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5 Tips To Get Freelance Work


March 16th, 2022 13:04

5 tips to get freelance work

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a steady rise in the gig economy with people looking for tips to get freelance work to earn a side income.

Choosing a side hustle can allow you to pursue freelancing full-time in your passionate field of work as well. Freelancing allows you to basically be your own boss and decide the terms and quantities of the work you would take on. 

Although getting work as a freelancer in today’s ever-competitive market could be stressful, following the right tips, such as the ones listed below, can help you get more freelance work and secure a brand new path for wealth creation. Read on to know more!

Be specific about your offerings

  • As a freelancer, it is important to be quite specific with your work, qualifications, and rates. Therefore, you must ensure to specify your qualifications well and mention your details on your website and on freelance marketplaces. 
  • When researching your rates, you can check websites, such as Quora, to better understand the pricing in your individual sectors. 
  • You can consider making your services less expensive in the initial stages as it could be a factor in attracting clients.

Share your portfolio

  • As a freelancer, you would have to craft your portfolio in the most creative way possible and share it on all major platforms. 
  • Your portfolio is like a storefront to your freelance services. Therefore, ensure to put in ample time before creating a portfolio.

Define your process

  • After you acquire your clients, you would have to define your process clearly before you begin the work. The process would include an agreement that would need to be signed by your clients and should explain the pricing and the project deadlines in detail. 

Offer discounts to your loyal clients

  • Your initial and loyal clients are the ones who would help market your service through word of mouth. They would refer you additionally if they would receive a type of incentive for their loyalty. Therefore, offering discounts to your clients would be beneficial in more ways than one.

Know your competition and connect with them on social media

  • Researching your competition and connecting with them will help boost your chances of learning well and growing together as freelancers. Make connections and network with your competitors.
  • Doing so can help you not only maintain a healthy connection but also let you learn about strategies that you may have not thought of before. You could also collaborate with them through social mediums and build your audience as well.
  • You could also analyze their work and research ways on how you can improve your offerings. Your niche work style will help attract many clients and especially if your area of expertise is trending.

How to get more freelance work?

You can start by setting realistic expectations for your work and only take up how much you can. Work on providing exceptional quality output and let your clients know why your service is the best. Depending on the amount of work, you can try and finish your work within 2 or 3 days at first to create a good impression.

Ensure that all your conversations take place over emails as they are safe and cannot be tampered with. 

Basically, it could all come down to the quality of your work and your reliability as a freelancer to be able to get more work in the future.

Always remember your why

Always remember why you started working as a freelancer in the first place. This could help you stay motivated. There may be downfalls along the way but you would have to stay motivated, patient, and consistent that you are going to rise no matter the situation.

How can you ask for more freelance work?

Rebuild and reinvent your portfolio with current trends and keep doing it throughout your career. Ensure that you provide consistent quality and service and maintain your reputation as a reliable freelancer. These and more factors could help you ask for more freelance work.


Don’t forget to have fun while working as a freelancer. Things will fall into place if you do it the right way.

Looking to start a freelance career in Dubai, UAE? Freedom2Work is your one-stop-shop for all things freelancing. Get in touch with us to apply for a freelance license and a residence visa.


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. How can I be a good freelancer?

  • You can be a good and reliable freelance by contacting those you know for work, working on your personal brand, writing down a plan of action, by doing your research, and paying attention to the competition.


2. How can I start working as a freelancer?

  • Firstly, you would have to determine what you are good at, commit to the requirements and demands of freelancing, set up your profile on marketplaces, find projects that adhere to your requirements, and even start bidding on gigs online.

3. Are freelancers happier?

  • Yes, freelancers have been found to be more optimistic and happier than traditional workers as they feel they are receiving better compensation and attaining a better work/life balance.

4. Can I become a freelancer with no experience?

  • Yes, you can by considering your existing and working on developing new skills, creating a portfolio website where you showcase your work, network well and consistently, and understand your industry of choice well. 

5. Can anyone be a freelancer?

  • Yes, anyone can be a freelancer and provide any type of service to another business on a freelance/part-time basis.

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