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Diversifying Investments - Making Your Money Immune To Market Trends


May 31st, 2022 08:39

The dire need for diversifying investments 

Diversifying investments is not only important but necessary as well. Since the onset of the pandemic, stock prices have been fluctuating more than ever. Various countries have introduced schemes and several economic stimulus packages to provide a boost to the economy and control the impact of the pandemic in society at large. 

Many businesses, all over the globe, have been affected due to the drastic changes brought about by Covid-19. Moreover, this situation is not expected to change any time soon. 

The worldwide economic disruption has affected even the common man. Those who did and even those who did not plan their finances and investments suffered major losses due to this. Therefore, it is essential to diversify investments and manage your investments that could make it immune to the ever-changing market trends.

Too few risks won’t let you achieve your desired financial goals; similarly, much risk may make you end up in trouble. For the right amount of returns, both short- and long-term goals should be taken care of. 

For diversifying investments, it is important to consider age, risk, time deadlines, and even personal as well. So, if you are planning for long-term goals, the best strategy to invest in would be diversification. However, it is important to note that you can diversify your investments only with respect to asset classes and specific sectors. This method would help maximize your returns while minimizing your risks. You would have to research and make the right choice and try to invest in unrelated securities.

For instance, if you have invested in a bank for the long term, you should then look for assets in other fields and not another bank. As and when there will be a certain downfall in the banking sectors then you would be able to minimize your risks by investing in other sectors.

How to diversify investments? 

Try and maintain a certain investment ratio for both long- and short-term holdings. According to research, 6:2:1 is the recommended ratio for equities, real estate, and commodities, respectively. Your portfolio's sensitivity would be reduced against market fluctuations if you use a combination of asset classes. Any fluctuations in one avenue would not impact the returns of the other investments in your portfolio.

On the other hand, bonds and equity markets work in opposite directions. The more diverse your portfolio, the higher would be your chances of seeing positive results. However, you would simply have to be wary of the location you are investing in. You should look for opportunities in your location and then consider moving to trade zones in other countries. When choosing to diversify your investments, you must ensure to research the volatility of the market properly.

Diversifying your investments well will help you worry less and help you stay immune to the ever-changing market trends.

Foreign diversification

Investors, who are seeking to create a wider and more diversified portfolio, can invest in foreign share markets as well. There are certain advantages to this as well; however, you must ensure that you keep a close eye on it from time to time.

Why the need for investment diversification?

When diversifying investments, you should not only focus on investing in various companies but also across various industries. For instance, if you have only placed your investment in one company's stock and it suffers a major fall, you would stand to lose your money. But, if you have spread your investments across various industries, you would be able to manage your risks.

One of the many advantages of diversifying investments is that your portfolio will be on the upside if only a few assets outperform themselves. Thereby making your portfolio immune to bearish and bullish trends in the market.

It can be difficult to manage multiple assets as it would generate the constant need to keep a check on your portfolio. Although it can be tiresome at first, it would help you stay updated with the market as well. To obtain long-term results and lower the individual holding risk, the investments you choose and the way you maintain it would make your portfolio stay immune to market trends.


From various investment choices, you must do your research well and choose to invest in stable avenues. Diversify your assets, stay updated, and receive consistent returns on your money.

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Frequently asked questions:

1. How should you diversify your investments?

  • You can start by considering equities, indexes, and bond funds and slowly build the portfolio for each. However, you must research your options and analyze your financial positions well.

2. How many funds should I invest in?

  • Diversification is an investment strategy and it lowers your portfolio's risk. You can invest in options such as cash, fixed interest, real estate, and shares.

3. What is a good diverse portfolio?

  • To build a diversified portfolio, you should look for investments such as stocks and bonds, basically, where returns have not moved in the same direction in the past years. 

4. What is an example of a diversified portfolio?

  • A diversified portfolio is typically a mix of stocks and bonds within the investment holdings. It has various kinds of stocks involved in it from different industries. 

5. What does a good investment portfolio look like?

  • A good investment portfolio includes a range of low- and high-risk bluechip and potential growth stocks, as well as other investments like bonds, funds, indexes, and bank accounts.

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