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Best Time To Post On LinkedIn


October 13th, 2021 08:18

LinkedIn: What is the best time to post?

As popular as social media has become in 2021, it has also become complicated and competitive. One such important social media for professionals is LinkedIn which allows users to post a variety of content and engage with the people of their industry.

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Why LinkedIn is important?

Since its founding in 2002, LinkedIn has crossed the half-billion mark of users and is the most used social media app amongst the Fortune 500 companies. Moreover, LinkedIn makes up over 50% of the total social traffic to B2B websites and blogs. So, like any other social media, your posts and frequency on LinkedIn make a lot of difference to your profile visits and following. But the other important questions here are, what is the best time to post on LinkedIn? Is there any particular time that can yield the best results? What factors can affect this timing?

If you have these questions and more, this article may be for you.

Understanding the traffic on LinkedIn

The users of LinkedIn are different from that of Instagram and Facebook. The users here create professional profiles in their capacity as recruiters and business people. In short, since the website is for professionals, the traffic is also the highest during working hours of the day. 

Conversely, the worst time to post on LinkedIn would be after work hours and on weekends. The reason is obvious. Fewer people tend to check their professional social media when they are off work.

So what are the best timings to post on LinkedIn after all?

Early work timings between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. is a good time to post as most of the meetings and rush in offices are yet to begin. Moreover, professionals tend to catch up on social media while they travel to work too. 

The next best time to post on LinkedIn would be the lunch timings, that is between the peak of noon and 2 p.m. Later in the day, the time for the ride back home is another good opportunity to post. This time usually lies between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. 

Conversely, the worst time would be to post anytime outside of business hours, i.e., between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. This time is usually devoted by people on their personal social media instead of professional.

Is there a best day to post on LinkedIn?

If we consider the 5 working days of a week from Monday to Friday, the first 2 days are generally the busiest in the office after the weekend, and the end of the workweek mostly goes in finishing up before the weekend fun begins. This leaves the middle of the week, that is Wednesdays and Thursdays

These can be considered as the most relaxed days of a week and are more likely to give time to people to catch up on their social media. So, if you post on LinkedIn only a few times a week, consider posting on either a Wednesday or a Thursday to attract more attention.

And the worst day to post on LinkedIn? That will definitely be a Sunday as Sunday is a holiday in almost every country around the earth!

How often should one post on LinkedIn?

According to research by Hubspot, it has been concluded that posting on LinkedIn should be limited to not more than 5 times per week as it leads to a drop in return on the investment done on such frequent posting. 

But then, what if you want a smaller window of time to post?

Well, worry not. Every profile has different interactions on social media. You can analyze your own data on LinkedIn Analytics to see how effective your chosen timing is. It is a great way to monitor the activity on your LinkedIn profile. 

I recommend analyzing the response for at least 3 weeks before choosing a certain time.


Understanding social media is a long game. The best way is to test out the best time for your LinkedIn and see what suits the aims of your posts best. This is the crucial part because each profile has a unique audience. Moreover, the timing of the post should go hand in hand with the quality of the content posted. 

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Frequently asked questions

1. How do you post something on LinkedIn?

Here are the steps you can follow to post something on LinkedIn:

  • From the Feed Page go on Write Article
  • Add a header image
  • Add the headline and the body of the post
  • Add a footer to the post
  • Share your post

2. What is the best way to post on LinkedIn?

  • Keep your title short
  • Include images
  • Divide the written part into sections
  • Use a neutral tone
  • Keep the language easy
  • Use appropriate hashtags

3. How do I increase my views on LinkedIn?

Here is how you can maximize the views on your LinkedIn:

  • Write posts that are relatable and relevant to your industry
  • Engage with your audience by asking questions
  • Start a poll
  • Post at the right time
  • Use the right hashtags

4. How many times a week should you post on LinkedIn?

  • It is recommended to post at least 3 times a week and not more than 5 times a week. In other words, you can post once every day for the 5 working days of the week. Saturday and Sunday are not considered the best time to post on LinkedIn.

5. What are the types of content that do well on LinkedIn?

Here is what you can post on LinkedIn:

  • Blogs
  • Quick tips and tricks
  • Business updates
  • Analytical findings
  • Research and commend on trending topics

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