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5 Hacks to Build Rapport With Your Clients


March 1st, 2024 08:32


Establishing and sustaining a good connection with customers is the goal of customer rapport. It involves being aware of and effective in communicating with your people.

Building confidence with customers and raising satisfaction levels can be significantly aided by developing rapport. However, you must genuinely care about your customers. Your efforts might appear fake if you don't. Insincerity is also a big no-no because 90% of consumers say authenticity influences who they choose to purchase from.

Many people today believe that customer care is a secondary concern for businesses. Businesses can win consumers by establishing rapport and demonstrating their situation by utilizing this gap.

You'll have a competitive advantage if your company is one of those that can forge successful relationships with customers. After receiving good customer service, 81 per cent of customers say they are very likely to make another purchase from a particular company.

Create a rapport with your customers, and you'll be well on your way to boosting sales and company loyalty.

How to build rapport with customers?

Establishing rapport with customers takes practical speaking abilities, empathy, and authenticity. Use this advice from customer service professionals to gain your client's confidence.

Active listening

Most people pretend to "listen" during a discussion while waiting to respond. Support staff who adopt this strategy lose a great chance to build client trust.

On the other hand, attentive hearing is necessary for active listening to comprehend what is being said fully. It also entails maintaining composure, demonstrating empathy, and speaking and non-verbally expressing interest. Given its many advantages, it is among the most crucial customer support abilities.


A comforting smile can ease a nervous client's anxiety and create a positive atmosphere for the discussion. Even when you're conversing with a satisfied client, a smile will make their day. Take it from the pros: smiling, even when talking to clients on the phone, is one of the easiest ways to establish rapport. The straightforward deed can often place you in a good mood, assisting you in remaining upbeat and amiable.

Try to recall a pleasant recollection to bring a smile to your face if you're having a bad day. Additionally, you can post notes to remind you to smile when engaging with customers.

Use Concrete Language

The Journal of Consumer Research claims that using precise language when speaking to clients shows that you pay attention to what they say. It can alter how your audience behaves and perceives your company for the better.

Consider a scenario where a customer requests a return and says they purchased a pair of shoes. You risk coming across as uninterested if you refer to something indefinitely in your answer, such as "those" or "the item." However, using a specific phrase like "brown leather loafers," you'll demonstrate that you're listening to the client.

Establish Trust by Mirroring

Mirroring, imitating another's actions or words, is a strategic sales teams use to forge bonds with potential customers. Your help staff can use the same strategy to build trust with customers. Agents can convey that they are on the same page with a client by reasonably mirroring their tone, language, or volume level.

You should also mimic body language for face-to-face encounters to build rapport. Remember that a little amount goes a long way, so avoid copying every action a customer takes. Subtlety is important.

Be Empathetic

Most of these clients are on the phone with you because they have experienced some form of issue with your business's goods or services, whether your call is proactive or reactive. Therefore, be ready to demonstrate client empathy for any problem they may be experiencing.

Be Mindful of Pronouns

In keeping with the theme of names, some may be more difficult to recognize as proper pronouns. When conversing with a customer, you should always use the correct pronouns. Leave it up to the customers to use their pronouns when addressing each other to prevent uncomfortable situations or misunderstandings.

It's best to avoid using pronouns if they don't explicitly state their pronouns to you and you're still unsure. You rarely need to use someone's pronouns when talking to them personally. It is an extra step to respect the individual and their choice of self-identification.

Word phrases in a positive light

It's simple to become agitated and remark, "I'm not sure", or "I'm sorry, I'm new," without thinking. These responses are derogatory and may make customers question why the person supposed to be "supporting" them doesn't seem to know the solutions. But word choice is crucial. Instead, state something like, "I'm not sure of the answer, but I will check right now and get back to you," or "I'm going to check in with a colleague on the best approach to this problem." Although you're saying the same thing, these words and expressions come across to customers as more formal, upbeat, and unconcerned.

Questions to ask while building rapport

With lots of inquiries, you can establish a strong rapport. But in this case, we separate them into three groups. Let's look at them now.

Open-Ended Questions

You must alter if you prefer to engage in small talk and only ask "Yes" or "No" questions because such inquiries won't encourage your client to communicate with you. 

One of the most crucial methods for establishing two-way contact is using open-ended questions.

The Five Ws—Who, What, Where, Why, and When—might be of assistance to you. Review the following examples: 

What motivates your desire to change?

How do you anticipate this will alter your existence or business?

What would overshadow this objective and reduce its importance?

How did you come up with possible answers?

Reflective Questions

Pick inquiries that will encourage your clients to interact with you. Ask them queries that go beyond their resume and activities. Ask more in-depth, specific, and detailed inquiries. This demonstrates how curious you are to learn more about them, their issues, and their requirements. But remember that you don't want to go over this line. 

Here are some queries that could be useful:

What are you currently doing that is effective?

Which do you want to alter that isn't working?

What disturbs you at night?

What are your top priorities?

What are your main objectives?

What do you want to achieve?

Echoing Questions

You must pay close attention to what your clients have to say. Customers occasionally believe that businesses are not listening to their opinions or needs. You must pay close attention to what troubles them, repeat your questions back to them, and attempt to rephrase their responses to pose more focused inquiries.

Check out these instances:

Are you concerned about the acceptance of the proposal?

Are you worried about the plan you have created, then?

Do you worry you won't have the means to achieve your goals?


When it comes to customer care, rapport is essential. You can ensure that your encounters are more personable and help you develop a better connection with your customers by effectively using your communication skills and adhering to these easy guidelines.

Building rapport involves cooperation and mutual support on both sides. People will frequently mirror the energy of others, so if you project a helpful and upbeat attitude, you should be able to improve your rapport with customers.

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