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Small Businesses: Leveraging Instagram To Sell Homemade Products


May 18th, 2022 12:57

Small businesses on Instagram

Small businesses on Instagram are mushrooming in the present day. These are wisely exploiting the opportunities bestowed by the E-commerce boom. 

If you too fall into this ingenious category or are planning to do so in the near future, then it’s a given that you would want to pull out all the stops to permeate the market. And what’s better than leveraging the ubiquitous platform itself which harbors billions of users!

Be it educational, agricultural, travel, textile, or any industry for that matter, regardless of the scale of your business, Instagram provides a great opportunity to put your business out there! 

Moreover, homemade and hand-made products are increasingly becoming high in demand, thereby paving the way for you to avail this opportunity.

Here is how you can leverage this medium:

Switch to a business profile

The first step on the ladder of Instagram marketing for small businesses is to make your profile public and switch it to a business account. 

This entails several benefits including the convenience of contact, analysis of your outreach, adding website links to stories, and mentioning your industry on the top of your profile. Customers are more likely to engage with a business profile as it adds to its credibility.

Moreover, you get to have regular insight into your performance with statistical data which can help you make improvements in the area lagging behind and it can help you realize your strength as well.

Create engaging content

The quality and quantity of your content should be such that it is well-received by the viewers. High-quality pictures, videos, and appreciable content-writing can make your profile stand out.

The content should truly reflect the products or services you are selling and provide every possible detail of the same, so as to leave no room for any doubts. A small business on Instagram might have to go the extra mile to garner attention. 

In order to make the content engaging, you can initiate contests, campaigns, and giveaways that require the customers to give their feedback or communicate their interest in your products or generate their own posts featuring your product. 

This will work both ways, in customer satisfaction as well as business marketing on Instagram.

Publish customer reviews

Small businesses need to go out of their way to prove their authenticity and credibility. Leave no stones unturned to assure the viewers about the genuineness and legitimacy of your products.

Be prompt in publishing customer reviews as these will be a testament to your service. And since customer reviews can go in either direction, acknowledge and be answerable to all kinds of feedback. This will show your sincerity towards the business as well as the customers.


There may be other similar small businesses and relevant influencers with whom you can collaborate. Collaborating will extend your outreach and will help you establish a comradeship with other businesses which would increase your network. 

For this, conduct research of the relevant market, see what your budget allows, reach out to the ventures which can contribute productively to the growth of your business, and chalk out terms of your collaboration

Teaming up with others can expose your business to a new customer base and can prove to be a great advertising tool on Instagram.  

Use other facilitating platforms

It might not be feasible for small businesses to hire social media managers and content creators. 

However, this won’t be an obstacle in your journey because several other applications and websites provide tools for creating and managing content professionally for a nominal or no fee at all. 

There are apps that can assist you to plan a theme for your profile and organize it systematically, editing software which are easy to use, and even apps that remind you to post in order to be consistent. So, what are you waiting for? Every resource is already at your disposal for your Instagram marketing!


You don’t need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea. - Larry Page

In a world full of commercial competition, it surely is not easy to stand out; however, putting efforts into better content marketing gives you an edge over others and Instagram is like an open field, where you can begin playing anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. 

If you are looking to kickstart your career as a freelancer, Freedom2Work can help provide a stepping stone to making your dreams come true. Our experts at Freedom2Work help you apply for a freelance license and even a residence visa. Get in touch with us through the following details today!


Address: 213, Vakson Commercial Building, Umm Al Sheif, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

Phone number: 800-FREEDOM (373 3366)


Frequently asked questions

1. Is Instagram good for small businesses?

  • Yes, Instagram is a great space for small businesses to flourish. It has a conducive environment which can increase the outreach manifold. It also provides several analytical tools and marketing opportunities to utilize. 

2. How does Instagram help small businesses?

  • Apart from providing several marketing opportunities and a wide network to connect, Instagram also has a Support Small Business sticker which can be found in the stickers tray. 

3. What small business can I start on Instagram?

  • There is no limit to the number of small businesses you may venture into on Instagram. From being an influencer or a photographer to a reviewer, DIY expert, blogger/vlogger, or even to market your existing small business on the platform, Instagram has it all. 

4. How do businesses on Instagram make money?

  • After gaining a certain amount of recognition on Instagram, business accounts start receiving sponsorship and collaboration deals. You can even be an affiliate or make money by selling your own products directly on the platform. 

5. How do I start a small Instagram business?

  • After your business account is set up on Instagram, start publishing high-quality content to engage with the target audience and draw their attention. You may offer incentives or organize giveaways to get wider recognition.  

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