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Want to Read more? Try Stephen King's Way of Reading


March 1st, 2024 07:34

Want to Read more? Try Stephen King's Way of Reading 

"Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know."

Introduction: Why You Should Put More Effort into Reading

Lately, I found that in the name of being a book lover, all I have been doing is buying loads of books and stacking them on my shelves. I hardly ever reach out to read them. The reason you ask? The same old excuses that will resonate with many people: I don't have the time! Sigh! 

The truth is, that there always needs more time for anything. As I write this, the age-old saying that time and tide wait for none comes to my mind. 

So, what is the solution to this time paradox? You got to make time! Right?

Well,, everyone tells you that for everything. Make time for your hobbies, make time for your family, and make time for health. But no one tells How! 

Fret not because I have something more concrete than just a piece of advice to make time to read. Let us dig in.

Meet Stephen King

If you haven't lived under a rock all your life, chances are if you haven't read a King novel, you are at least aware of the many movie adaptations of his work. 

It is almost impossible to exaggerate Stephen King's impact. He has penned more than 60 novels and 200 short stories and has been terrifying his readers with his unique genre of bizarre horror. As a prolific writer, Stephen King has emphasized the importance of reading in many public statements over the decades. While trying to find the answer to my problem of finding the time to read, I came across this anecdote shared by one waiting in the queue outside a movie theatre. 

The Stephen King Way of Reading

So the story goes like this- As Stephen King waited in the queue, his face was buried in the book throughout. He continued to read inside the theatre until the lights were dim. And when the lights returned for the intermission, he opened his book again!

Do you see what happened here? This is making time for reading! He stole time from his day and put it to reading.

Let us compare this with the 10,000 steps rule. At the same time, there is no concrete science-backed evidence that 10,000 steps a day are THE ultimate health hack. But the urge to hit that particular number led to many people getting up and walking around whenever they could. Be it while talking on the phone, taking a longer route to the grocery store, or choosing to walk instead of taking a cab whenever you have to go somewhere.

It is the same thing with reading. You steal minutes from your day and just read. This means you don't need a schedule or time to read. You read anywhere and everywhere, anytime and all the time.

Tips & Tricks to Make the Most Out of Your by Adopting the Stephen King Way of Reading

Now that you know how to make the time for reading, here are some tips and tricks that will make it easier to make the time and bring you the joy of reading.

1. Always carry a book with you, even if you need more reading time.

2. Some of the best ways to steal minutes to read are during a commute, waiting in supermarket queues, theatres, doctor's offices,, etc. 

3. Choose books that interest you and those you would want to pick up at any time of the day when you can.

4. Try listening to audiobooks. That way, you can listen to your favourite books on the go. Imagine getting a book's goodness and hitting 10,000 steps in the same hour.

5. Cut down on social media. Instead, add reading apps to your phone so that even when you don't have a book, you will always have your phone, and your reading marathon can continue.

6. You can also time yourself throughout the day and see how much time you are stealing to read in a day. This progress check will ensure that you stay motivated.

7. Remember that reading is not confined to books only. Magazines, newspapers, short stories, informative blogs, everything counts in reading. It is important to consume good content rather than so much the form of it. 


So you see, with a few pages here and a few pages there, you don't have to wait for the holidays or weekends to read. The idea is to fit the book's pages where you can in your day.

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