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5 Ways To Create And Stick To A Budget


May 18th, 2022 11:16

How to create and stick to a budget

Creating and sticking to a budget can help you pave a defined path towards your financial goals while making you aware of all kinds of income and expenses so you could categorize them into essential or nonessential and, accordingly, decide which are worthy to keep. 

A budget encapsulates our financial needs, wants, and standing. Creating a budget helps us know our own fiscal responsibility, obligations, and flexibility. Regardless of how much you earn, your budget will define your finances clearly and even facilitate efficient decision-making.

Budgeting has less to do with how much money you make and more with how you channelize it. It helps you understand your own financial standing and how you can best utilize your funds.

As important as devising a budget is, sticking to it is of equal significance. In fact, that might be the tricky part as it requires consistency and commitment. However, everything comes down to your personal financial goals and your resolution to be fiscally responsible

Hence, if you think that budgeting can be a catalyst to the same, here are five tips on how you could create and adhere to a budget:

List your income and expense

Jot down every possible income and expense which are transacted by you. Don’t merely record your monthly income from your job, but any sundry amount that you may receive, including your passive income, if any. 

Moreover, recording your expenses would enable you to strike down those which are prodigal or simply unnecessary. This will give you a fair idea of the amount of disposable income you have, how much funds you could transfer into your savings, and how much you can invest. It will also depict how much flexibility you can enjoy in terms of your financial decisions.

Mark the indispensable items

Sticking to a budget largely pertains to not spending more than what is determined. Going overboard with your expenses while your income remains the same can distort your entire budget. Therefore, while cataloging your expenses, ensure to mark those transactions which are imperative.

You can even go a step further by demarcating those which are not insignificant and absolutely expendable. This can help you make quick decisions in case of a financial crunch, and even better, it can help prevent a possible financial crunch.

Plan where to channelize savings

Saving money does not only require some surplus money but also a great deal of willpower. You know you have a pool of money lying on the side untouched but you will have to refrain from using it as that will mount up to serve your purpose in the future. 

There are several savings accounts where you could store your money and see it increase over the years. You choose your fit according to the circumstances you find yourself in. Moreover, fix a particular saving rate at which you would put aside your monthly income while creating a budget. 

An ideal saving rate could be anything between 10 and 15%. You may also direct any raise which you get, or a part of it, towards your savings account. These go a long way towards securing your financial health in the future as well. 

Make room for unforeseen expenses

You can keep a certain amount of money aside to create an emergency fund. This emergency fund could be utilized in any unanticipated expenditure so as to prevent any unwarranted financial burden on you.

Be it an unforeseen medical expense or simply an impromptu travel plan, this could help you retain your financial standing by not disturbing the budget you have built. Also, ensure that your fund is replenished from time to time because no one knows when uncertainty strikes, so you might as well be prepared for it.

Incentivize yourself

Adhering to a budget can require motivation and what’s better than incentivizing yourself from time to time! Incentives act as a great motivational tool that can help you be on track and diligently carry out your plan.

You can treat yourself to your favorite meal, take yourself out for shopping, a quick trip with your friends, or anything within your budget that drives you to look forward to remaining faithful to it.


Budgeting is not a complex activity, in fact, there is merely one rule to it and that is to stick to it. Budgeting is more than an activity carried out to save money, it is actually a way of life. Even with a large number of resources, budgeting can help you to direct them to the best platforms where they could either expand further or be saved for future use, or both. 

If you are looking to kickstart your career as a freelancer, Freedom2Work can help provide a stepping stone to making your dreams come true. Our experts at Freedom2Work help you apply for a freelance license and even a residence visa. Get in touch with us through the following details today!


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. How do you create a budget plan?

  • First and foremost, record your income and expenses and identify the amount of corpus you are left with. Then, delineate clear objectives and strategize how you would like to channelize your funds in the best way possible. 

2. How do you adhere to a budget?

  • The difficult part of budgeting is not creating a budget but sticking to it. It requires perseverance, patience, and a whole lot of willpower. Therefore, while setting goals, make sure they are realistic and achievable and not too ambitious. 

3. How do I stick to my monthly budget?

  • Make a simple yet organized budget, which instills discipline in your life while giving you the requisite flexibility at the same time. Mention your goals clearly and know what you wish to achieve.

4. Why is it hard to stick to a budget?

  • Sticking to a budget is hard for most people. This difficulty arises due to the unrealistic and even impractical objectives set out. Do not overestimate yourself while creating a budget and set goals which you think you will be able to achieve. 

5. What might motivate you to stick to a budget?

  • Adhering to a budget requires willpower and determination. In order to feel driven and motivated at all times, you may seek community support and/or try incentivizing yourself when you reach certain milestones.

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