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What To Do If A Client Is Ghosting You?


February 26th, 2024 09:16


Ghosting is a major concern, especially in business and freelancing, but what is ghosting?

Ghosting is commonly used to describe abruptly cutting off communication and disappearing without any explanation or further contact. While it originated in the context of personal relationships, such as dating, it has also become increasingly prevalent in professional settings. In business, ghosting refers to when a client or customer suddenly stops responding or engaging with a service provider or vendor, leaving them without any communication or closure.

Ghosting can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening for the party being ghosted. It can leave them feeling confused, unappreciated, and uncertain about the status of their relationship or the work they are doing. The lack of communication and closure can be particularly challenging for service providers who rely on client interactions to fulfil their obligations or complete projects.

Ghosting, the act of abruptly cutting off communication and disappearing without explanation, can be a frustrating and disheartening experience, especially when it involves a client. It leaves you with unanswered questions and a sense of unprofessionalism. However, it's essential to handle such situations with poise and professionalism.

This article will briefly discuss dealing with ghosting clients and moving forward productively.

Understanding the Reasons

Before taking action, it's important to understand the possible reasons behind a client ghosting you. There could be several explanations, such as miscommunication, a change in priorities, dissatisfaction with your work, or personal issues. Recognising these possibilities helps you approach the situation empathetically and find the best action.

Initial Steps 

When you realise that a client has ghosted you, taking some initial steps to ascertain the situation is essential. Review your communication history to ensure you have received all the messages and understood their intentions. Double-check deadlines, requirements, and any outstanding tasks. Once you're certain about the ghosting, give the client some time, usually a week, to respond. They may be experiencing temporary difficulties or delays.

Follow-up and Clarification

If the initial waiting period has passed without any response, it's time to follow up with the client. Reach out through various channels, such as email, phone, or other agreed-upon methods of communication. Be polite and professional in your message, expressing your concern and willingness to resolve any issues that may have led to the ghosting. Offer clarification on any misunderstandings, provide additional information, or ask if there are any changes or challenges you should be aware of.

Assessing the Relationship 

While waiting for a response, take the time to reflect on your working relationship with the client. Consider their previous behaviour, communication patterns, and overall satisfaction with your services. Was ghosting an isolated incident, or has the client shown signs of unreliability in the past? Evaluate whether continuing the professional relationship is in your best interest and aligns with your values and goals.

Exploring Alternatives

During the waiting period, it's wise to explore alternative options to minimise the impact of ghosting on your business. Contact other clients or prospects to fill the gap the ghosting client leaves. Focus on expanding your network, marketing your services, or pursuing new leads. Diversify your client base to reduce dependence on any single client.

Learning from the Experience

Regardless of the outcome of the ghosting client, there is always an opportunity for growth and learning. Reflect on the situation objectively and identify any potential areas for improvement. Were there any red flags you missed during the client onboarding process? Consider implementing changes to your procedures or communication strategies to avoid similar situations. This self-reflection will help you evolve professionally and enhance your ability to handle challenging clients.

Moving Forward 

Once you have given the client reasonable time to respond and pursue alternative options, it's time to move forward. Accept that the client's silence may be permanent and focus your energy on other projects and clients. Maintain professionalism and avoid badmouthing or engaging in negative discussions about the client. Word-of-mouth travels fast, and maintaining a positive reputation is crucial for long-term success.


Dealing with a ghosting client can be a painful experience, but handling such situations with professionalism and grace is important. By understanding the possible reasons behind ghosting, taking initial steps to clarify the situation, assessing the relationship, exploring alternative options, learning from the experience, and moving forward, you can minimise the impact and turn it into an opportunity for growth.

Remember, every setback is a chance to learn and improve, and by maintaining a positive attitude, you can thrive in your professional journey.

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