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10 Factors To Consider When Designing An Online Store


November 21st, 2021 06:14

How to design an online store

Designing an online store has never been more convenient than it is today. The integration of e-commerce and artificial intelligence has resulted in a paradigm shift in the business industry. Google will not only know about your sushi craving but will also pull out all the stops to help you satiate the same. 

You will get recommendations, price comparisons, great deals, and the like. So much so that the next thing you know, you would have ordered a bowl of miso soup too! E-commerce provides a seamless user experience that enables customers to view the products and make purchases at a click. 

While this is becoming increasingly prevalent in the present time, it becomes significant for businesses to enhance their online retailing game to stay relevant. And, for this, it is as important to be prominent on Google as it is to be appreciated by your customers. 

Having a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface and optimizing the search engine go hand in hand when designing an online store.

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Building An Following For Your Online Storefront

In this article, we have listed 10 ways by which you can take your online store up a notch by incorporating the relevant tools:

Catchy and convenient web design

  • Use modern and color-coordinated templates that would bring to the forefront the best features, products, and discounts of your store. Curate your online store to show what the viewer wants to see in the first instance. Here, things like choosing the appropriate fonts, authentic illustrations, and providing welcoming as well as engaging content bear a great deal of importance.


Easy approachability

  • Being approachable to your potential customers will instill a sense of faith in them. Have the contact segment highlighted on the front page and provide your business contact details on it so that the viewer can choose whichever is convenient for them. Not being able to contact a business in case of a query or grievance leaves a rather poor impression and could be a fiasco for your online business. 

Social media handles

  • Have provisions to list your social media handles on your website and encourage the viewers to engage with your business on them by either giving offers, giveaways, or even better, by a stellar content marketing campaign. 


  • Keep a track of a user’s viewing history and recommend them similar products or that in which they might be interested to purchase. Personalize a segment based on their interests and direct them to the products which they can potentially purchase from your online store. Tailored recommendations are more likely to result in successful purchases. 

Review and feedback pages

  • Having a distinct section for publishing the reviews of your previous customers helps increase your authenticity and reliability, especially if you are a new online business. Customers would have an option to switch websites in a matter of seconds; therefore, making them aware that you run a credible business becomes important to keep them interested and to keep your store functioning well in the long haul. 

Conspicuous display of offers

  • Whichever offer you’re providing, it is essential to attract the attention of your users to it. Using bright and attractive colors or increasing the font of the discounts or simply highlighting them on the conspicuous parts of your store's website can help you attract your users and engage them further. 

Publish quality content

  • Do not compromise with the quality of the photos you publish, the videos you upload, the animations you insert, or the illustrations you showcase. The quality of your content speaks volumes about the quality of your products or services on your online store. These are the sneak-peaks into your actual store and, therefore, they need to be embellished as much as your store would be. 

Email marketing

  • Having pop-ups and asking users to sign-up through their email can help you keep a track of the viewers’ activities and provide them with a better experience. It makes it easy to be in touch with the customers and update them about any ongoing offers or policy changes, for that matter. However, no one likes to be spammed by emails, so you could moderate the emails to include actual communication, intimation of offers, and special occasions. 

Engage the viewers

  • Apart from publishing quality content and having a social media presence, you can have a section for activities or games on your website. From spin-the-wheel to stack the boxes, viewers can be encouraged to play the games which not only are fun but also incentivize them with offers and coupons. This can be a win-win situation for both the business and the customers. 

Chatbot and FAQs

  • Incorporating AI features in the form of a chatbot can assist in having an easy and convenient contact feature. This can prove to be time-efficient and can redress common grievances or address certain questions quickly. You may choose to have an FAQ section as well in which you can address all the common doubts which are likely to arise in the initial visits. 


Think of yourself as a creator and your website as the canvas. You are free to decide the customization of your online store. This is a non-exhaustive list of things you may consider while designing your online store. You can add as much creativity and as many ideas as you would like to and give it a unique edge. Happy designing!

Looking to start a freelance career in e-commerce in Dubai, UAE? Freedom2Work is your one-stop-shop for all things freelancing. Get in touch with us to apply for a freelance license and a residence visa.


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. How to build an online store in 2021?

  • There are various options and resources that can help design your online store. From picking a suitable template to placing the products and services appropriately and attractively, a lot goes into online store designing. 

2. How do you design websites for e-commerce?

  • To efficiently design websites, proceed while thinking as an audience. See what can attract your target group and focus on that. Moreover, use quality content and make it professional and engaging at the same time. 

3. How do I create an e-commerce store?

  • Keep branding in mind while designing an online store. See what complements your brand and what is expected to be well received by the customers. Use appropriate colors and fonts and keep it user-friendly. 

4. What is e-commerce design?

  • Ecommerce design means building an online store for a business that will help sell your products or services directly to the target consumers. Designing an e-commerce website requires planning, brainstorming, and executing efficiently. 

5. What is the first step in designing an online store?

  • The first step is to zero in on the products or services you wish to sell or render. This decision takes a lot of research and also depends on your interests. Therefore, once this is done, the rest will flow.

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