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Investing Guide: How Should You Restructure Your Portfolio Away From Fixed-Income Securities When Real Rates Turn Negative?


August 19th, 2022 07:24

We usually receive questions from our readers about how to structure an investment portfolio. So we bring this brief article to you to help you understand with research and analysis. 

How to structure your investment portfolio?

So, if you are someone looking to restructure your portfolio, read on!

Over the past few years, mutual funds have become more popular as one reliable investment option. The view of the effectiveness, makeup, and advantages of various equity and hybrid systems has grown dramatically over time. 

Since investments maintained through mutual funds for three years qualify as long-term capital gains, mutual funds serve as a legal vehicle that offers tax arbitrage to debt investors. 

But before restructuring your portfolio to include debt-based investments, remember that investing in debt is still less considered than investing in stocks. 

Do you know that recent credit crises have forced investors to re-examine fixed income more carefully?

Debt or fixed-income investments are less hazardous than equity investments, but the performance of the fixed-income asset class during the last eighteen months defies conventional opinion. Most investors are accustomed to investing in bank fixed deposits, where they know what rate of interest or return they will receive. Perhaps investors in debt mutual funds prefer to rely on portfolio yield. It is a hint of expected return, ceteris paribus, and previous returns, which may not be the best predictor of future returns. Keep this in mind while you restructure your portfolio.

The values of the assets vary, changing the investment return during the investor's holding term even though debt funds invest in securities or bonds that, for the most part, give fixed coupons or interest payments. But if you wish to restructure your portfolio, you need to keep in mind the changes in the interest rate environment and the issuer's credit standing as they may affect the bond's price. 

Bond prices might decline when bond markets become illiquid, which might happen from time to time. Investors should be informed that the bond fund will provide returns comparable to their portfolio yield after expenditures, assuming circumstances do not change significantly throughout their investment horizon. The realized return, however, is either more or lower than the portfolio yields, as nothing ever stays the same.

Several credit crises have recently shaken the world of fixed income investment, resulting in substantial write-downs in fund valuations. While there have been incidents of credit defaults in mutual funds throughout the years, the value of the nonpayments was minor, and the impact on many schemes or investors was minimal. Recent markdowns have shown the underlying lack of liquidity in lower-rated bond markets, forcing you to reconsider your fixed-income assets and restructure your portfolio.

To their dismay, investors have discovered that while the portfolio yield may have accurately predicted the credit risk in the fund, it provided little insight into the liquidity of the underlying portfolio. So, when a fund faced extensive redemptions, the fund ceased taking additional subscriptions or redemptions, which resulted in client investments being illiquid. Based on this experience, investors are likely to avoid credit risk or high yield funds, which is unfortunate because any developed market requires a liquid high yield market where investors can evaluate and then engage in high yield trades. Therefore, when you restructure your portfolio, try to avoid a polarized market where a small number of issuers control all the liquidity.

Fixed-income investments may yield substantial returns, at least periodically, if the duration is correct. So, when you need to restructure your portfolio, think about this and the market situation! When the economy is slowing with inflation being low, every central banker will aim to cut interest rates, raise the amount of money in the system, and reward banks for lending to the current economy by decreasing the alternative rate of deployments. Bonds tend to appreciate under these conditions, and the capital gains add to the portfolio yield, resulting in spectacular returns.


While there are diverse variables in a fixed income portfolio, a knowledgeable adviser can typically separate the wheat from the chaff. The fixed income component of the portfolio should contribute stability to total returns rather than be a cause of anxiety and stress. 

A skilled investment adviser with a decent head on their shoulders, common sense, and a track record should be able to detect the various dangers involved with debt schemes and appropriately assess the client's risk profile. An adviser may also assist you in identifying better-managed fund managers and schemes, avoiding distinct errors. We hope this article gave you insight into how to structure your portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is reorganizing your portfolio? 

Portfolio reorganization applies to items that are derivatives. It is the modification of the asset mix in a portfolio by offsetting undesirable asset classes (such as cash, debt, or equities) or individual securities within those classes with desired classes or securities.

2. Is it a good idea to rebalance your portfolio? 

Rebalancing your portfolio is vital because the balance of each asset class will change over time based on the performance of your assets. 

3. What exactly does "portfolio" mean? 

A portfolio is a collection of financial assets, such as securities, bonds, commodities, cash, and cash equivalents, such as closed-end funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Most people think that a portfolio's core consists of stocks, bonds, and cash.

4. What does a balanced portfolio look like? 

Bonds and equities are included in a balanced portfolio to lower possible volatility. A mid-to long-term investing time horizon, patience with short-term market swings, and a willingness to accept moderate growth are all characteristics of an investor seeking a well-balanced portfolio.

5. When is it appropriate to reallocate a portfolio? 

An investor may rebalance the portfolio when the intended asset allocation wanders by a specific percentage, such as 5% or 10%.

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