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Invest in Yourself: 5 Skills for a Post-Pandemic World


January 31st, 2023 13:53

"The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be." 

The quote by the French philosopher and poet Paul Valéry gives a great insight into how the world transforms itself differently each day. 

As we adapt to the "post-COVID world", everyone rethinks how the way of doing things has completely changed. When you consider the overall changes in the world, you may find that there is always a concern about survival in the current corporate world. 

What can you do to make yourself more efficient? 

An extra set of skills!

The shift to a ‘work from home’ culture had its shortcomings, even more so for those not tech-savvy. You might have seen how everyone, from kindergarten students to the old generation, started using gadgets for working, learning, and living!

So having hands-on knowledge of technology is something people need in this century, now more than ever. Every job sector suddenly shifted online during the pandemic. As you can see, technological advancement provides unique ways of working, from teaching to selling. 

Businesses that embrace and accept change will reap the benefits of the market, while those that do not will stagnate and struggle to survive.

Here are a few skills that are going to be a mandate and will pay off well in a post-COVID world:

1. Social Media

3.8 billion people around the world use social media platforms daily, and it increases year after year. 

Knowing how social media works and being able to use it is no more a personal skill. It is one of the most in-demand professional skills in the world. 

Companies use social media to do marketing for their products as well as reach out to customers. Brands actually use social media and websites to connect with their customers directly. 

Social media platforms offer a one-way platform to market their brands. Social media marketing goes much beyond uploading a Facebook or Instagram post. It is a professional skill you can learn through online courses because if you know more than just uploading pictures, it's well and good!

The fast-moving, high-tech world requires more tech-savvy people. 

2. Video Making and Editing

Gone are the days when YouTube was used as a platform for uploading videos. Now, from full-length videos to micro-content, you can see videos everywhere on social media platforms. 

Do you know why?

People are more attracted to visually appealing videos for entertainment that they can access through their mobile phones. It is much better if you know how to take videos and use a couple of software to edit videos, like Adobe Premiere Pro. 

Video editing is not a skill required for a videographer or designer anymore. It is an additional skill for almost any profession. As you all know, educators and teachers started making videos to make online learning innovative and fun. 

Likewise, brands influence customers through creative and aesthetic videos. Therefore, if you can take videos of products or edit short videos, the skill is a plus.

3. Digital Proficiency 

Workers with digital abilities, such as coding, web development, and digital marketing, will play a vital role in the future. Experts equipped with technological prowess will be in demand now more than ever.

4. Search Engine Optimization

One must know the basics of Search Engine Optimization, such as what it is and how it operates. SEO can be more technical, but learning this skill can pay off in this digital world. 

SEO helps in ranking the website higher in search engines through organic traffic. How can you learn SEO? There are two types of SEO: off-page and on-page. 

You can understand the basics of SEO with the help of online courses available. It is not just a skill that marketers should have, but it would be a plus, no matter what profession you practice.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability

Do you know how to be flexible and adapt to any situation? There are people who were stuck trying to adapt during the pandemic. So, it's essential that everyone must master how to be flexible enough to habituate to the dynamic environment around us. 

The world is constantly changing, and so is the mode of working and doing business. Every one of us needs to know how to be flexible and adapt to whatever is on our way. Employers are looking for people who can constantly learn and love learning new things. So, learn the skills mentioned in the article to increase your employment opportunities. 

Knowing how to use mobile phones and laptops is not enough. We need to dive deep and learn several of the skills available on the internet to become more employable and desirable to employers.

Moreover, additional skills can provide you with a secondary income! Here's how. 

Learn to leverage the skills that can make you stand out from the rest and give you a leg up in the world!

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