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Scale your Freelance Blogging Business in the UAE


April 26th, 2022 11:03

Blogging—something that was considered just another hobby just a few years ago—has become a profitable online profession today. Not only is it capable of replacing your full-time job, it also requires much less time to be invested than a typical salaried job, while giving you similar, if not more, returns for your time.

The content marketing industry, worth over $400 billion by the end of 2020, has been growing exponentially. Moreover, according to research, around 35% bloggers saw a revenue increase during the pandemic.

There are various examples of blogging being adopted as a full-time profession, and these have helped generate substantial incomes for these bloggers.

  • Millennial Money, a blog by Grant Sabatier, reported an income generation of around $401,681 in blog income in his income report in 2017.
  • Entrepreneur and influencer Neil Patel has also detailed how he was able to make around $381,772 a month with his blog, which generates over a million dollars a year.

Of course, these are examples of some of the best bloggers in the industry. Even the bloggers who are just starting out may not be completely starved of income; in fact, research indicates that a majority of bloggers are able to generate more than $25,000 in annual household income.

Building your blog in the UAE

For any venture to be successful, the first person who needs to have an interest in the idea is you. While it does not have to be a revolutionary idea, your blog should be focused on something specific. Moreover, it would be helpful if you choose a topic that has been untapped in your target market to gain an added advantage when starting out.

Whatever theme or topic you choose for your blog, you must be naturally curious about it and have a passion for what you are writing about or else you will probably run out of ideas quickly. If you pick a topic that you are passionate about or have an aptitude for writing about, it will make it much easier for you to consistently create content for your audience.

After you have made a decision about the content you want to post, you have to select the appropriate medium to publish it on. The next step would be to select an appropriate domain name that accurately represents your brand and select a web hosting service as per your scale to get online. Both these elements are essential to blogging as the domain name is what will provide your blog with an address and the web hosting service will allow your blog to be easily accessed online.

Having set up your site, you would now need software to create and upload content on it. One of the most popular choices for this is WordPress—a content management system most commonly used by bloggers to design themes for their pages, create content, and customize features and layouts.

Apart from helping you in creating, designing, and publishing your content, WordPress also has a variety of options that help you optimize your content for your audience. Once you have all this set up, all you have to do is get working and start posting content on a consistent basis.

Scaling and monetizing your blog in the UAE

Having begun on your content creation journey, the steps you take consequently are of equal significance. In the UAE, especially, blogging is increasingly gaining popularity. With a freelance license and visa, you can legally scale and monetize your blog from the comfort of your home. Check out the pointers below on how you can go about this journey:

Increasing your blog’s visibility:

Apart from the existing audience of your blog, you need to optimize your website to be found easily on the internet. SEO enables your website to be found using particular keywords and phrases. There are various software that can allow you to do this, including plugins that can be linked to search engines such as Google. These allow you to integrate and customize every aspect of how your page shows up on the Internet. While the quality of your content is important, making it discoverable and relevant is equally important.

Creating a niche:

Regardless of the topic you have chosen to write about, the likelihood is that similar content on that topic already exists. In order to set yourself apart, what you need to do is create a unique offering that is not already available. You can do this by leveraging your professional experiences to differentiate yourself from the rest or analyzing the content market to offer something that is trending.


When it comes to monetizing your blog, the first revenue stream that comes to mind is advertisements. There are various methods you can engage in advertising for your blog. You can choose to display ads directly on your website through portals such as Google AdSense or AdThrive or you can also adopt sponsored content once you have built a substantial audience for your blog. Companies usually offer huge sums of money to advertise their products or services through your content, but this is likely to happen only once you have a large audience that can be marketed to.

Affiliate marketing:

This is another opportunity for you to make more money once you have an established audience. Basically, this system works by providing you with a commission for every purchase that a consumer makes based on a lead/link from your blog. This method allows you to provide value to your reader by offering them products or services that are relevant to what they are interested in while also helping you earn a healthy commission.

Digital products or services:

Rather than offering somebody else’s products or services, you can choose to offer your own. Digital products have found many creative manifestations of late—you can offer e-books, online courses, digital marketing, and sponsorships to anyone interested. This not only provides reliability to your content but may also encourage more buyers from your audience if they are satisfied with your offerings.

There is no doubt that setting up, expanding, and monetizing your blog requires a lot of time, patience, and effort. However, once you start generating revenue, there is bound to be increased interest and traffic to your blog. The secret to success when it comes to content creation of any kind is to remain persistent and constantly improve your content based on feedback from your audience.

With Freedom2Work, you can scale your freelance business as a blogger in Dubai, UAE. To get started with expanding your business in the Emirate, all you would need is a freelance license and visa. Simply get in touch with the professionals at Freedom2Work today at 800-FREEDOM (373 3366) or at to know more.



Financial Reporter at PhiTrends

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