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Tips To Monetize Your Blog With Google AdSense


May 18th, 2022 13:28

Google AdSense for blogs

Google AdSense for blogs has come around to be an effective medium to earn passive income. It enables website owners to publish advertisements in various forms such as images, videos, or texts.

Clicking on these advertisements directs the person to the domain where they can know more about the product or service and purchase the same. For a website publisher to earn income in this manner, it is not necessary for the transaction to be finalised, since the earning is often based on per click or per-impression basis. 

Moreover, it obviates the need for the website publisher to interact with or convince prospective customers.

Hence, if you’re looking forward to creating a passive income stream, Google AdSense might be a possible course of action for you, and if you’re already on board, you might as well make the most out of it by customising your blog accordingly.

Here are a few ways in which you can monetize a blog with AdSense:

Easily spotted banners

In order to attract and retain the attention of a visitor, it must be ensured that your advertisements are well placed on the website, meaning that they are easily noticeable and not merely stumbled across. 

Placing the banners judiciously on the top, middle, and bottom of the page so as to provide maximum exposure will yield better results. Moreover, since the visitor’s first interaction with the advertisement would be with the leaderboard banner, the same should be engaging, appealing, as well as intriguing which will draw the potential customer to the main website.

Also, make the best use of the liberty of publishing different kinds of advertisements, and don’t give a second thought to experimenting with variation as that could help you discern what works the best for you while using AdSense for blogs.

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Work on the accessibility and promotion of your website

In order to promote a commodity or a service on your website, it is indispensable to increase the traffic on the latter. Ensuring your presence in the relevant groups, forums, and pages will help increase the outreach of your website. 

Social media, in this age, is quite prevalent; hence, an extensive presence on social media will not only make your web page more recognisable but will also make people comfortable with it which will increase its credibility. 

This, in turn, will make the advertisements on your website look more sincere and legitimate when you create a free blog with AdSense. 

Step up your SEO game

Search engine optimisation (SEO) can help increase the traffic to your page. An essential part of it is targeting long-tail keywords. Keeping in mind the relevancy of your blog, target-specific keywords will direct the relevant audience to your site and offer a good browsing experience to them.

Don’t go overboard

While using the maximum amount of ad placement through Google AdSense for blogs to get optimum results is a lucrative idea, it might not be very practical. The primary objective is to serve the interest of the user as that would ultimately decide the success of your endeavour. 

Storming the viewers with ads might lead to the contrary outcome. These ads should be well balanced with a website's content where the latter doesn’t get eclipsed by the former because the viewers essentially visit a website for the content and not the advertisements.

Analyse your approach

AdSense for blogs leaves a great deal of room for you to explore different ways of advertising. Given the nature of the product you are advertising, it may happen that one approach might prove to be more expedient than another. 

For example, if you are advertising the services of a bank, text boxes will suffice; however, for products like eatables, visual representation in the form of an image or a video might yield a better response.

Therefore, initially, keep a record of the methods adopted for your blog in terms of their efficiency and finally zero in on the most efficacious approach.


Amidst all the strategising and planning, it is good to keep in mind that advertising should not be a technical process where products are promoted left, right, and center. It should have an element of reliance and integrity to it which, in fact, adds to the quality of advertisement.

If you are looking to kickstart and scale your career as a freelancer, Freedom2Work can help provide a stepping stone to making your dreams come true. Our experts at Freedom2Work help you apply for a freelance license and even a residence visa. Get in touch with us through the following details today!


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Frequently asked questions

1. How to get started with Google AdSense?

  • You would need to sign up and log in to the AdSense account. The originality and quality of the content should be guaranteed. Furthermore, AdSense programs and policies have to be adhered to and the account needs to be reviewed and approved. 

2. Is Google AdSense free?

  • Using Google AdSense is absolutely free of cost. Google pays you per click or impressions on the ads on your website. It is a free and convenient way to display relevant ads. 

3. How can I earn money using Google AdSense?

  • You can monetize the website using Google Adsense, which then optimizes the ads so that they are seen and get more chances to be clicked on. It matches the ads to the website, based on the contents and viewers. 

4. What is the age requirement for Google AdSense?

  • Google AdSense accepts applications only if the person applying is at least 18 years old. In case a person below 18 years of age wishes to apply, the same can be done using a parent’s or a guardian’s Google account. 

5. How do I get approved for AdSense?

  • Website compatibility is required to be approved for AdSense along with other requisites such as adding the AdSense code after signing up and logging in and finishing the formalities of the review and approval process.

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