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What is a Solopreneur? How to Become One?


March 5th, 2024 06:28

What is a solopreneur? Is this another trendy phrase for freelancers? Well, yes and no.

The term "solopreneur" has gained popularity over the last couple of years as more entrepreneurs choose to take the solo route when setting up a business. In this article, I will cover everything you need to know about becoming a solopreneur.

What is a solopreneur?

Simply put, a solopreneur is a solo entrepreneur who sets up and manages the entire operation themselves. A solopreneur has no partner and does not hire any employees. The integrated control of the organization rests with the solopreneur.

Why should you become a solopreneur?

What makes solopreneurship so appealing that many are choosing this path? Here is why.

1. Flexibility: As a solopreneur, you have no boss and no one to answer to except yourself. It gives you the freedom and flexibility to work as you like. You do not have to stick to the standard 9 to 5 schedule. You can decide how much work you want to take up.

2. Job Satisfaction: With freedom and satisfaction, you have the power to say no to work that you do not want to do.

3. Control Over the Strategy and Decision-Making: As a solopreneur, you are the brand identity of your business. You make all the significant decisions for your business. You implement the changes quickly without any red tape getting in the way. 

4. Work-life Balance: You work as you want and enjoy as much as you want. As a solopreneur, you have the power to take an entire month off if you wish. You can even blow some steam off during the vacation. 

What do you need to become a solopreneur?

You might notice that all successful solopreneurs have a few common personality traits and skills. A few of these are:

1. Passion: Solopreneurs are passionate about their business, and in the absence of a partner to keep up their spirits, they are their own cheerleaders.

2. Determination: It is the determination that helps entrepreneurs sail through tough times.

3. Creativity: A business requires novelty and innovation in ways to run it. Every day is a chance to do something new, and a creative mind always comes up with the best ideas and solutions in the business.

4. Tech-Savy: It is no secret that you must adopt technology to make your business successful today. Keeping up with technology is not an option anymore. It is an essential requirement for every solopreneur if they want to set up a successful business.

5. Adaptability: Businesses often tend to pivot. What may have started as something, in time, can become something entirely different. Adapting to these changes and making quick and efficient efforts to keep up with them is one of the most vital qualities for a solopreneur. It is all about having an open mind. 

How to Become a Solopreneur

You might already be interested in going solo with your business idea now. So here is how you should go about it.

1. Choose a Viable Business Idea

Take note of your skill set and how you can employ it for a niche business idea. Make sure your plan is realistic and in line with the realities of the world. 

2. Check your business idea

Here is a simple checklist for you to stick to:

1. Potential Customers

2. Competition

3. Long-term Demand

4. Potential to scale your business

3. Build a brand

Apart from the usual branding with a business name, logo, website, social media, etc., as a solopreneur, you are a brand yourself. Your business is likely to be known by your name. So you might want to brush up on your professional profile on platforms such as LinkedIn. 

4. Consider Automation

As a solopreneur, you must do everything to increase your efficiency and productivity. Here is something you can do:

1. Use accounting software

2. Set up an auto deposit in the bank

3. Use Social Media Bots

4. Automate Customer Service

5. Spend time networking

This is crucial for you to grow your business. Networking and building relationships will bring you new customers, which is the primary basis for growing your business. 

Here are some things you can do:

1. Get active on all social media

2. Join solopreneur communities

3. Attend networking events and conferences

4. Organize local meet-ups. 

5. Ask for references

6. Join a co-working space


As you can see, solopreneurship checks all the boxes while having a dream. The journey of having your own business is both exciting and rewarding. So start today and get the freedom you have always wanted with a freelancing licence to start your freelance business in Dubai!

Enjoy the benefits of a freelance license and visa in Dubai, UAE, such as a Work Permit, Emirates ID, Residency, and Option to Sponsor Family.

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