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Online Business Ideas To Consider During A Pandemic


March 27th, 2022 07:24

Online business ideas

Business activities on the internet have shown an exponential increase globally, thereby making this one of the most opportune times to venture into the field. Hence, you don’t have to wait for decades to start a business when you can do so from the comfort of your own home.

The pandemic certainly disrupted every industry around the globe. Although the world is still in its recovery phase, online businesses are booming now more than ever.

In this article, we have listed some of the popular online business ideas you can try your hands on:

Thrift store

  • Thrift stores have been gaining their due recognition in this pandemic. This is a time when people are becoming conscious of their impact on the environment and are focusing on being fiscally responsible as well. Thrifting is becoming a lifestyle and it is expected to grow bigger in the future. It can be a really good online business idea. You can find numerous examples of thrifting stores on social media, especially on Instagram. They constantly upload photos and reviews, thereby validating their credibility, and are hence becoming increasingly popular. 

Home-made products

  • Be it apparel, coasters, food, accessories, or even better, face masks and sanitizers, you can make these at home and sell them online. Home-made products have been garnering significant attention recently as people are becoming inclined towards authentic, organic, and hand-made commodities. Hence, if you think you can contribute to this area, you might as well venture into this business during Covid-19. 


  • Knowledge is something that increases when shared, and there are a myriad of people out there looking to educate themselves. If you think you possess knowledge in a specific field and would like to further emanate that, then you can start tutoring online. Apart from receiving consideration, teaching gives a lot of satisfaction, and if you have the slightest inclination towards teaching, you can start your online business already with the capital you possess, that is, knowledge. 

Graphic designing or digital marketing

  • You can start your business by helping other businesses in their respective endeavors. Graphic designing and digital marketing are the new age pivots of a business as they engage with the viewers and draw them towards the business by creating interest in the products or services. You can either create content for a business or help in promoting the same on various platforms. With so many businesses going online recently, you are likely to find suitable clients without a hitch. 

Delivery business

  • Delivery executives are considered to be superheroes without capes, especially during the pandemic. They are bringing normalcy to our lives by bringing us things at home when we can’t go out. Therefore, the demand for delivery services is at an all-time high and, therefore, can be a great business idea during Covid-19. You can make headway in a delivery business by exploiting this opportunity. Be it food, groceries, clothes, or accessories, observe the demand and help in getting it delivered!

There is no limit to good business ideas. If you think something drives you, think of ways in which you can provide it while getting a return for yourself. Even the most specific needs are met because someone out there is equipped to provide them.


Find your niche, locate your target customer base, analyze the demand, and try to fulfill the same while being compensated for it at the same time. We wish you luck!

Looking to start a freelance career in Dubai, UAE? Freedom2Work is your one-stop-shop for all things freelancing. Get in touch with us to apply for a freelance license and a residence visa.


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. What is the best online business to start now?

  • There are a myriad of options to choose from while starting your own online business right now. This can range from selling products or rendering services directly to the consumers to dropshipping, teaching, and freelancing. 

2. What kind of online business is most profitable?

  • Freelancing gives a lot of scope and flexibility to choose your own work. If managed well, it can prove to be quite profitable. Other than that, influencer marketing is also gaining a lot of popularity and brings in huge profits, if you gain recognition in the field. 

3. What online business can I start online?

  • You can choose to go for dropshipping, or if you have any particular interests in art, then you can go for a career as a freelance artist. Further, even blogging/vlogging, affiliate marketing, and selling products directly provide a good business potential online. 

4. How do I start my own online store?

  • Once you decide your business niche, you can identify the target audience and create a website/page to put your business out there. Come up with good quality content and promote your business to get noticed. 

5. What is a good business idea to start in 2021?

  • The year 2021 has seen a huge shift in conducting business, owing to the pandemic. A lot of businesses have moved online. Hence, there is scope for even more things to venture into. You can be an online tutor, a consultant, a seller, reseller, or even a social media manager. 

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