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13 Tips To Save On A Tight Budget


March 27th, 2022 07:50

Saving on a tight budget

Being on a tight budget could make it difficult to save more money, but savings are of utmost importance to be able to overcome any possible difficulties. And, with a little effort, there can be some room made in your tight budget too and make your hard work count. 

This is something I can tell from personal experience because I have lived on a tight budget myself with very little left at the end of the month. But the following changes to my spending habits changed things around for me. I hope they do for you too.

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So, let us take a look at some tips on how to save some additional money on a tight budget.

Make a shopping list and stick to it

  • When visiting a supermarket, having a pre-decided list will ensure that you do not get distracted and buy unnecessary things. Also, make sure you do not go shopping on an empty stomach because when you feel full, you will be less likely to be tempted to buy unnecessary snacks from those aisles. 

Buy in bulk

  • Bulk buying is always more cost-effective than buying products frequently. When you visit the supermarket you will see that there is always more discount on buying 5 instead of 1 packet of cookies. 

Avoid the mid-week trips

  • A shopping list will also ensure that you are not spending too much on the trips to and fro between home and supermarket again and again. Make sure you get everything you need in one trip each week or month, whichever suits you best.

Cut back on those subscriptions and memberships

  • With numerous OTT services, we are spending money on monthly services which we hardly get to use due to our busy schedules. Review your subscriptions and cancel the extra ones to make some room in your tight budget. If you are not going to that club or gym, cancel your membership. You can restart once you are off your tight budget.

Practice minimalism

  • The definition of minimalism is a change in lifestyle that requires you to live on only things you need, and this is perfect for somebody living on a tight budget. Minimalism is about concentrating your living on bare essentials and removing the extra possessions that are taking up space in your life.

Sell away any unused things

  • This is the next step of minimalism. This can earn you a few extra bucks too while removing extra, unused possessions from your life. 

Unplug the electronics

  • Even when off, electronics tend to leech electricity and unnecessarily increase your bill. So unplug your television, computer, and other equipment when not in use.

Make your coffee at home 

  • Instead of buying your morning coffee, consider making it at home to save a few extra bucks every day and make space in your tight budget. Research has proved that no matter where you are in the world, making your coffee at home can save you at least a dollar or even 5 on each cup of coffee.

Consider going vegetarian for a while 

  • A diet with non-vegetarian foods is generally an expensive one no matter where you are on the globe. Sticking to the leafy greens will not only be a new experience for a while but will also help you save a good amount of money. Let us not forget the numerous health benefits of staying away from meat for a while. 

Make your own meals 

  • Just like coffee, buying food from restaurants is much more expensive than a home-cooked meal. You will be shocked at how much you can save by avoiding eating out or ordering in for just a month. 

Always check for discounts

  • Before booking a movie ticket or buying something, check if you can buy the same product for a lower price on some other discounted marketplace. A little time and effort may be required but sometimes you can find mind-blowing deals on different online marketplaces. 

Stick to walking or ride a bicycle

  • Fuel is one of the biggest expenses of any household. Walking or taking a bicycle to cover small distances will not only keep you fit but also save you some money every month. 

Skip the drinks when you go out 

  • Drinks in a restaurant are priced at about 40% more than the usual price! That is a huge difference and the omission of drinks can make a difference in your bill too.


It comes down to the fact that when you live on a tight budget, even the smallest of changes matter. Every penny counts. So go creative with saving as much as you can here, there, and everywhere. It is not impossible as people tend to believe. 

Looking to start a freelance career in Dubai, UAE to earn a side income? Freedom2Work is your one-stop-shop for all things freelancing. Get in touch with us to apply for a freelance license and a residence visa.


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. What does it mean to live on a tight budget?

  • Living on a tight budget means that you are living at or just below your means. 

2. How do you stick to a tight budget?

Here are some ways to stick to your budget

  • Track your spendings
  • Create an outline of the budget
  • Be realistic with your allocation of money
  • Motivate yourself with small rewards
  • Keep reviewing your budget

3. What is the best app for budgeting?

  • Wally is an easy-to-use budgeting app that can be used for any currency in the world.

4. How do I stop unnecessary spending?

  • Set the limits of your spendings
  • Use a budgeting app
  • Embrace Do It Yourself or DIY
  • Make a list of shopping and stick to essentials

5. How can I earn extra money from home?

Here are some easy ways to earn money from home

  • Give online tuitions
  • Take paid surveys
  • Become a virtual assistant
  • Freelance in your free time
  • Become a social media manager
  • Become an influencer
  • Start a dropshipping business
  • Get crafty and sell your creations on Etsy
  • Write blogs
  • Take up data entry jobs 

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