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Steps To Pitch Your Ideas Effectively


October 26th, 2021 21:24

How to pitch your ideas

Let us say that you have a superb idea for a start-up that is going to be a game-changer when it hits the markets. But, such an idea is of worth only when you have funding to manifest it into reality. And this distance between an idea and reality is covered by your pitch. 

So here are all the essential tips you need to pitch your ideas effectively. The post is divided into three main steps.

Step I: Creating and powerful pitch deck

Your pitch deck is the most important presentation you make and it can be a game-changer for your pitch. So here are some tips to make your pitch deck most persuasive and impossible to forget.

  • A picture is worth a thousand words. Visuals have a stronger impact and the use of some striking imagery can give some life to a pitch deck that can easily get mundane and boring.
  • Keep your pitch deck as simple as possible. Your pitch deck should not be your speech to recite. 
  • Try sticking to one idea for one slide to make your pitch more effective. Check out this Glance Test by Nancy Duarte and ensure that your slides are easy to read and digest by your audience.
  • The color and contrast of your pitch deck is another aspect that ensures that the presentation is doing its job.
  • Choose the layout and font of your pitch deck wisely to not lose the attention of your audience.
  • Make sure there are absolutely no errors in your pitch deck, be it spelling or in data and information. This is the biggest distraction for the audience and can undermine your value.
  • And finally, think out of the box. Anyone can make a pitch deck following the standard rules of presentation, but what is it that will make your business idea stand out for the investors to be interested?

Step II: Preparing the pitch

Now you have a powerful pitch deck that can aid you to present your idea, but how do you actually go about your pitch?

 Take note of the following tips to help you sway the investors in your favor:

  • Start with summarising your vision in one or two sentences. This ensures that your audience is interested in your pitch from the beginning itself.
  • Lay down all the facts and figures clearly. What is the problem? How is your product a solution? And what are your market opportunities?
  • Your pitch should be a compelling story that tells where and how you reached this idea and where you wish to take it. This will ensure the engagement of your audience.
  • Know your audience. This is crucial because it gives you an idea about who you are pitching to. Where have they invested before? How much? How much interest do they take in your industry? This will help you answer their primary question: What do they get out of it?
  • Keep your pitch short and honest. Ensure that at no point do you digress from the main aim which is selling your idea.
  • Practice your pitch. It will boost your confidence before the final show.
  • And don’t be afraid to show your passion and a bit of the emotional attachment with the idea. 

Step III: Preparing yourself for the pitch 

Now that you know how you want to go about pitching your start-up, it is time for the final word, which is to prepare yourself. As you make your presentation, your investors will be assessing you too. Do you seem confident? Sharp? Efficient? Reliable? 

The most important factor here is that the investors should be able to trust you with their money. So before you enter that conference room, you want to brush up on those people skills, straighten that crease off your shirt, put on your confidence suit, adjust your tie and be the best version of yourself.


While you work on any aspect of your pitch, the most important thing to keep in mind is the ultimate goal, which is to persuade someone to invest in your idea. Therefore, everything you do should be to sell your idea in the easiest and the simplest way for your investors to understand. 

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the purpose of a pitch?

  • A pitch is a way used by start-ups and business owners to get funding from investors. The idea behind a pitch is to convince the investors for putting money in your venture by telling them how it can earn profits.

2. Why are pitching skills important?

  • Pitching skills are essential for anyone who needs funding for their business. A good pitch is one that can influence the decision of the potential investors and make them interested in the idea.

3. What is the most important part of your pitch?

  • While the entire pitch is important, utmost importance may be placed on the explanation of the business model which takes up most of the tim of the pitch. The business model must be financially viable and must be supported with facts and figures. 

4. How do you sign off a pitch?

Here are some ways a pitch can be ended

  • Leave with a question to ponder upon
  • End with a famous quote
  • Bring the story to full circle
  • Pose a challenge to the audience
  • Include a call to action

5. What do investors look for in a pitch?

Here is what investors want from you when you pitch them your business idea:

  • Professionalism
  • Outline of your Unique Selling Point
  • The technical know-how of the industry
  • Initial marketing strategy
  • Dedication and determination
  • Ability to respond to all queries and solve problems

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