career, he spent most of his time marketing and making connections to help bring in work. But as soon as he landed his first big client, a

02 Mar 13:19

125 | How to Find Peace During Crazy Busy Days

We all know those days. The ones where you’re running around, with barely enough time for lunch, let alone any time for yourself. Today, we’re going to talk about how to find peace during those crazy days. Start the day with something to center yourself If you know you’re going to have a busy day, try and start it off with something that helps you feel at peace. It could be meditating, taking time for yourself, or drinking a cup of coffee. If you can start the day right, then you have a great shot at tackling the rest of your busy day. Take deep breaths Breathing is so important, but we often d

02 Mar 13:19

126 | Using the Power of Pinterest to Boost Traffic + Get Clients with Carley Zuercher

Today, I’m excited to share with you a great conversation with my good friend Carley Zuercher, or as I like to call her, “The Pinterest Queen”. Carly runs CZ Invitations where she specializes in designing custom wedding invitations for couples. On top of that, she is an expert at curating and driving traffic to her website via Pinterest, resulting in over one million views each month. She also runs a small consulting business, aimed at Pinterest, called Two Can, and has written an ebook on how to effectively use Pinterest as a marketing tool. In our conversation Carly breaks down all of this fo

02 Mar 13:19

127 | Income Report: How I made $30k + in March

Today we’re talking about my March income report. I know it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I wanted to give you a little insight into how I made what I did in March. A little background Before July 2018, my business was steadily bringing in about $10k-$15k every month. This was great because it was sustainable, consistent income that allowed my business to operate. In July, my business finally hit $20k in revenue and we continued that until the end of 2018. In January, I decided that (a little too ambitiously) I wanted to double my revenue. I needed to scale There is no way th

02 Mar 13:19

128 | How to Create Content That Attracts Your Dream Clients with Nicolas Cole

Today’s guest is content creator all-star Nicholas Cole. Nicolas (aka Cole) is cofounder of Digital Press — a business that helps companies position their founders and CEOs as thought leaders through written content. Cole’s background is a bit unusual. As a teenager, he was a top-ranked “World of Warcraft” player. As he got older, he moved into body building before finally landing in his career as a writer. Through his growth as a writer, he launched Digital Press. Today, Digital Press has an entire staff of copywriters and editors working to present CEOs and Founders as thought leaders in thei

02 Mar 13:19

129 | How to take a Workcation (or Vacation) as a Freelancer

Everyone needs a break every once in a while. If you’re employed by an agency or traditional business, it’s pretty easy to request PTO and take your time. The life of a freelancer is a little bit different. We have clients that demand our attention and it’s not always easy to put down our phones or computers and get away. We often feel like if we step away from our business that it will fall apart in our absence. Taking a vacation or at least stepping away from work for a period of time is an essential part of ensuring that you remain your sharpest for your business. It doesn’t just come from w

02 Mar 13:19

130 | The Long-Term Effects of Staying in Your Zone of Genius

Before we dive in to today’s episode, I wanted to let you know my new, free webinar on how to get a steady stream of high-quality clients is now available. If you’ve ever struggled to balance working on your business and bringing in new clients, this webinar is for you. I’ve talked about zone of genius and niching down many times before. Getting into your zone of genius means that you are focusing on what you’re great at — what you do better than no one else. As I’ve been niching down my own business, I was able to create processes for what I do, and it’s given my business a clear blueprint for

02 Mar 13:19

131 | Are You Leaving Money On The Table?

None of us work for free. Every dollar we make is important to living the entrepreneurial lifestyle we want, so it’s important to know if we’re maximizing the amount of income we could be making. Today, we’re going to look at how you might be leaving money on the table, as well as some strategies for how you can re-capture some of that wealth. Drop low-value tasks Many of us spend too much time on low-value tasks. Small tasks need to be batched, automated, or hired out so you can spend more time creating valuable services or products. Streamline Streamlining your systems will allow you to use y

02 Mar 13:19

132 | Mastering Consistency for the Compound Effect in Life and Business

Consistency is key to getting things done. If you truly want to change the way you operate your life and business, you need to be consistent in the actions that will get you there. After a while, these small, seemingly insignificant, changes can make a big impact. The compound effect of being consistent is hard to overstate. Today, we’ll talk about how you can master consistency, and the results you can see from the compound effect. Ways to Stay Consistent Understand the “why” behind your consistency. If you don’t know why you are being consistent, it will be impossible to change your habits a

02 Mar 13:18

133 | 7 Steps for Effectively Managing Your Team of Freelancers

Working with a team is one of the best things that you can do to help accomplish your goals. It refocuses your time on the important high-value tasks that only you do, and that make your business work. Here are some tips for managing your team more effectively. 1. Clearly communicate expectations When you’re hiring someone, it’s a good practice to write out an in-depth job description so that you know what kind of skills are needed. It also helps clarify things such as pay and time commitment. Make sure the person you end up hiring is aware of your expectations. 2. Define KPIs KPIs, or Key Perf

02 Mar 13:18

134 | Effectively Hiring + Managing a Team as a Freelancer with Alexandria Hart

Today’s guest is Alexandria Hart. Alex runs GoodJooJoo, a digital marketing agency that focuses on digital acquisition channels, email marketing, and marketing automation. She and her small team work with a range of e-commerce clients, but one thing remains consistent: they work with people who inspire them. Alex used to be a one-woman show, but over time, her business grew and she brought on employees to help out. While she could do everything herself, at some point it was going to cause burnout. Being able to identify when you should hire comes down to being highly self-aware. It took feeling

02 Mar 13:18

135 | Overwhelm is a Decision

We’ve all been there. Life gets crazy, work gets busy and before you know it, you feel overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you have to do. Today we’re going to be talking about just that: Overwhelm. The tough truth about being overwhelmed is that it’s our own fault. It’s a decision that we can train our minds to get out of with the right mentality. Sometimes being overwhelmed can make us feel powerless, but we do have the power to fight back against those feelings and it starts with taking control and responsibility for what we let into our lives. At the end of the day, it comes down to creati

02 Mar 13:18

136 | Using Email to Connect with Your Audience + Grow Your Business with Case Kenny

Today’s guest is Case Kenny. Case is the founder of prsuit, a daily email newsletter dedicated to helping you become who you’re meant to be. He’s also turned it into a popular podcast. Case lives in Chicago where he runs his email list of 213,000 readers. While his focus is on self-development, he’s also mastered the art of monetizing everything that goes along with it. At his core, Case is a writer and creator, whether it’s through his podcast, newsletter, or products. He’s built his career on creating compelling writing. He started out writing a blog, and building an audience through social m

02 Mar 13:18

137 | Why I Said No to a $35k Project

Money is money, right? What if I told you that I turned down a $35,000 project. That’s right, it’s a lot of money, but sometimes other things are more important. In today’s episode, I talk about why I turned down such a big project and the lessons you can learn from it. In short, life happens and we have to understand where our business ends and where we begin in order to stay sane when things, like a wedding, come up. Our businesses are a lot of who we are as entrepreneurs and it is a huge part of my identity. While this alone is neither bad nor good, I think it’s a good thing right now becaus

02 Mar 13:18

138 | Debunk the Money Myths in Your Life with Shaylene Cameron

Today’s guest is Shaylene Cameron. Shaylene is a sales consultant for service-based entrepreneurs, helping them transform their limiting beliefs around success, and teaching them how to sell high-ticket services without feeling “salesy”. Shaylene started in the health and wellness industry as a personal trainer, quickly moving into a management role. Over time, she hired 12 trainers and drove one million in sales. At that point, she envisioned climbing the corporate ladder in that space and moved across the country to pursue that path. However, she quickly lost interest in the corporate world,

02 Mar 13:18

139 | 5 Ways to Listen to Your Clients to Make Them Love You Even More

What does it mean to really listen to our clients? Have you ever gone back to a client asking for more clarification or a seeking a better understanding of the project even though you’ve already had a meeting? Here are fives strategies that I think will change the way you listen to your clients. They are effective, easy steps you can take to impress your clients right from the get go, and make your freelancing life a lot easier. “Listen to them [your customers] in order to deliver better, higher quality work that actually moves the needle for them. And then, in turn, you.” 1. Ask a lot of que

02 Mar 13:18

140 | How to Create Contracts for Your Freelance Biz with Ashlee Hightower

Today’s guest is Ashlee Hightower. Ashlee is an attorney for creatives and the owner of Contracts for Creatives as well as Cobalt Chronicles. In this episode, she talks about what we’re missing in our contracts as freelancers, as well as what we need to do to protect ourselves, protect our businesses, and make sure we’re getting the most out of our contracts. Ashlee began her career as an attorney working at a large, national law firm. After a few years, she moved into the corporate world (freeing up a lot of her time) and began reading local blogs to find out about things going on in her city,

02 Mar 13:18

141 | Use IG Stories to Get Clients

In this episode, we’re talking about one of my favorite things on the planet: Instagram. More specifically, Instagram Stories. I was checking my numbers and I realized that in the last 12 months alone I have had $35,000 of work come in just through Instagram stories. That is a crazy amount of money! I truly believe that stories are the most valuable part of the whole Instagram platform. Today, I wanted to talk about exactly how that’s working for me, what I do in order to create relationships with people through Instagram Stories, and how you can play the long game on Instagram. Instagram doesn

02 Mar 13:18

142 | How to Not Be a Perfectionist (or a People Pleaser)

If you’re anything like me, you’re a perfectionist. This is great in a lot of ways and can really help your business grow, but sometimes you need to throw caution to the wind and stop being a perfectionist and people pleaser. In this episode, we’re going to talk about five ways you can stop being a perfectionist and why it matters. Carve out some time to listen to this episode even if you have work to do because you need to hear it! “We can ditch the idea of being a perfectionist and get better. We should strive to be imperfect.” In this episode Avani talks about: Why you should learn to put

02 Mar 13:18

143 | The 40-Hour Work Week is Dead

You are your own boss, so why are you still working the same hours as a corporate gig? Today, we’re going to talk about why the 40-hour work week is obsolete and inefficient. As entrepreneurs, we just don’t need it any more. You can get as much work done (if not more) in less time! Why are we holding ourselves to a standard that is obsolete and doing it in our businesses where we’re our own bosses? The standard work week is built on early industrial organizations where it was more efficient for companies to operate within a set number of hours, and owners wanted to get the most physical possibl

02 Mar 13:18

144 | Getting the Most Out of a “Pick Your Brain” Coffee Meeting

We’ve all had coffee meetings where we sit down with someone just to “pick your brain”. Today, we’re talking about why those meetings are actually super important, and how you can maximize your ROI from a simple get-together. We’ll dive into some strategies to help you make sure your meetings have a purpose, and both parties get value. While these meetings are important, you want to make sure that no one leaves feeling like it was a waste of time or that it was all give and no take. These meetings should be mutually beneficial. It is totally possible to make these kinds of meetings mutually ben

02 Mar 13:18

145 | How I Manifested $40k Months

I’m back from vacation and ready to talk about money! Specifically, I want to talk about how I pulled off $40k in June. I love talking about this subject because it gives me the opportunity to save you some time and stress by showing you how you can achieve similar results. Here are three strategies I used to finally hit a $40k month and all the details around building up to that number. I’ll also talk a little bit about my revenue, expenses, and the “boring” stuff of making money. “Have your goal literally be the background music playing in your life. You are in the process of brainwashing yo

02 Mar 13:18

146 | Using Video to Connect with Your Audience with Victoria Levitan

I’m excited to talk with Victoria Levitan on today’s episode. She and I talk about a lot of nitty gritty details about how you can use video to make a splash in your business, and to grow the audience you’ve always wanted to have. Victoria is an online video expert, and her mission is to help online service providers and entrepreneurs figure out how to share their message and grow an audience using video. Her goal is to make video marketing easy and accessible for people who want to learn how to do it right. Originally from Switzerland, Victoria came over to the U.S. 10 years ago to attend coll

02 Mar 13:18

147 | Zooming Out to Deal with Manic Moments

Sometimes you land in a funk and it feels like life is just out to get you. Last week, that was me. I had a few days that didn’t go very well. This happens to everyone at one point or another. So the question is, how do you handle it? On today’s episode, I want to share a few tips on how I handle those “manic moments”. At the end of the day, when we have crazy moments of anxiety, stress, tension, or just negative things in our lives, we get to choose how we face them. We can either reach into our toolbox and pull out tools that we have cultivated and established over time, or we can just let i

02 Mar 13:18

148 | How to Put Your Money to Work with Ashley Copeland

Today’s guest is Ashley Copeland. Ashley is a blogger, podcaster and YouTuber who focuses on investing and growing your money — specifically how you can make your money work for you, and grow it passively. Ashley has a podcast and a YouTube channel called Stacks and the City, which is all about how to get money, save money, and be financially savvy while still living a very urban, millennial lifestyle. She has a six-figure net worth and built it through real estate and investments. Ashley’s journey goes all the back to her childhood. She was raised by a single, working mom and lived below th

02 Mar 13:18

149 | How Can This Be Easy?

We all want to live happy, productive lives. But that’s easier said than done. We have a million things going on and sometimes it feels like we’re just trying to keep our head above water. In today’s episode, I’m going to share my strategies for making things just a little bit easier so we can all live more productive, happier lives. If you’ve been stressed and want to figure out a way to lighten the load a little bit, this episode is for you. “Asking for help is a talent. Not everyone can do it. And if you get good at asking for help, you will be great at building anything you want.” In thi

02 Mar 13:18

150 | Creating Additional Income Streams on Top of Your Freelance Biz with Jason Resnick

I was recently talking to my friend Jason Resnick from Feast and I found the content of our conversation too important and helpful not to share with you all. This episode is pulled from our conversation and covers many topics that will help you in your own business. From how he started coaching, to how he thinks about advertising, and more. Jason is a coach for freelancers and he runs his own development agency. He’s also created an amazing community called Feast. It’s a freelancers roadmap and community for you to niche down, specialize in your business, and build recurring revenue. From grou

02 Mar 13:18

151 | Reforming Habits & Creating Consistency Again

Life is busy. Busyness is good because it shows we’re getting things done, but often our routines and habits can suffer. Sometimes that’s no big deal. Certain habits can fall by the way side and not be picked up for a while. But there are probably some crucial habits that you want to be doing (or were doing) and you need help bringing them back. This episode is all about getting those habits back and strategies to help them stick. We’ve all done it, so this episode is here to help you reboot your habits. “Everything you need to do in this life, in this world, is already inside of you. Habits

02 Mar 13:18

152 | Top Mistakes Freelancers Make When Trying to Get Clients

People have been asking me a lot lately about mistakes freelancers make. So in this episode we talk about the top mistakes you might be making when trying to get clients. As we all know, getting clients isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work. In this episode I identify the mistakes that I see freelancers making all the time when trying to get clients. Some are easy to fix, some are not. If you’ve been struggling to land clients, give this episode a listen because it might just be the advice you’re looking for. “Grab all the best practices from everyone. Implement and see what happens. See what t

02 Mar 13:18

153 | How to Give Clients Proof of the Transformation Your Services Provide

Today we’re talking about how to give clients proof of the transformation you are offering them. This is something that is a little tricky, and is one of the ways you can hurt a sale if you don’t get it right. This was born out of a question I received through Instagram: “In a service based creative business, how can you provide guarantees that when working with us, we will do a good job to take our business and our clients’ business to another level?” We’re going to cover four ways you can provide proof of your value, and some tips on exactly how you can communicate that value to your client

02 Mar 13:18

154 | Organize Your Finances for a Stress-Free Tax Season with Kate Jones

Today I talk with Kate Jones of Kate Waldo and Co. She’s the organizational queen. Kate is a professional organizer for influencers, and she gives them the tools they need to streamline and organize the behind-the-scenes of their businesses so they can focus on what they love. In this episode, we talk about one of the things that used to stress me out the most in my business: finances and taxes. It can be an uncomfortable topic, but we’re going to show you today how you can change that. Kate is passionate about this topic because part of her own business is to help bloggers organize every aspe

02 Mar 13:18

155 | Four Ways To Manage and Reframe Stress

I work hard to have a positive mindset every day. But sometimes it’s just not enough and the stress ends up getting the better of me. With running my business, planning my wedding, and moving, I’ve been overwhelmed and stressed as of late. Even though my life is stressful right now, it’s a great opportunity to talk about how to effectively manage stress when you’re running your own business. In today’s episode, I’ll review four tips for managing your stress. Some are mental, some are physical, and all of them are important. If you’ve ever dealt with stress, this is the episode for you. “A lot

02 Mar 13:18

156 | How to Plan a Wedding and Run a Business at the Same Time

This is going to be a bit of a niche episode. As many of you know, I’m getting married soon, and all of the planning that needs to happen around this wedding can get to be a little much at times. I know I’m not the only entrepreneur out there planning a wedding (or planning one in the near future). Today we’ll explore how to get all of the planning done while running your business and staying sane at the same time. If you’re walking down the aisle soon, the tips in this episode might just make your big day a little easier. “The reason we get overwhelmed with tasks is because we don’t see clari

02 Mar 13:18

157 - Best Of Replay - Getting the Most Out of a “Pick Your Brain” Coffee Meeting

This week we're running some of our most popular episodes. Enjoy! We’ve all had coffee meetings where we sit down with someone just to “pick your brain”. Today, we’re talking about why those meetings are actually super important, and how you can maximize your ROI from a simple get-together. We’ll dive into some strategies to help you make sure your meetings have a purpose, and both parties get value. While these meetings are important, you want to make sure that no one leaves feeling like it was a waste of time or that it was all give and no take. These meetings should be mutually beneficial. I

02 Mar 13:18

158 - Best Of Replay - Use IG Stories to Get Clients

This week we're running some of our most popular episodes. Enjoy! In this episode, we’re talking about one of my favorite things on the planet: Instagram. More specifically, Instagram Stories. I was checking my numbers and I realized that in the last 12 months alone I have had $35,000 of work come in just through Instagram stories. That is a crazy amount of money! I truly believe that stories are the most valuable part of the whole Instagram platform. Today, I wanted to talk about exactly how that’s working for me, what I do in order to create relationships with people through Instagram Stories

02 Mar 13:18

159 - Best Of Replay - How to Create Contracts for Your Freelance Biz with Ashlee Hightower

This week we're running some of our most popular episodes. Enjoy! Today’s guest is Ashlee Hightower. Ashlee is an attorney for creatives and the owner of Contracts for Creatives as well as Cobalt Chronicles. In this episode, she talks about what we’re missing in our contracts as freelancers, as well as what we need to do to protect ourselves, protect our businesses, and make sure we’re getting the most out of our contracts. Ashlee began her career as an attorney working at a large, national law firm. After a few years, she moved into the corporate world (freeing up a lot of her time) and began

02 Mar 13:18

160 - Best Of Replay - How to Not Be a Perfectionist (or a People Pleaser)

This week we're running some of our most popular episodes. Enjoy! If you’re anything like me, you’re a perfectionist. This is great in a lot of ways and can really help your business grow, but sometimes you need to throw caution to the wind and stop being a perfectionist and people pleaser. In this episode, we’re going to talk about five ways you can stop being a perfectionist and why it matters. Carve out some time to listen to this episode even if you have work to do because you need to hear it! “We can ditch the idea of being a perfectionist and get better. We should strive to be imperfect.

02 Mar 13:18

161 | 4 Life Lessons I Learned During My Wedding Weekend

As many of you know, I got married last week! After surviving the chaos, I put together some tips for how you can stay sane while getting married, or whatever you’re encountering during your day-to-day life. I came away from my wedding weekend with four life lessons that will help you continue to move your life and business forward. “Your work should be filled with joy and laughter and fun. And so should the moments you spend with your loved ones, the events that you have that you can celebrate and cherish.” In this episode Avani talks about: The events surrounding her wedding and the lesso

02 Mar 13:18

162 | Hiring the Best For Your Freelance Business

I realized early on in my freelance business that there was a limit to the amount of work I could take on. I didn’t like it. It made me feel boxed in, and like I was wasn’t in control of how much I could grow. Trying to figure out a way to scale my business and reach beyond my personal limits was challenging. The best way I found to grow was to hire other great freelancers to help me out. So, here are some tips about hiring the best freelancers for your business. “Making your first hire is very important because the moment you do this, the moment you pay someone else to do something that you

02 Mar 13:18

7 Ways to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

This episode is all about how to get your creative juices flowing. Since my wedding, I feel like I’ve lost my creative flow. Because there was so much going on, my brain was doing and thinking and processing so much that my creativity was on the back burner. Creativity is one of those things that can be a little fickle when other things are happening in your life. If you’re stressed, if you’re overwhelmed, if you’re very emotional, if you’re going through something personally, it’s hard to find your creative spark or get your creative juices flowing. As I work through getting my creativity goi

02 Mar 13:17

Using Your Mind to Multiply Your Income

Money isn’t everything, but it is one of the main reasons we do what we do. Sometimes we feel like money can be hard to come by or we just need a little more to keep going. Everyone has been there, but few know how to approach those feelings the right way. This episode centers around using your mind to multiply your income. We have control over so few things in our life, so we should take the opportunity to control the things that we can. One of these things is how much money we can make. Today, I’m going to give you specific strategies on how to use your mind to benefit your income. Clear yo

02 Mar 13:17

165 | Making Intuitive Decisions + Why I Canceled My Trip to Bali

I know it sounds crazy. Why would anyone cancel a trip to Bali? Sometimes trusting your intuition can seem crazy to others, but it’s an important skill to cultivate. A bit of backstory… I was planning to go to Bali on a retreat with my friend about 12 days after my wedding. We were going to surf, do yoga, meditate, and, of course, eat good food. Sounds pretty amazing, right? The trip was scheduled for right after my wedding and it seemed like a great idea when I booked it. It would be a great way to unplug and unwind after hectic wedding events. However, less than a week before I was going to l

02 Mar 13:17

166 | How to Work Less and Make More with Matt Baker

Matt Baker is a money strategist and business coach. He’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs solve their most challenging problems. And as a VP at Freshbooks, he helps millions of self-employed professionals grow their businesses and get paid faster. Matt grew up in suburban Michigan around lots of industrial and manufacturing jobs. With this kind of work, the amount of money you can make correlates directly to the number of hours you work (overtime, etc.). This mindset was ingrained in Matt early on, as it is with many people. But Matt realized that the same is true of entrepreneurship. Ma

02 Mar 13:17

167 | 5 Ways to Put Client Attraction on Autopilot

We all need clients, right? What if you didn’t have to put so much energy into getting new clients, and they just came to you automatically? Today we’re talking about some of the secrets I’ve developed that allow me to put my client attraction on autopilot. I’ve got five tips I want to share with you. I’ve used these plenty of times to get me to where I am today, so I hope you are able to put them to use too! “People are going to come to you, people are going to recommend you, they’re going to talk about you because you’re great at what you do.” In this episode Avani talks about: How to e

02 Mar 13:17

168 | What to Do When You're on the Hot Mess Express in Life / Biz

As is evident from my last episode, I’ve been a hot mess as of late. This has been true in both my business and my personal life. And that’s ok - it’s ok to be a hot mess every now and then. In today’s episode, I talk about why it’s ok. I have been feeling a little frazzled lately and I wanted to share with you the tricks I use to get out of my hot mess and back on track to being me. “I’m doing this for my future family. I’m doing this for my husband. I want to be a good example for these people that I love and am going to love so much. I’m doing this because I want to create a legacy and an a

02 Mar 13:17

169 | Thriving in the Different Seasons of Your Business

Business, just like the weather, has seasons. Some seasons in business are for sustaining or re-balancing, some are for focusing on your personal life, and some are for focusing on your business and putting the pedal to the metal. These seasons are going to ebb and flow as you and your business change. Our businesses are like people — dynamic, living and breathing beings. Because of that, it’s naïve for us to think that every season in our business is going to be the same. Your life is changing, the industry is changing, the economy is changing, and therefore, your business will change. So wh

02 Mar 13:17

170 | Housekeeping in Your Freelance Business

Just like your home, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the hygiene, cleanliness, and organization of your business. We have all of these things we use to run our businesses like systems, tools, apps, project management software, automations, and it’s important to check in on these things to make sure everything is running smoothly. In this episode I share my four tips for how I keep everything clean and organized in my business. “Housekeeping can be sometimes boring or blah, but it’s important because it is essential to the health of your business. This is what keeps things going and what

02 Mar 13:17

171 | How to Have More Fun In Your Business

Today we’re talking about a topic that’s a lot of fun. In fact, we’re talking about fun itself and how we should be having fun in our businesses. You should be thrilled and excited to show up and do your job. And if you’re not, then it’s time to change that. Let’s dives into tips on how you can inject some fun into your job, and make sure you’re experiencing everything your business has to offer. “It’s exciting for me. Every single day I am happy and having fun. Every client meeting that I have, every team meeting that I have, is infused with fun and we laugh so much together while adding ma

02 Mar 13:17

172 | SOS! What To Do When You Have Too Much To Do?

Sometimes we can get too much on our plates. Most of us have been in this situation more than once. Today, I'm going to share some tips and tricks on how to get through the overwhelming to-do lists in your freelance business. As business owners, we take radical responsibility for everything happening in our business. And this can lead to overwhelm and a seemingly never-ending to-do list. Whether it’s someone dropping the ball, or someone leaving our team, or a needy client wanting tons of attention, all of it essentially falls on us at the end of the day. And that can be a lot of pressure. Le

02 Mar 13:17

173 | Taking Radical Responsibility in Your Business

Today’s episode is about radical responsibility. It’s a concept that I’ve been thinking about for a little while now. The results you see in your life, the results that have arrived or shown up in your life because of what you’ve done, that’s on you. You gave the cause and the effect showed up, and you need to own those actions. That is what radical responsibility is. It puts you in the driver’s seat and says you’re the one in charge. This is empowering. It says that you have the power to influence and attract and bring about results in your life. Let’s explores the areas where you can take ra

02 Mar 13:17

174 | How to Write Copy Like a Boss for More Sales with Bree Weber

Today I am excited to talk with Bree Webber, someone who is truly a fountain of knowledge. When it comes to communication and writing, no one knows better than she does. Bree is a copywriter and runs her own business at Copy Bree where she helps entrepreneurs by writing copy for their businesses, helping them convert like crazy, and creating really juicy content for their audiences. I learned so much from our conversation today, and it really inspired me to get down to writing for my own business. She shares so many great tips and tricks that I know you guys will walk away feeling the same way

02 Mar 13:17

175 | 3 Steps to SUPER Profitable Months

Over the last few years, I’ve realized it’s not as easy as it seems to be profitable. Profitability doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t just fall into your lap. Profitability, in fact, is a very, very purposeful thing that all of us need to do in our businesses in order to see that profit come in. Here are some tips that have helped me in my journey to profitability. “I know where the money is going, I know what the expenses are going to be. I’m already aware of how it’s going to look and that feels really good to me because it’s not a surprise.” In this episode Avani talks about: Her fi

02 Mar 13:17

176 | Make the Most of the 'Cutting Season' of Your Business

There are two main seasons of business: bulking and cutting. I know that I’m borrowing from the fitness industry, but it’s a great parallel for our lives as freelancers. Preparing to grow falls into the cutting category. In today’s episode, we’re talking about the cutting season, what it is, and how to use it to your advantage. We all know there’s fat around the edges that we could get rid of, so this episode will show you how to do that the right way and make your business more lean. “Ask yourself, do you need to be doing what you’re doing? Is it producing what you want, the impact that you

02 Mar 13:17

177 | Don't Grow for the Sake of Growth

I’m an achiever, a go-getter. I want to know what’s next and I love to be growing and moving forward. That’s really what drives me. But at some point with my business I had to ask: where do I take this? Where do I go from here? It’s such a weird place to be and I realize I had forgotten why I was doing this in the first place. I had a grand vision, and a big “why” when I left my job a few years ago, and that was to build my dream life. That was my vision. In this episode I talk about how you can get stuck growing for growth’s sake, and why that’s unsustainable. It’s important to understand that

02 Mar 13:17

178 | Analytics in Your Freelance Business

Today’s episode focuses on analytics in your freelance business. I’ve been taking a deep dive into my analytics recently because we’re looking to evaluate how the last few years have gone. We’re looking at the clients, the revenue, and the team to figure out where we are now and where we want to go next. Analytics are a good thing to look at when you’re trying to make a decision on where to go next in your business. When looking at analytics, you certainly don’t have to be a “math person” to get on board. Some simple strategies will help you track your data and hopefully give you insight into

02 Mar 13:17

179 | 6 Step Checklist to Ditch Your Job + Go Full-Time in Your Freelance Business

This episode was inspired by a conversation I was having with one of my friends. She is brilliant and she has an amazing business. We were talking about how to plan her exit from her 9-5 jobs so that she could go full-time in her business. This got me thinking about the time in my life when I was going through the exact same things, and having the same questions that I’m sure most of you have as well. Today’s episode goes into my six-step checklist to ditch your job and go full-time in your freelance business. If you’re thinking about a transition, then this is an episode you can’t afford to mi

02 Mar 13:17

180 | Secrets to Staying in High Vibe Energy with Elley Charles

Today’s guest is Elley Charles. She is a business and mindset coach for female entrepreneurs who have a side hustle and are ready to transition into a full-time business. She is constantly thinking of ways to help entrepreneurs who are ready to live their fullest life and add more impact to the world. Elley is obsessed with personal development and takes pride in constantly working to become a better version of herself. Keeping her commitment to that personal development is what helps her keep her energy high. Reading personal development books is one of the ways she enjoys working on herself

02 Mar 13:17

181 - Best Of Replay - Why You Should Take Calculated Risks in Freelancing (and in Life)

In today’s episode, I talk with Giselle Field. Giselle is a one-woman branding and design company. She loves to travel, and uses her travels as inspiration for her work. Giselle started college as an art major, but realized it wasn’t for her. She quickly stumbled upon a graphic design class and has never looked back. After college, she had a hard time finding full-time design work, and this pushed her to pursue freelancing and build her skills as an entrepreneur. Overcoming fear and getting out of her comfort zone were crucial in getting Giselle to where she is today. Diving into freelancing

02 Mar 13:17

182 - Best Of Replay - How to Create Content That Attracts Your Dream Clients with Nicolas Cole

Today’s guest is content creator all-star Nicholas Cole. Nicolas (aka Cole) is cofounder of Digital Press — a business that helps companies position their founders and CEOs as thought leaders through written content. Cole’s background is a bit unusual. As a teenager, he was a top-ranked “World of Warcraft” player. As he got older, he moved into body building before finally landing in his career as a writer. Through his growth as a writer, he launched Digital Press. Today, Digital Press has an entire staff of copywriters and editors working to present CEOs and Founders as thought leaders in t

02 Mar 13:17

183 | 3 Easy Brain Hacks for Your Best Life

Our brain is an amazing organ and everything in your life, whether it’s business or relationships, should start in your brain. Today, I talk about NLP and LP (neuro linguistic programming) and how we use the basic language of the mind to consistently achieve the results we want in life. I like to call it the “lost user manual to the human brain”, because many of us don’t realize how powerful our brains are and how amazingly they can work. I picked up these three brain hacks at my NLP training and I wanted to share them with you. Be prepared to hack your brain! “Our mind is a meaning-making mac

02 Mar 13:17

184 | How I Took 7 Weeks Off in 2019 + Still Made $$$ In My Business

In 2018, I remember planning my wedding very vividly, and looking at my wedding and my honeymoon and feeling stressed out about how I was going to make two weeks off happen. Just two weeks. I didn’t know how that was going to happen without my business crumbling. Because, at that point, I had never taken a full week off. In 2019, I took seven weeks off and at least four of them were completely unplugged. At the end of the day, we left our jobs to be able to live our dream lives, to be able to do whatever you wanted, to take time off whenever we wanted. We didn’t sign up to work our butts off al

02 Mar 13:17

185 | 5 Ways to Spark Creative & Innovative Ideas

When life gets busy, especially during the holiday season, it’s easy to lose that white space that sparks creative energy. In 2020, one of the things I want to work on is protecting my creative energy so I can inspire creative ideas easily and effortlessly. I’m working on five things that I want to do more of as we move into the new year to come up with amazing, impactful ideas. I’m excited to share them so that you can also make those impactful ideas for yourself, your clients, your friends, and your family. “One of my favorite things to do is create and in order for me to be constantly creat

02 Mar 13:17

186 | Go From 1:1 to 1:Many by Designing Your First Online Learning Experience with Emily Walker

Education is one of the strongest ways we can empower people in their own lives. Most of the time when people launch a new business as service providers, it’s in a one-to-one structure. But we can have so much more impact, and empower more people, when we move to a one-to-many structure and amplify how we teach. This is exactly why I wanted to talk with Emily Walker. She’s the founder of Modern Leaders Collective. Emily uses online courses to help entrepreneurs create courses for their own businesses. By creating these courses, she is able to reach a much broader audience than she would with o

02 Mar 13:17

187 | How I'm Preparing for 2020

This time of year is one of my favorites. It provides an opportunity to plan for the year ahead and to do it deliberately. Good years don’t just happen by accident. We make them happen. In today’s episode I share exactly what I plan to do to make my year a good one. Even though I use the same methods each year, the plan itself evolves. I do it with my family, with my husband, and and it’s something you can use as a blueprint. You don’t have to copy it exactly, but use it as a starting point as you plan your year ahead. Let’s get planning! “If I had one secret to give you and leave you with, i

02 Mar 13:17

188 | Getting a Raise Easily + Effortlessly

One of the first episodes of this podcast focused on how to get a raise. After nearly 200 episodes, I realized that I needed to revise some of my earlier suggestions. To that end, I want to revisit the steps for how to easily and effortlessly get a raise. If you’re serious about getting a raise, write these steps down and start applying them today, because you will notice—especially with the first step—that this isn’t an overnight process. “If we’re working for other people and we’re working our butts off towards a mission, a goal, or something amazing, why not get the most out of what we’re d

02 Mar 13:17

189 | My Unplanned 4-Day Digital Detox

Sometimes life steps in and gives you the break you need. That’s what happened to me the weekend before Christmas. Long story short, I was without my phone for four days, and even though the situation could have been avoided, I reframed it as a positive digital detox experience. Here are a few things I learned, and how you can apply them to your own digital detox. The best version of you might just be when you’re unplugged! “It’s healthy for us to lose our phones in our house once in awhile and be away from them. Have nights with our loved ones where it’s a no phone or no internet night, or

02 Mar 13:17

190 | 5 Ways Reframing Helped Me in 2019

2019 has come and gone, and while I was reflecting, I realized that some of the highlights for me had to do with reframing. As an NLP follower, we’re taught that events in life have no inherent meaning, it’s up to our brains to assign meaning to them. This means that we can change the meaning of almost every thing that happens to us. In 2019, I had several events that could have been negative experiences, but I decided to reframe them to be more positive and to see what I gained from experiencing them. This was a powerful exercise and helped me get through 2019. In this episode, I walk through

02 Mar 13:17

191 | Reaching for Gratitude During Hard Times

We all have times in our lives where our minds dwell on something negative for too long and we can’t get past it. I had one of those weeks recently, and I want to share what helped me get through it. Ultimately, when I look back on this experience, I realize that this was an experience that happened for me, instead of to me, and that I was able to learn a lot about myself when I reflect on it. “We suffer more in imagination than in reality. We as humans tend to put ourselves through the ringer when we don’t need to. We make things up, we make things mean more than they need to.” In this epis

02 Mar 13:17

192 | Designing Your Ideal Week as a Freelancer

Designing your ideal week as a freelancer is one of my favorite topics and in this episode we talk about how to do it effectively. It’s important that we get our weeks right as freelancers so that we can optimize our time for the best productivity, the best output, and to match the times of day our brains work the best. Setting your own schedule is one of the best parts about being a freelancer, but it’s important to make sure you actually set a schedule for yourself. “The key thing to remember is that proper planning prevents poor performance. If you want your week to work for you, you have

02 Mar 13:17

193 | 5 Things I'm Doing To Nourish My Energy This Year

After reflecting on 2019, one of the things I wanted to get better at in 2020 was nourishing my energy. Often, I overload myself by saying ‘yes’ to so many different things and I want to change that this year. Too often, I pour myself out and help or volunteer, but I found that the more I poured out of my cup, the less I had for myself. I’ve started taking several steps this year to nourish my energy, and want to share them with you today. “At the end of the day, if I’m going to be a good business owner and a good leader, I need to invest in myself. I need to pour into myself. We need to take

02 Mar 13:17

194 | Mining Your Job for an Epic Career + Business with Tracy Timm

Tracy Timm is the founder of Nth Degree Career Academy, and a career coach who works with individuals and organizations who want to realize their full potential, do work they love, and make an impact at the same time. She has a fascinating story that I’m excited to share with you in today’s episode. In a way, Tracy was her own first client. She found herself in a place of misery with her job, wondering every day if this was all there was to life. She tolerated the job because she was making money and achieving some level of success (at least on the outside). Eventually she decided it was time

02 Mar 13:17

195 | 4 Ways to Shift Into You 2.0

Mental shifts are the key to making big moves in business. The strategies and tactics are great, but they’re not going to make a difference unless you’ve put yourself into that mental space where you need to be. If you get yourself in the right mindset, and continue to practice that, everything else falls in line almost effortlessly. It’s amazing being able to watch that unfold in your own business. “I’m constantly looking to level up. I’m constantly looking to become a better version of me, for myself, for my family, for my husband and for my team, and my clients.” In this episode Avani tal

02 Mar 13:16

196 | Casting Your Vision in Business & Life

This episode goes behind the scenes to share some things that I’m doing to dive into the next five to 10 years ahead of me. For me and my business, it’s always top of mind to be looking forward to make sure what I’m doing today aligns with where I want to be in the future. Learning to cast your vision is important for the future. When we plan out for the next week, we need to know where we’re going. Why should it be any different when we plan years in advance? This is the essential thinking behind the process of casting your vision and we dive deep into the process in this episode. “How do I

02 Mar 13:16

197 | 7 Strategies for Winning Clients Without Pitching

Being able to win clients without having to give them a pitch is such a helpful tactic to use when running a business. I want to share these strategies because it’s how I’ve been able to close almost all of the clients I talk to. In this episode, I’ll share all of the details and tactics I use to close client deals without ever having to do a traditional sales pitch. “You should have tons of questions, and make sure they’re useful questions. Do your research beforehand. Find the things you don’t need, see if some of those questions are answered online, and then bring everything else to the ta

02 Mar 13:16

198 | How to Become a Voiceover Artist + Work From Home with Andrea Collins

In today’s episode, I talk with Andrea Collins. Andrea is a former national radio host and is now a freelance voiceover artist making a six-figure income. Andrea spent close to 13 years in radio and television before going out on her own. And over the past year, she’s been building her business from the ground up. It has been an exciting and scary time all at once, so Andrea dug in to freelancing as a way to ‘layoff-proof’ her job. She didn’t want to be subjected to the whims of the tumultuous media industry. She started with some podcast consulting and had a few other channels, when voiceover

02 Mar 13:16

199 | The Last Mindset Tip You'll Ever Need

In the past year, I went through a time where I felt like I had come to an endpoint in my learning. Whether it was my ego protecting me from taking on too much or just my packed schedule in general, I foolishly believed I had learned all there was to know about my craft and business. Though I previously believed I was a growth mindset person, I found myself in a place with a fixed mindset that was limiting me from moving forward in my life and in my business. In today’s episode I want to share some tips for how you can access your growth mindset even if you’re currently in a fixed mindset. And

02 Mar 13:16

200 | 10 Things I Learned After 200 Podcast Episodes

I am thrilled that we’ve made it to episode 200 of Six Figure Freelancer and I’m glad that I get to celebrate it with all of you. In 2018, when I first wanted to start the podcast, I thought of putting it off for a more convenient time, but I’m happy that I was convinced to start when I had the thought. And here we are 200 episodes later. In this episode, I want to talk about 10 things that I’ve learned throughout these two years and 200 episodes of podcasting. Whether this gives you the nudge you need to start your own, or is just a fun way to recap everything you’ve heard over the last 200 e

02 Mar 13:16

201 | How I’m Focusing My Business This Year

Over the last six weeks, I’ve been doing a lot of internal work. This process has involved a lot of thinking about what I’m doing, what I want to do, and how I plan to shift things as I move forward in this new year. A lot can happen in a year, so today’s episode is about how I’ll be focusing my business in 2020. Making these decisions has involved a lot of conversations, a lot of reading, and a lot of listening. Just making the decisions and getting them out there to you all makes me feel excited and reinvigorated about my business. Getting them out there also serves as a point of accountabili

02 Mar 13:16

202 | 5 Steps to Feel Instantly Amazing About Your Business + Life

Being an entrepreneur can be challenging. There are perks and rewards to being your own boss, but it’s not always a walk in the park. Sometimes it can be just plain hard. However, it’s important to remember that we’re in control of our businesses, and the reason it starts to feel hard is because we’re focusing too much on the little things. That said, in today’s episode I talk about five things that instantly get me excited about my business so that you can feel amazed by what you’re doing as well. This is a way to remember that even though it’s hard, we can still feel great about what we’re

02 Mar 13:16

203 | 4 Steps to Being a CEO in your business

Whether you’ve left your job or you’re planning on leaving your job, becoming the CEO of your own business is an important topic to cover, and is one that often gets left out of the discussion when talking about pursuing a freelance career. When you’re a CEO, you have to be the one calling the shots and being the visionary. This is not an easy thing to do as a freelancer because you often work alone. It is, however, an essential part of ensuring that you drive the direction of your career rather than slipping back into the routine you had when you were employed by someone else. In today’s epis

02 Mar 13:16

204 | Why You Need to Move Away From Hourly Pricing with Jonathan Stark

Today I got to sit down with Jonathan Stark, the go-to resource for helping you transition from hourly pricing to fixed pricing as a solo freelancer. Jonathan has been in software consulting for 15 years and he’s an expert in helping people improve their freelance business by moving away from an hourly billing model. He’s written several books on the topic and has several podcasts where he talks about this topic as well. If you find yourself stuck in the same salary year in, year out, it’s because you’re charging hourly and putting a cap on your earnings. If you raise your hourly rates, you m

02 Mar 13:16

205 | The Easy Client Attraction Strategy That Actually Works

There’s a lot of noise out there on the internet about how we can attract clients to our freelance business. Most of the advice out there is focused on posting a certain type of content on social media or creating complex automated email campaigns. The problem is that most of the time these strategies don’t work, especially if we don’t have the right audience or a large enough audience. In this episode, we’ll talk about some actionable tips that you can follow in order to grow your own client base, and lay out the exact client attraction strategy that I use in my own business to keep my client

02 Mar 13:16

206 | The 4-Part Toolkit for Crafting Morning Routines

Morning routines are one of my favorite things and I believe they’ve been foundational to everything in my life, including relationships, my personal life, my health and wellness, and my business. In today’s episode, I share tools and tips for how to construct the perfect morning routine for you. These are tools that I’ve found to help me and I believe will be useful for you, too. I call this my 4-part toolkit for crafting a morning routine. “I started doing my morning routines even before I started my business. This was something that helped me feel grounded, helped me feel more like me ever

02 Mar 13:16

206.5 | How to Stay Sane, Healthy, and YOU While Working From Home with Dee Gautham

My guest today is Dee Gautham. Dee is the owner of Dee Gautham Fitness and is a NASM certified personal trainer. She’s also the founder of the Boss Body Method of coaching to help busy, professional women get into their best shape ever – both physically and mentally. Dee spent her early career working in Silicon Valley in the software industry. She eventually quit her 9-5 job to be a freelance coach and now she runs her own company with a team of coaches. As a freelancer, Dee went through times of working from home and setting her own schedule, so she’s pulling from her personal experience as w

02 Mar 13:16

207 | How to Hire a VA to Scale Your Biz + Manage Your Energy with Kristin Molenaar

On today’s show, Kristin Molenaar, founder of Yes Boss VA, talks about how to use virtual assistants to help with the smaller business tasks while you work on the higher-level items that drive your business forward. Kristin didn’t start as an entrepreneur, even though she always felt entrepreneurial. Her early career was in the beauty industry, but feeling stifled in her corporate job, she walked away to start her own business in 2014. She tried consulting in the beauty industry, since that’s where her experience was, but she quickly realized she didn’t really like the industry. The first year

02 Mar 13:16

208 | How to Market Your Business Without Feeling Icky with Selene Vakharia

Today’s guest is Selene Vakharia. Selene is an online business and marketing coach for entrepreneurs. She works with her clients to help them attract their dream customers so they can take their businesses and passions full time. Selene is intently focused on helping businesses attract their dream clients through authentic marketing. Her definition of authentic marketing is being aware of who you are and what works well for you. Essentially, seeing prospective clients from the angle of how much value you can add to their business versus only the number that comes with making a sale. By starti

02 Mar 13:16

209 | 5 Ways to Win at Quarantine Life

This pandemic has affected all of us differently;  some of us more than others. People have been laid off, gotten sick, or lost loved ones, and my heart goes out to them. It's important that we support each other during these trying times. I encourage you to call and connect with the people you love. We all need it so much. Over the three weeks I've been in quarantine, I’ve picked up a few tips that might help you through this crazy time and help you move forward bit-by-bit, so you can look at things in a better light. "Pick up the phone and FaceTime someone that you love. I think you should d

02 Mar 13:16

210 | How to Handle Losing Clients

Losing a client is never easy, especially during the tough times we're in right now. As freelancers, we depend on our clients to keep us afloat and when we lose one of them, it's easy to take that loss personally. It's important to take a step back if we start to feel that way and instead step into a neutral headspace on the subject.  In today’s episode, we’ll explore four ways you can reframe losing a client so that you see the opportunity in the challenge rather than letting it get you down or add more stress to what’s already likely a stressful time for you and your business.  "We reframed

02 Mar 13:16

211 | 5 Things to Do When Business Is "Slow"

2020 did not start off how any of us would have expected. I had goals for my business this year, and I'm sure you did too. But, for right now, a lot of those goals have to take a back seat. I realized that this "slow down" can be reframed as a time of opportunity, where I can still take steps to grow the business, and I'd like to share those with you this week! In this episode, we’ll talk about how to adapt goals to fit the current environment, growing your audience through collaboration, and updating your systems to make business even easier when it picks back up. "Take the opportunity to mak

02 Mar 13:16

212 | How I’m Using “Play” to Create More Freedom in My Life

It's day 45 of quarantine and my mind has finally transitioned to "Play” and “Fun." It’s important to continue to have fun and create play even though you might not have as much freedom as you'd like.  In today’s episode, I talk about why I’m struggling with quarantine, what I’ve discovered about myself in lockdown, how I’m working to regain some control in my life even though much of what’s going on is out of my control.  Even though we're all on lockdown, here are 10 ways I'm creating more play in my life, and how you can too.  “I challenge you to ask yourself a powerful question. How can I

02 Mar 13:16

213 | Three Predictions for Freelancers in a Post Quarantine World

As we start to emerge from quarantine, it can be difficult to figure out what to do. Where do we go from here?  The silver lining in this pandemic is that there is immense opportunity for freelancers and agencies. We will be in demand, sought after, and ready to get to work as soon as everything comes back online.  If you were wondering how you were going to complete your goals for 2020, this will be a good episode for you because I have some bold predictions about what the post-quarantine world will look like, and why it looks great for freelancers. In this episode, we’ll talk about what I’ve

02 Mar 13:16

214 | Secrets to Doubling Your Business with Richelle Ouellette

This episode came from an Instagram Live I did with my friend, Richelle Ouellette. Richelle is my go-to resource on all things money-related. She’s someone who understands what it means to become friends with your bank account so that you can have a life of abundance and build a life of financial independence.  We talk about entrepreneurship, money, and mindset. We also discuss the Start from Scratch Summit — an online summit all about helping you with money and growing your income.  “Just because the world or the society that's around us says that something should be some way does not mean w

02 Mar 13:16

215 | How to Grow on TikTok / Become the CEO of Boundaries with Dr. Janine Kreft

Today’s guest is Dr. Janine Kreft. Janine is a former ballet dancer turned psychologist who has experienced tremendous growth on TikTok through her unique take on creating healthy boundaries.  When Janine left the world of ballet, she found the transition very challenging. It caused her a lot of confusion, frustration, and panic, and ultimately led to depression that she sought therapy for. Seeing how life-changing therapy could be, Janine went on to study clinical psychology and she’s now working for the VA as a telehealth psychologist.  Though she never felt quite at home on Instagram, she im

02 Mar 13:16

216 | 3 NLP Brain Hacks for Your Best Life

In today’s world, it’s critical that we take charge of how we feel and that we understand that we are the source of our emotions. This mindset can help you move out of negative spaces and restore your feeling of personal power.  Last year, I was certified as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner. NLP is essentially the study of the mind and how we consistently use our minds to get the results we want in our lives.  Our brains are already creating our desired realities. Our brains are a reflection of what we feed it and our physical realities, so our lives are then a reflection of ou

02 Mar 13:16

217 | My Failed Launch + What I Learned From It

Sometimes things just don’t work out as planned. Today, I take a critical look at the launch of a “Master Class” I attempted earlier this year, and how and why it didn’t go as expected.  The experience made me pause and think about why it really went wrong and what I could have done better.  In this episode, I want to talk about why there’s no such thing as failure and why you’re going to be OK even if you think you failed. Also, how I missed the mark in connecting with my audience, and the five things that you need to ask yourself before launching any new product. “The other thing that I lear

02 Mar 13:16

218 | 6 Tips for Processing, Navigating, and Learning in 2020

It’s been a wild 2020 so far. The tragic death of George Floyd only compounds that. I’ve never been one to indulge in politics and I often find myself on the sidelines because I don’t feel like I have a good opinion to contribute. However, today I’m sharing the tips that I’ve been using to think about the state of the world, current events, and how I plan on navigating them moving forward. In this episode, I talk about how I’ve been feeling in 2020 thus far with everything going on, self-discovery in the wake of recent events, and what I’m doing moving forward to hear the world around me more

02 Mar 13:16

219 | Accessing Your Inner Mastery for Holistic Human Success with Edita Atteck

Today’s guest is Edita Atteck. Edita is a personal breakthrough strategist and helps entrepreneurs around the world claim their inner power by guiding them to effectively work with stress. She focuses on helping her clients prevent burnout, unlock resilience, release limiting subconscious programming, optimize their mindset, and maximize their wellbeing in all areas of life. In this episode, Edita and I get to the root of what you can do to level up in your life, how your subconscious affects your perspective on the world, and where to go from here with that knowledge.  “How do we contribute t

02 Mar 13:16

220 | How to Get Back to “Knowing” and Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you are doing something you shouldn't be doing. You may feel that you're not well educated or that you’re not good enough in your industry or your field, and that you're just kind of winging it. However, more often than not, these are not true and you’re actually just as qualified as anyone else to do what you’re doing.  In today’s episode, we talk about why we have these thoughts, what we can do to overcome them, and how to move forward.  “I realized being able to quiet our minds, being able to push the junk out of the way is so beneficial for us to then

02 Mar 13:16

221 | 6 Tips for Getting Clients on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is probably not at the top of your list when you think “Social Media.” A lot of us are glued to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and focus our marketing efforts there. But there’s a whole world of potential clients on LinkedIn.In today’s episode, I share some tips and tricks about how to get clients using LinkedIn and how you can optimize your presence on the platform so that potential clients can’t click away.  “When you're [interacting with old colleagues on LinkedIn], you're continuing to keep yourself top of mind for that individual. Then when they think of a moment where they need

02 Mar 13:16

222 | 8 Steps For Leading Effective Client Meetings

Your clients are the center of your business. Building strong relationships with them is an important part of growth, so today we’re talking about clients - specifically, how to lead an awesome client meeting. I’ve been coaching my team on how best to do this now that we’re scaling up and bringing in more people, and I want to share my insights with you.  These steps seem simple, but even the smallest changes and adjustments can have a huge impact on the success of your client meeting.  “Now more than ever, as more and more of us are remote, we need to make sure we're letting our clients have

02 Mar 13:16

223 | The Power of Community + Understanding the Feminist Gaze with Cristina Cala

Cristina Cala is the founder of The Why Women Project, a feminist platform powered by a collective of professional women in media, marketing, and more.   Though she began her career in the corporate world, Cristina has been working with freelancers for many years and learned early on the importance of community and building a network. As she’s branched out on her own, she’s grown to understand the difference between the male gaze and the feminine gaze and how that changes her perspective on her business and her personal story. Cristina has deep insights into the freelancing world from a woman’

02 Mar 13:16

224 | The Best Ways to Crush Overwhelm in Your Biz

Overwhelm is easy to experience when you’re a freelancer—especially if you have a lot of work coming in. We all get overwhelmed and that’s ok. It’s up to you to move out of that feeling and into a positive feeling of abundance. Today, I want to talk about some steps I use to get out of feeling overwhelmed and get back on track. It’s not always easy, but these steps will help mitigate those feelings and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. “When you're in a place of scarcity, you're unable to see the solutions. You're unable to see the big available expansion that's out there. Yo

02 Mar 13:16

225 | Closing the Gap Between You + Future You

We don’t know what the future holds, but you can be more than just a passenger in your life. What if you could be the person you see yourself as in the future? Becoming that person means closing the gap between the present you and the future you. But how do we do that? In this episode, we’ll discuss a few simple steps to help you close the gap and become the best version of yourself. “Start becoming who you want to be now. That is the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be. In order to get to where you want to be, you need to start acting like you’re there already. That

02 Mar 13:16

226 | The Rise of the Freelancer with Zach Fragapane

Zach Fragapane is the founder and head of product at Jolly, an online network for professional workers and freelancers. His 13-year freelancing career has been both a side hustle and his main career, so he has wide-ranging experiences we can learn from. For Zach (who has worked as a freelancer for most of his life) it was easy to pinpoint where help and support were needed in the freelance industry, which is how Jolly was born. Though now it’s much more than a freelance management system, Zach was able to refine and update his product based on his many years of first-hand freelance experience. 

02 Mar 13:16

227 | Your Quantum Leap in Life + Business with Amira Alvarez

Amira Alvarez is the CEO and Founder of The Unstoppable Woman, a global coaching company helping thousands of driven individuals achieve their financial breakthrough,  live their best lives, and become the unstoppable individuals they know themselves to be. Amira grew up believing that if she worked hard she would reach her goals. However, she soon realized that she was caught in the cycle of “never enough.” Once she had that realization, she committed herself to do everything she could to make things work and reset her mindset.In this episode, Amira talks with Avani about her coaching expertis

02 Mar 13:15

228 | Creating Freedom Through Daily Non-Negotiables

Non-negotiables are the basics and foundation of your business. These items are the must-do items that are recurring on a daily basis. Of course, these items vary and differ from person to person, depending on their priorities, and goals - but they should be the cornerstone of how you operate your business and life. Today, I’m sharing my list of non-negotiables, some critical components of my routine, and the reason they’re my priority. I also talk about how these non-negotiables help me get focus and stay grounded. “Life happens and if you aren’t feeling it for some reason, take care of you

02 Mar 13:15

229 | Effectively Onboarding and Offboarding Clients

Sometimes getting new clients or getting rid of existing ones can be a hassle. Over the years, I’ve worked on perfecting the best way to onboard and offboard clients. I'm excited to share a few of my tips and tricks on how I do this in a way that feels easy and effortless and gives the client a feeling like they're being taken care of.Here are some tips for both onboarding and offboarding, and why it's important to do these in a specific way in order to maximize your ability to use referrals for new business.  "Referrals are how I get clients. It’s the number one way I  get the dream clients t

02 Mar 13:15

230 | 4 Steps to Overcoming the Fear of Promoting Yourself Online

Promoting yourself as a freelancer can be a little intimidating. The last thing you want is for people to think that you’re pushy or you're obsessed with money. In this episode, we’re talking about how I got into the right mindset to promote myself, and tips that you can use to promote yourself, too. You’ll get the results you’re looking for without sounding pushy and you’ll actually feel good doing it.  “People want to know that you're a real person because they want that authenticity. They want to buy into that authenticity and know who you really are behind the curtain. So show the process

02 Mar 13:15

231 | Letting Life Be Easy + Your Next Quantum Leap (Part 1) with Carley Zuercher

Carley Zuercher is the owner of Two Can Co. and CZ Invitations and today she joins us for part one of our conversation on business strategy, mindset, and gratitude. Be sure to check out part two of our discussion on her podcast, Tipsy Business.Carley’s business and mindset have shifted a bit since she was last on the show, so I wanted to bring her back to talk about taking leaps in your business while still allowing life to be easy. Carley is currently running several businesses, doing business coaching, and writing ebooks.  We talk about how her businesses have shifted over the last year, bein

02 Mar 13:15

232 | How to Add Massive Value to Your Clients + Manage Your Freelance Team with Amanda Rabideau

Today, I talk with the amazing Amanda Rabideau. Amanda runs Arch Collective out of San Francisco and is a fractional CMO. She has an amazing team of freelancers that she works with at Arch Collective and brings the best talent to her marketing clients. We talk about how she runs her business and how she brings massive value to the clients and the startups that she serves.  In her first job out of college, Amanda worked in sales for a startup and had to quickly learn how to do cold outreach as well as how to nurture long-term relationships. She first started thinking about freelancing after inte

02 Mar 13:15

233 | How to Prepare for Your Quantum Leap in Life + Business

We’ve spent some time talking about taking your quantum leap in your life and business. But how do you get yourself ready to do that? To set the stage for success, let’s talk about how to prepare for your quantum leap in life and in business.  If you’re unfamiliar with the quantum leap, it’s essentially a shift in mindset that allows you to operate as a desired version of your future self, today.I’ve had some interesting things align lately and much of that was possible because I spent time preparing for that shift. There have been a lot of behind the scenes changes, internal growth, and a lot

02 Mar 13:15

234 | Mini Episode: How to Feel Worthy of Any Desire

Today I’m launching the first of my new mini-episodes series. These short episodes are a way to bring you consistent episodes that touch on whatever was on my mind at the time. Let’s kick it off by talking about something I’ve been struggling with lately: feeling worthy of my desires. For context, I’ve been shopping for a house with my husband and when the price tag of a few of these houses landed in front of us, I was really reluctant to pull the trigger on buying it. After some introspection, I realized it was because I didn’t feel worthy of my desires. These quick tips will help you figure o

02 Mar 13:15

235 | Mini Episode: Why Affirmations Work

Affirmations can change your life. I truly believe that. Throughout this episode, I talk about why they work and why you should use them as well as the changes they make to your brain chemistry.  While affirmations can be a powerful tool in your toolbox, it’s important to be consistent and intentional with them in order to leverage their full power. The strategies and discussion in this episode will help you get started with using affirmations in your own life. “As I'm saying [affirmations], my brain is listening. My brain is strengthening that neural pathway every single time and my brain is

02 Mar 13:15

236 | Mini Episode: Done is Better Than Perfect

If you’ve ever launched a business or started a project, you know that the litany of things you need to accomplish can be overwhelming. Sometimes, it’s overwhelming to the point of causing you not to start at all or to stop prematurely.  Today’s episode is about getting you to start even if the list seems like it’s never-ending. It doesn’t have to be perfect, you just need to get what you want to say or create out into the world for people to enjoy. Done is better than perfect.  "I firmly believe done is better than perfect. Start before you're ready. Start before you're ready because the worl

02 Mar 13:15

237 | Mini Episode: You’re Exactly Where You Need To Be

Going through tough times, whether in your business or personal life, can be stressful and feel like a setback, especially if things were rolling along. But these times of being tested are what we need to grow and improve. Today’s episode is intended to help you move through challenging times in order to grow and level up to the next version of yourself. I am also here to say that it’s ok and necessary to prioritize yourself and take a break sometimes.  “You are doing a great job, you are exactly where you need to be right now. There is a reason you are in this moment, there is a reason you ar

02 Mar 13:15

238 | The Missing Ingredient in Your Proposals

Proposals drive freelance and contract businesses. But how do you know if your proposals are any good? By the time you present a proposal to a potential client, you should know enough about their pain points and goals that you can create something your prospect can’t say no to.  I’ll share my proposal builder with you, but we’ll also discuss how you should organize your proposal and what you should include that will help your prospective clients see the vision of where you want to take them, and trust that you can get them there. “The moment they can see [your proposal] laid out, a clear plan

02 Mar 13:15

239 | Secrets to a Successful Side Hustle with Chris Misterek

Getting started as a freelancer or with self-employment of any kind can feel like a big risk. There are many unknowns that often become roadblocks. Fear of taking a risk and failing can be debilitating without the right mindset.  Chris Misterek, the founder of Self-Made Web Designer, joins me today to talk about how you can give yourself permission to take risks, and how you can reframe your mindset to help you feel empowered rather than fearful.  When Chris got started in web design, it was out of necessity — he wanted to bring in more income for his family. But within his first 18 months as a

02 Mar 13:15

240 | Embodying Overflow in Your Life

The concept of overflow is similar in some ways to the concept of abundance. It’s the idea that the natural state of your life can be an overflow in all areas. To truly embody the concept of overflow, you have to decide to sit in that space and expect that overflow. Overflow of money, of health, of relationships, of love, of support, or whatever it is that you’re desiring. In this episode, I talk through how to experience overflow. This is a good place to start as you begin planning your goals and growth areas for next year. "That means tapping into and embodying [overflow]. When I say embody

02 Mar 13:15

241 | The Version of You Moving Into 2021 and Beyond

Even though this year has been full of challenges, there’s still much to be learned that we can apply to how we move into next year.  There’s a lot to be thankful for, especially the growth and resilience that have emerged from the obstacles we’ve all faced in the past year, and I want to spend some time talking about how you can take that growth and build on it moving into the next year.  "I challenge you to ask yourself what version of you emerged from the ashes in 2020? What version of you are you moving into this new year with? There's a lot of stuff that we all need to learn. A lot of cha

02 Mar 13:15

242 | Selling an Agency (and Why You Might Want to Consider it) with Josh Hall

Selling a business is something many entrepreneurs dream about. While some are content to own and operate their own business for the long-term, others set out with the goal to eventually sell or exit the business to pursue other interests. But just because you’re ready to sell your business doesn’t mean it’s the right move or that the process will be easy.  Josh Hall, the founder of Josh Hall Design, joins me today to talk about how he built and sold a design business, and the journey he took to get to this point in his career.  As with many web designers, Josh’s path was a seemingly unlikely o

02 Mar 13:15

243 | From 6-Figure Freelancer to 7-Figure CEO, Here’s To The Next Chapter!

After 243 episodes, The 6-Figure Freelancer podcast is coming to an end. Manifesting your future is something that I talk about regularly, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t follow that advice myself, as I move from being a six-figure freelancer to a seven-figure CEO.  In this final episode, I want to say thank you to all of you who have listened and supported this podcast, as well as talk a little bit about why I’m ending the show and what’s next for me and my team.  “I'm sure one day I might go back and listen to all my podcast episodes, see how I've changed as a public speaker, as a podcaster, a

02 Mar 13:15

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The 6-Figure Freelancer Podcast | Freelancing | Entrepreneurship | Clients | Finances | Motivation | Personal Development | Mindset
001 | Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
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