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5 Ways To Get Started As A Lifestyle Influencer


October 12th, 2021 14:58

Lifestyle influencers

Lifestyle influencers are the next big thing on social media. You’re scrolling down your social media feed and the next thing you know, you are learning how to make your own DIY wallpaper or getting to know what best suits your skin during winters, or probably finding yourself binge-watching videos on nutrition and other trends.

All thanks to the people, known as influencers, disseminating the knowledge and making us more aware of a creative, diverse, aesthetic, and modern lifestyle.

Influencer marketing has now become a billion-dollar industry. They are the new celebrities who are looked up to for keeping abreast of contemporary trends

The influencer industry is growing at an ever-increasing pace, therefore, if you are looking to be on the other side of the screen, you need not wait anymore. Here are five ways which can help you get started:

Narrow down your search

You have to carve your niche in order to find your starting point. A haywire structure of blogs and content does not go on to increase or maintain loyalty. 

Now, what does it mean to carve out a niche?

When we think of influencers, mostly images of exotic places, luxurious brands, and aesthetic images come to mind. However, there are a lot of other industries to explore as per your expertise and experience including health and wellness, gaming and technology, the food industry, and even parenting. 

The idea here is not to be a Jack of all trades but master of one. This goes on to increase your credibility in your domain and makes your services more specialized. 

Hence, figure out what impassions you, observe the competition in the market, chalk out your niche, and create your strategy!

Promotion and marketing

The value of putting yourself out there cannot be overemphasized. Whether it takes reaching out to hundreds of other established influencers or collaborating with small brands and influencers, you have to exploit every opportunity in order to be ubiquitous. 

Brainstorm a good brand name that your target audience can relate to and use relevant hashtags to gain popularity. 

Many lifestyle-influencing businesses have mushroomed over the span of a few years, making it competitive, hence it is extremely crucial to come up with a good marketing and promotion strategy to set your business apart.

Influence the honest way

Whether you are doing this for the long haul or not, do not popularize something you do not believe in. Influencers share a more personal rapport with viewers or subscribers than brand ambassadors or celebrities. 

As a lifestyle influencer, you will have an added commitment as well as increased answerability. An honest recommendation will not only cater to the needs of the viewers but also would prove to be beneficial for you in the long run as that would increase customer loyalty.

The confidence reposed by the viewers in you should always be respected.

Observe the contemporary trend

Influencer marketing is in itself a relatively modern phenomenon and, therefore, requires modern techniques. Doing a market analysis and observing the ongoing trends will help in improving your business and keeping it at par with those of the competitors. 

Being a social media personality calls for taking notes of the latest developments in your field of work and implementing changes if any.

Consistency of quality content

Human interest actually doesn’t have an expiration date until prompted. Getting millions of subscribers requires a great deal of hard work and planning by a lifestyle influencer. However, retaining the audience is also an uphill battle. 

This business is very elastic. You may gain thousands of followers overnight or lose out on a bunch of them in a similar manner. Hence, what you post and how much you post are of utmost significance.

The quality and quantity of your content ultimately decide the success of your lifestyle-influencing venture. A viewer might lose interest if you upload irrelevant content or even if you upload good content at a considerable time interval.

It is to be kept in mind that there are several substitutes; therefore, be authentic, have ample content prepared in advance, and always be on your toes.


Influencing begins the moment you make a difference, whether it be an audience of one thousand or one million. Patience and perseverance are as important as strategy and plan. You might have to get out of your comfort zone and work on something that drives you. Hence, realize your potential and give fuel to your ambition.

If you are looking to kickstart and scale your career as a freelancer, Freedom2Work can help provide a stepping stone to making your dreams come true. Our experts at Freedom2Work help you apply for a freelance license and even a residence visa. Get in touch with us through the following details today!


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. What do lifestyle influencers post?

  • Lifestyle influencers post a wide range of content. It can relate to vacation planning, daily routine, eating habits, or even deciding outfits for events. They post reliable content which appeals to the target audience. 

2. What is a lifestyle post on Instagram?

  • A lifestyle post is inspired by the everyday details of our daily lives. It may include fashion and beauty trends, tour and travel posts, and essentially anything which penetrates into our routine life. 

3. How can I be a lifestyle influencer?

  • First and foremost, a niche has to be decided, around which your work will revolve. It takes certain market and competition research to further plan out the strategies. Moreover, very importantly, marketing and promotion of the brand have to be diligently done.

4. Is it too late to become a lifestyle influencer?

  • Social media is a very elastic market and provides various options to choose from within a matter of seconds. Therefore, it is never too late to make your mark as an influencer amid the existing options.

5. Is becoming an influencer worth it?

  • Influencers earn really decent money. Once you establish your mark, you can start receiving brand advertisements and collaborations. As and when you gain followers, it provides recognition and fame. Moreover, it certainly adds to your personal growth and experience as well.

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