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Digital Marketplaces: Personal Branding Tips


May 31st, 2022 08:43

Digital marketplaces: Leveraging your skills

The world has changed a lot since the pandemic hit us. Employment opportunities have reduced drastically and it has become even tougher to find an apt job than it already used to be. This is why branding in digital marketplaces has become a necessity.

Your personal brand can take you forward in your career and change things around. Marketing yourself online is one of the easiest ways to find some freelance work and get work experience. But how to sell your brand, you ask?

We live in a digital age where the internet is the answer to everything. Just as we turn to Google for information about any company or product, employers too are turning to Google to find out more about their potential hires.  

Your brand value can be doubled if marketed in the right way and in the right places. Here are some tips to get the best out of the digital age and how you can market yourself online.

Leveraging social media

Statistics show that nearly 4 billion people are actively using social media in 2021. While much use of social media is for entertainment and leisure, social media has also become a means to market yourself online and establish your brand and let the people in your field know you.

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter have become the top picks for professionals to establish themselves and share their opinions with the world. Social media activity is a reflection on you and your bio on the profile can be an insight into your skills, dexterities, and passions. 

You can get more users to follow you and have a look at your work. Don’t be afraid of sharing your wisdom, experience, and novel ideas. You can build an online community or join existing communities to network with other people working in your area of work.

You can also use your social media to showcase your zeal for your work. Professionals prefer to hire individuals who are passionate about their work. It is also an opportunity to display the quality of work and share your laurels. 

To market yourself better, consider using a professional headshot as your profile picture and provide links to your other social media handles. This can attract potential employers to explore your works and make a better opinion of you.

Everything you do on social media should be an addition to your brand. But, be careful to not post or comment on anything that may backfire later. Steer clear of controversies because social media can also break your brand more easily than it can make it. I mean, we all know how things go viral completely out of context.

Make yourself a professional website

A personal website is a great way to provide all information in one place. You can shine a spotlight on your achievements, showcase the laurels you have earned, display your creativity and your works and use it as a medium for communication too. 

Having a website will keep you on top of the searches and you will stand out from the crowd in digital marketplaces. You can use your social media to promote your website. This is especially good for people looking for freelance work. 

You can showcase your past projects and work on your website. It adds a professional touch to your branding.

Start your personal blog

Sharing your words of wisdom and experience can be best done by having a blog of your own. You can build your followers by providing the answers to the most commonly asked questions in your field. Blogs can be shared on your social media handles and website too.

It shows your dedication and enthusiasm for your work and you can make a lasting impression in the overcrowding digital marketplaces.



As you can gather by now, different digital platforms intermingle to promote each other. The focal idea here is for you to expand your visibility. You want to ensure that when your name is searched on the internet, the results add worth to your brand and are significant from the point of view of your work. 

Marketing yourself online is how you add value to your personal brand. It makes you visible and shows your authenticity. Your excellence is highlighted and your network expands.

In the current digital age, it is nearly impossible to stay clear of internet presence. A good reputation on social media is considered to be a good reputation in real life too.

Digital marketing is not limited to getting employment. Strong digital marketing of the CEO can attract more talent for employment in the company, taking it to soaring heights. 

If you are looking to kickstart and scale your career as a freelancer, Freedom2Work can help provide a stepping stone to making your dreams come true. Our experts at Freedom2Work help you apply for a freelance license and even a residence visa. Get in touch with us through the following details today!


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently Asked Question

1. What is your personal brand?

  • A personal brand is a way to promote yourself. It is your distinct set of qualities and skills that sets you apart from the crowd. 

2. What is the best way to market yourself?

  • Your social media content is the best way to market yourself. Consider posting often and stick to informative and quality content which attracts the right attention.

3. What are the top digital marketplaces?

4. How do I market myself on the internet?

  • Use social media
  • Start your own blog
  • Build yourself a website
  • Take part in online community discussions related to your field
  • Publish in your field

5. What is a work marketplace?

  • Work marketplaces are online websites that connect employers with potential employees and freelancers on the basis of skills and qualifications required.  

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