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Side hustle

10 Practical Ways To Earn Money Online


December 30th, 2021 10:17

Start earning money online today!

Earning money online today has become easier than ever. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy you a roundtrip to Honolulu, your dream house in the city hotspot, and even better, a charger for your iPhone. However, both the choice and quantum of making money depend on you.

Even if your 9 to 5 job doesn’t allow you to be flexible with your money, or if you do not have an income stream, then you must know that there are several avenues you might want to venture into to earn some extra bucks and some can be even considered for a full-time engagement. And the best part is that you can exploit this opportunity in the comfortable confines of your home, i.e., through the internet or earning money online!

Online platforms provide a myriad of opportunities for one and all and with respect to almost every sphere. 

These days, we can call for salon services at a click, take courses online, and even host parties virtually (although, the best part is that we don’t have to call to order pizza anymore).

So, when the scenario is so convenient on this side, it must be lucrative to be on the other side as well. And if you’re looking forward to experiencing that as well and pocket some money through it, here are the top 10 ways in which you can earn money online

Ways to earn money online

Sell your designs

  • Channelize your creativity into mediums that can help you make money. You can upload your designs on websites like Redbubble, ArtWeb, and Society 6 and sell your art online. There is great scope for you to present your designs as you never know who might be interested in buying them. 

Sell your merchandise

  • Thrifting is becoming ever so popular these days, with the reasons being cheap transactions and sustainable shopping. You can open your own online thrift store and sell your upcycled or pre-owned items to those who are willing to buy them thereby, earning money online today.


Online teaching

  • In this fast world, there are so many people looking forward to increasing their skill set or honing their existing skills. If you take interest in teaching and feel that you possess the knowledge and have the time to bestow it down to someone else, then you can consider tutoring people online, which would not only be profitable but also, fulfilling.


  • You can start working as a freelancer with companies looking for short-term services. Be it writing, photography, graphic designing, content creation, or web development, there are a plethora of opportunities out there for you to utilize.

Affiliate marketing

  • Going on this road, you can earn money online while sleeping. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular means to generate a passive income stream. All you would have to do is sign up as an affiliate marketer with a company and advertise its products or services on your website or blog, which could direct the traffic from your website to the company’s page. 

Blogging and vlogging

  • Whether it is an informative piece on a technical topic, your thoughts and opinions on some contemporary subject or simply giving the viewers a sneak peek in your not-so-mundane life, publishing a blog or recording a vlog on the same while monetizing on it might interest people for different reasons.


  • Love or hate them, influencers are the new celebrities and we cannot deny that. Their lavish lifestyles and engaging content are bound to entice people. And if you are thinking to venture into the same, there has never been a time better than this, when this trend is on its zenith and is very likely to continue in the future too. This is recently proving to be an efficient medium to earn money online. 

Be a translator

  • Whether you are bilingual or a polyglot, your knowledge of a language can be of help to someone looking for a translator. If you are a native speaker or have specialized training in a language, then you can work as a translator for companies and individuals looking to hire one, on websites like


  • If you already have a certain corpus set aside, you can channelize those funds into investment and earn through the returns. This mode of earning online entails risk and, therefore, prior knowledge of the market and well-conducted research is advised before getting into online investment. Moreover, there are so many instruments to choose from, hence, observing your investment portfolio and several accompanying factors, you can make an informed decision.

Content streaming

  • Be it a live show, game streaming, or a workshop, you can stream yourself doing the activity online while targeting the niche audience and monetizing on the viewership. Online streaming also earns via fan donations and ad publications, hence, if you think this is your call, then you can start earning money online today! 

Could you have imagined having spent this pandemic without the internet? Me neither. Although there are no questions as to the popularity and pervasiveness of the World Wide Web before the virus even hit the world, it has certainly had a major impact on the usage of the internet throughout. 


Recently, so many content creators flourished, several people took a number of courses, while some ventured into freelancing, and others started investing. And this increasing usage of cyberspace is only going to amplify further. And it provides innumerable opportunities for you to make use of. Hence, see what strikes a chord with you and make a run at it!

Frequently asked questions

1. How can I make fast money online?

  • Cyberspace provides ample opportunities to earn money online. You can review products or fill surveys, among other things, or start your very own blog where you can earn from advertising as well. 

2. How can I make money online right now?

  • A few ways in which you can earn money online right now include freelancing as a teacher, photographer, and writer; dropshipping; mystery shopping; blogging; vlogging; and affiliate advertising. 

3. How can I make free money today?

  • You can make money from the confines of your home. You just have to know how to leverage the opportunities on the internet and get involved in what interests you the most. This can include writing, proofreading, teaching, and shooting videos. 

4. How can I make money online in 2021?

  • The year 2021 has witnessed and is still seeing a lot of online presence. The key to exploiting this opportunity is to jump on the bandwagon and get engaged in a project online including graphic designing, digital marketing, writing, and cooking. 

5. How can I make $100 a day online?

  • Find yourself a job, whether full-time, part-time, or freelance which interests and enables you to pocket a few extra bucks as well. There are various apps and websites which help facilitate the same. So, check their veracity and utilize the same. 

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