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8 Power Skills You Need for Entrepreneurial Success


March 1st, 2024 07:25

English author John Ruskin once beautifully put the meaning of skills in the following words:

"Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect, and passion in their operation." 

Any self-employed person can tell you that being an entrepreneur is no easy task. However, it is not rocket science either. A skilful individual can easily navigate all the obstacles that come with having your own business. And no doubt, the benefits of being an entrepreneur are innumerable. You get to be your boss, generate wealth and have immense opportunities for expansion and scaling. 

So, here are 8 Power Skills that you need for that entrepreneurial success that you have always dreamed of

1. Being Self-Motivated

There is no secret recipe or magical formula that inspires and motivates one to start their own business. Starting a business typically involves a combination of personal drive, entrepreneurial spirit, strategic planning, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

An entrepreneur needs to find reasons to motivate oneself every day to keep trying and keep going because you are in charge. What happens next is in your hand.

Some of the ways to do it are:

1. Keep your eye on the ultimate goals

2. Have a plan of action

3. Set realistic goals and give yourself a mini celebration of achievements

4. Get yourself a mentor to guide you right

5. Be organised

2. Being Flexible

An entrepreneur has too many challenges, requiring you to think and act from different perspectives. With many responsibilities looming over your head and various roles you have to do daily, being flexible can do you wonders.

The first step towards flexibility is acceptance of the non-rigidity of your role. There are no boundaries within which your work may happen. Once you accept this, you will find yourself more ready and willing to face the sea of challenges that come your way. 

Also, it would be best if you remembered to be more flexible because there is no one else for you to blame or put the task on. It is YOUR business and hence YOUR responsibility. People will look up to you for solutions rather than the other way around. Once this thinking sets in, you can achieve the desired flexibility.

3. Collaboration and Networking

The days of celebrating the "lone wolf" are long gone. The idea that invention occurs when a mad scientist sits alone in his laboratory, thinking up experiments, has generally been disproven. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need the necessary skill of getting along with people from all backgrounds, cultures, abilities, and modes of thought and behaviour.

You must look past the disagreements through challenging conversations and allow everyone to contribute. It will help you develop trust with your team, increasing efficiency.

4. Patience and Consistency

Establishing a business requires effort, and maintaining it for over five years requires absolute commitment to consistency. There is nothing like an overnight success. It takes time for everything wonderful to occur.

Patience and consistency are solid points for all business people. Consistency in your efforts creates momentum, develops self-control, fosters self-discipline, and enhances your whole personality. It also fosters a sense of accountability and direction, which leads to growth.

Your clients must constantly be reminded that you are devoting all of the company's resources, talent, and attention to meeting their demands; you cannot afford to coast along or go through the motions.

5. Communication

When you work for yourself, you are the only one who represents your company. Your reputation in the public eye is impacted by everything you do. Good communication skills are a must for any entrepreneur. It is the bridge that connects you with your customer and your team, conveying your thoughts clearly and concisely and consistently working in a better way. 

Having practical communication skills can also help you attract repeat business and recommendations by enabling you to deliver outstanding customer service.

6. Negotiation Skills

As an entrepreneur, you must be skilled at business negotiations to launch an idea or product. Your ability to negotiate can distinguish you as a strategic thinker and effective communicator. Since practically every element of business uses it, your expertise will always be needed.

Here are some helpful negotiating tactics that every entrepreneur must know 

1. Be Prepared: Know the parties you are negotiating with

2. Take note of all the details in an opening offer, as it is the anchor of the negotiations

3. Keep a check on your ego and emotions

4. Don't let the game play you. Instead, play the game, especially in high-stakes negotiations. Run some scenarios to assess the possibilities

5. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness is crucial

6. Know when to walk away

7. Negotiate in good faith at all times

8. You must know when to close the deal 

7. Digital Skills 

Online proficiency in various fundamental duties is crucial for business success. Online transactions and interactions with stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and other parties, are becoming increasingly common.

The following six digital skills must be mastered if you want your firm to succeed in the digital age

1. Social Media Branding and Advertising

2. Automation

3. Digital Marketing

4. Web Designing 

5. Cybersecurity and data protection

8. Problem-Solving Skills 

In the workplace, problem-solving refers to a person's capacity to deal with challenging or unexpected circumstances and resolve complex business issues. Individuals with outstanding problem-solving skills will thoroughly examine the problem, find various viable solutions, and adequately pick the best option for resolving the issue.

Those who lack the skills to solve problems will invariably suggest inadequate solutions to critical business problems. These suggestions will either fail to resolve the underlying issue or worsen it.


Building a successful career as an entrepreneur requires mastering skills for successful self-employment. Self-employment calls for unique abilities different from those needed in conventional employment contexts. Gaining self-employment skills has advantages beyond merely becoming your boss. 

Self-employment offers freedom regarding working hours and location, enabling people to follow their hobbies. It may result in improved financial security and general happiness.

Enjoy the benefits of a freelance license and visa, such as a Work Permit, Emirates ID, Residency, and Option to Sponsor Family.

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